
【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

System Variable


<a>SET APPI[NFO]{ON |?OFF?|?text}</a>

Sets automatic registering of scripts through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.

<a>SET ARRAY[SIZE] {15?|?n}</a>





<a>SET BLO[CKTERMINATOR] {. |?c?|?ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET CMDS[EP] {; |?c?| ON |?OFF}</a>

<a>SET COLSEP { |?text}</a>

<a>SET CON[CAT] {. |?c?|?ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET COPYC[OMMIT] {0?|?n}</a>


<a>SET DEF[INE] {&amp;?|?c?|?ON?| OFF}</a>


<a>SET ECHO {ON |?OFF}</a>

<a>SET EDITF[ILE]?file_name[.ext]</a>

<a>SET EMB[EDDED] {ON |?OFF}</a>

<a>SET ERRORL[OGGING] {ON |?OFF} [TABLE [schema.]tablename] [TRUNCATE] [IDENTIFIER?identifier]</a>

<a>SET ESC[APE] {\?|?c?| ON |?OFF}</a>

<a>SET ESCCHAR {@ | ? | % | $ |?OFF}</a>


<a>SET FEED[BACK] {6?|?n?|?ON?| OFF}</a>


<a>SET FLU[SH] {ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET HEA[DING] {ON?| OFF}</a>

Controls printing of column headings in reports.

<a>SET HEADS[EP] { |?c?|?ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET INSTANCE [instance_path?|?LOCAL]</a>

<a>SET LIN[ESIZE] {80?|?n}</a>

<a>SET LOBOF[FSET] {1?|?n}</a>

<a>SET LOGSOURCE [pathname]</a>

<a>SET LONG {80?|?n}</a>

<a>SET LONGC[HUNKSIZE] {80?|?n}</a>

<a>SET MARK[UP] HTML [ON |?OFF] [HEAD?text] [BODY?text] [TABLE?text] [ENTMAP {ON?| OFF}] [SPOOL {ON |?OFF}] [PRE[FORMAT] {ON |?OFF}]</a>

Outputs HTML marked up text.

<a>SET NEWP[AGE] {1?|?n?| NONE}</a>

<a>SET NULL?text</a>

<a>SET NUMF[ORMAT]?format</a>

<a>SET NUM[WIDTH] {10?|?n}</a>

<a>SET PAGES[IZE] {14?|?n}</a>

<a>SET PAU[SE] {ON |?OFF?|?text}</a>


RECSEP tells SQL*Plus where to make the record separation.

<a>SET RECSEPCHAR { |?c}</a>


Controls whether to display the output (that is, DBMS_OUTPUT PUT_LINE) of stored procedures or PL/SQL blocks in SQL*Plus.


<a>SET SHOW[MODE] {ON |?OFF}</a>


<a>SET SQLC[ASE] {MIX[ED]?| LO[WER] | UP[PER]}</a>

<a>SET SQLCO[NTINUE] {&gt;?|?text}</a>



<a>SET SQLPRE[FIX] {#?|?c}</a>

<a>SET SQLP[ROMPT] {SQL&gt;?|?text}</a>

<a>SET SQLT[ERMINATOR] {;?|?c?|?ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET SUF[FIX] {SQL?|?text}</a>

<a>SET TAB {ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET TERM[OUT] {ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET TI[ME] {ON |?OFF}</a>

<a>SET TIMI[NG] {ON |?OFF}</a>

<a>SET TRIM[OUT] {ON?| OFF}</a>


<a>SET UND[ERLINE] {-?|?c?|?ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET VER[IFY] {ON?| OFF}</a>

<a>SET WRA[P] {ON?| OFF}</a>


<a>SET XQUERY BASEURI {text}</a>



<a>SET XQUERY CONTEXT {text}</a>

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

This enables the performance and resource usage of each script to be monitored by your DBA. The registered name appears in the MODULE column of theV$SESSION and V$SQLAREA virtual tables. You can also read the registered name using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.READ_MODULE procedure.

ON registers scripts invoked by the @, @@ or START commands. OFF disables registering of scripts. Instead, the current value of text is registered. textspecifies the text to register when no script is being run or when APPINFO is OFF, which is the default. The default for text is "SQL*Plus". If you enter multiple words for text, you must enclose them in quotes. The maximum length for text is limited by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.

The registered name has the format nn@xfilename where: nn is the depth level of script; x is '&lt;' when the script name is truncated, otherwise, it is blank; andfilename is the script name, possibly truncated to the length allowed by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package interface.

To display the value of APPINFO, as it is SET OFF by default, enter

To change the default text, enter

To make sure that registration has taken place, enter

To change APPINFO back to its default setting, enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Valid values are 1 to 5000. A large value increases the efficiency of queries and subqueries that fetch many rows, but requires more memory. Values over approximately 100 provide little added performance. ARRAYSIZE has no effect on the results of SQL*Plus operations other than increasing efficiency.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

ON commits pending changes to the database after Oracle Database executes each successful INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, or PL/SQL block. OFF suppresses automatic committing so that you must commit changes manually (for example, with the SQL command COMMIT). IMMEDIATE functions in the same manner as ON. n commits pending changes to the database after Oracle Database executes n successful SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands, or PL/SQL blocks. n cannot be less than zero or greater than 2,000,000,000. The statement counter is reset to zero after successful completion of n INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE commands or PL/SQL blocks, a commit, a rollback, or a SET AUTOCOMMIT command.

