
Eclipse 相关的一些资源

这里列的是主站上的资源,还可以到各个 mirror 上去下: 



Eclipse 2.1.3 稳定版:... 

Ecose 3.0 M8版:... 

Eclipse 的 Language Pack(装上之后就是全中文的了):... 

<b>Eclipse 教学文档例子:</b> 


<b>Jetty launcher for Eclipse:</b> 


<b>Tomcat launcher for Eclipse:</b> 


<b>Lomboz,另一个开源的 JBoss/Tomcat launcher for Eclipse:</b>... 


顺便说一句,这个 Lomboz 可以做很多事情,是使用 Eclipse+JBoss 做 J2EE 的首选。 



?:Eclipse PDF 文档: 


<b>Eclipse 教程1:</b> 



<b>Eclipse 教程2:</b> 


比较有趣的是教程中有一篇在 Windows 上使用 GCJ 编译 native 的Eclipse 应用程序的文档: 


使用的工具就是以前我和 robbin 等朋友讨论过的 GCJ for Windows:例子中访问 MySQL 数据库也是采用使用 GCJ 将 JDBC Driver 编译成 native 代码再连接的方法,看来老外也没什么好的招数。 

<b>Eclipse Platform Technical Overview</b>... 


?:Open Source Tools: A Look At Eclipse 


OMG Joins Eclipse Open Source Group 


Open-Source Eclipse Will Gain Independence, Broader Appeal 


Million Donation Of Software To Open Source Community 


XML Development With The Open Source Eclipse Platform 


Eclipse Loads Open Source Technology Project 


<b>Eclipse Workbench</b> 


IBM's Open Source Plan To "Eclipse" 


Microsoft And Eclipse Open Source 


Review: Eclipse 3,0 Milestone Build 2 


Java-Based, Open Source Eclipse 


Eclipse Sheds Light On Tool Update 


IBM's Open-Source Platform Earns Praise From Developers 


?:JavaOne: HP Intros Open Source Eclipse IDE Tool 


Java Development Gains Consistency Under Eclipse IDE 


Open Source Content Management For Midsze, Large Enterprises 


Eclipse Adds Open Source Visual Tools Project 


JESS: Open Source Java IDE 

  http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg05635.html 

Eclipse Launches Technology Project Supporting Research, Education And Engineering Initiatives 


HP Brews Up Open Source Java Tool 


New Eclipse Project Addresses Automated Software Quality 


<b>C/C++ Development Eclipse Platform</b> 


Predicting The Open Source Eclipses 


Eclipse 2.1 Available For Download 


Eclipse: An Open Source Tool Framework 

Open Source: IBM's Deadly Weapon 


Open Source 生力军, 开发平台新星-- Eclipse 


<b>PHPEclipse - An Open Source PHP IDE</b>... 


?:Get Up To Speed On Open Source 


<b>How To Set Up Your Eclipse Environment</b> 


?:Eclipse Restructuring Seeks Broader Industry Input 


Eclipse Must Be Truly Rich ! 


What's Eclipse ? 


IBM's Eclipse vs. SUN's NetBeans ? Not Really 


IBM To Release New Eclipse To Run On Jikes VM (NewsForge) 


?:Eclipse Plans Open Source UML Testing Tools 


Open Source Java - Eclipse 


<b>Eclipse 2 For java Developers (Book) 2003</b>... 


<b>Eclipse In Action: A Guide For Java Developers (Book) 2003</b>... 


<b>The Java Developer's Guide To Eclipse (Book) 2003</b>... 


?:Eclipse.org Releases Improved Open Source Platform 


Open-Source Software Environment To Challenge Proprietaries 


?:Eclipse - Commercial Grade Java Development Environment 




?:The Best Java/UML Reverse Engineering Tool _EclipseUML Free Edition 1.1.9 


<b>Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)</b> 


<b>Eclipse Modeling Framework (Book) 2003</b> 


<b>Eclipse: Step By Step (Book) 2003</b> 


<b>Contributing To Eclipse: Principles, Patterns, And Plugins (Book) 2003</b> 


<b>Eclipse/WSAD - TomcatPlugin</b> 




Useful Eclipse Plugins 


<b>Struts Studio 5.0 Based On Eclipse</b> 


<b>Easy Struts For Eclipse</b> 


<b>Improve C# Plugin For Eclipse</b> 


<b>Eclipse Plugins</b> 


MVC Programmers: Help Menu Configuration In Eclipse 

  http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00082.html 

<b>Eclipse Community Projects And Plug-Ins</b> 


<b>Struts: An Open Source Architecture For Web Applications</b> 


<b>DrJava -- A Friendly Face For Eclipse</b> 


JUnit Testing With Maven, Hibernate 


?:Hibernate 中文论坛Eclipse 版 


?:使用Hibernate 进行对象的关系映射 


OpenWeb 成功案例 


?:OpenWeb 开放源工具的因特网软件工程系列培训 



Open Source 团队添生力军Eclipse成员增加到30名 




