
深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards

深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards

近期,备受设计界关注的2021 London Design Awards伦敦设计奖,揭晓最终评选结果。由YANG设计倾力打造的“深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店”荣获2021 London Design Awards银奖。

Recently, the 2021 London Design Awards has announced the list of winners. YANG’s well-crafted design - Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center – has the honor to win the SILVER AWARD.

深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards

这是2021年度,继法国权威设计大奖DNA Paris Design Awards、美国MUSE Design Awards、世界设计奖World Design Awards ,及美国建筑大师奖 (AMP)后,“深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店”荣获的第五座国际赞誉!

In addition to DNA Paris Design Awards, MUSE Design Awards, World Design Awards, and Architecture Master Prize™ (AMP), this is the fifth international accolade awarded to Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center in 2021.

深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards

London Design Awards伦敦设计大奖是由汇聚了来自世界各地的95000多名创意人士的全球创意平台DRIVEN x DESIGN主办,是备受瞩目的DRIVENxDESIGN AWARDS全球系列大奖,经过16年的发展,已成为设计界最具影响力的荣誉之一。伦敦设计奖包含建筑,室内,产品,平面,数字化&体验设计,最佳设计,最佳工作室&最佳新锐工作室,及40多个细分类别。旨在加速变革,激励创作,提供更多设计需求。

The London Design Awards is hosted by DRIVEN x DESIGN, a global platform that brings together more than 95,000 creative talents from all over the world. After 16 years of development, this award has become one of the most influential honors in the design community.The London Design Awards program celebrates and honors the role of design and the creativity of designers, while recognizing all aspects of design, including architecture, interior design, product design, graphic design, digital innovation, and other over 40 sub-categories.

深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards
深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards


Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center manifests the distinct characteristics and exquisite tastes of urban business elites. The hotel carries on Shenzhen’s innovative spirit in its design, showcasing the time-honored shipping culture of China Merchants Group as well as the exhibition feature and Lingnan culture.

深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards

▲ 深圳国际会展中心希尔顿酒店 - 获奖证书

深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards

▲ 深圳国际会展中心希尔顿酒店(点击图片进入欣赏)

深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards
深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店荣获英国2021London Design Awards


In the process of design, YANG always puts culture first. YANG’s design works perfectly reflect the profound cultural characteristics of every project site. As Mr. Yang Bangsheng, the founder of YANG & Associates Group, said, “Our design works not only have a glamorous appearance, but also dig deep into the intrinsic spirit of the place where the project is located.”