SET AUTOCOMMIT does not alter the commit behavior when SQL*Plus exits. Any uncommitted data is committed by default.


For this feature, a PL/SQL block is considered one transaction, regardless of the actual number of SQL commands contained within it.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus automatically displays bind variables (referenced in a successful PL/SQL block or used in an EXECUTE command).

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

No interaction is needed, provided the necessary files are in the expected locations with the expected names. The filenames used are derived from the values of the initialization parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT.

To set the recovery mode to AUTOMATIC, enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

The report can include execution statistics and the query execution path.

SQL*Plus report output may differ for DML if dynamic sampling is in effect.

Using ON or TRACEONLY with no explicit options defaults to EXPLAIN STATISTICS.

The TRACEONLY option may be useful to suppress the query data of large queries. If STATISTICS is specified, SQL*Plus still fetches the query data from the server, however, the data is not displayed.

The AUTOTRACE report is printed after the statement has successfully completed.

When SQL*Plus produces a STATISTICS report, a second connection to the database is automatically created. This connection is closed when the STATISTICS option is set to OFF, or you log out of SQL*Plus.

The formatting of your AUTOTRACE report may vary depending on the version of the server to which you are connected and the configuration of the server. The additional information and tabular output of AUTOTRACE PLAN is supported when connecting to Oracle Database 10g (Release 10.1) or later. When you connect to an earlier database, the older form or AUTOTRACE reporting is used.

AUTOTRACE is not available when FIPS flagging is enabled.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

It cannot be an alphanumeric character or a whitespace. To execute the block, you must issue a RUN or / (slash) command.

OFF means that SQL*Plus recognizes no PL/SQL block terminator. ON changes the value of c back to the default period (.), not the most recently used character.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

ON or OFF controls whether you can enter multiple commands on a line. ON automatically sets the command separator character to a semicolon (;).

To specify a title with TTITLE and format a column with COLUMN, both on the same line, enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Sets the column separator character printed between columns in output.

If the COLSEP variable contains blanks or punctuation characters, you must enclose it with single quotes. The default value for text is a single space.

To set the column separator to "|" enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

SQL*Plus resets the value of CONCAT to a period when you switch CONCAT on.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

COPY commits rows to the destination database each time it copies n row batches. Valid values are zero to 5000. You can set the size of a batch with the ARRAYSIZE variable. If you set COPYCOMMIT to zero, COPY performs a commit only at the end of a copy operation.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

This is to facilitate copying to DB2, which requires that a CHAR be copied to a DB2 DATE.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus will scan commands for substitution variables and replace them with their values. ON changes the value of c back to the default '&amp;', not the most recently used character. The setting of DEFINE to OFF overrides the setting of the SCAN variable.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

To create an object type ADDRESS, enter

To create the table EMPLOYEE that contains a nested object, EMPADDR, of type ADDRESS, enter

To describe the table EMPLOYEE to a depth of two levels, and to indent the output and display line numbers, enter:

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【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary
【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

OFF forces each report to start at the top of a new page. ON enables a report to begin anywhere on a page. Set EMBEDDED to ON when you want a report to begin printing immediately following the end of the previously run report.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

If an internal error occurs, to avoid recursion errors caused by the errorlog calling itself, errorlogging is automatically set OFF.

Error logging is set OFF by default.


Writes ORA, PLS and SP2 errors to the default table, SPERRORLOG.


Disables error .

TABLE [schema.]tablename

Specifies a user defined table to use instead of the default, SPERRORLOG. If you omit schema. the table is created in the current schema. The table you specify must exist, and you must have access permissions.

If the table specified does not exist, or you do not have access, an error message is displayed and the default table, SPERRORLOG, is used.


Clears all existing rows in the error log table and begins recording errors from the current session.

IDENTIFIER identifier

A user defined string to identify errors. You can use it to identify errors from a particular session or from a particular version of a query.

You can create one or more error log tables to use other than the default. Before specifying a user defined error log table with the TABLE schema.tablenameoption, you must create it and ensure that you have permissions to access it. The error log table has the following column definitions:





Oracle account name.



Time when the error occurred.



Name of the originating script if applicable.


User defined identifier string.



ORA, PLA or SP2 error message. No feed back messages are included. For example, "PL/SQL Block Created" is not recorded.


The statement causing the error.

To use a user defined log table, you must have permission to access the table, and you must issue the SET ERRORLOGGING command with the TABLEschema.tablename option to identify the error log table and the schema if applicable.

To use the default error log table to record query errors from a script, myfile.sql, which contains the following:

Enter the following:

which produces the following output:

To view the errror log written to the default error log table, SPERRORLOG, enter:






Mon May 08 21:30:03 2006



open :u for select * from dept;

ORA-06550: line 2, column 27:

Mon May 08 21:30:05 2006

PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

ORA-06550: line 2, column 13:

PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

Mon May 08 21:30:06 2006

show errors procedure "sss"

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

Mon May 08 21:30:09 2006

set garbage

SP2-0158: unknown SET option "garbage"

Mon May 08 21:30:10 2006


ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

To use a user defined error log table to record query errors from a script, myfile.sql, which contains the following:

To use an error log table other than the default:

Create the error log table you want to use

Specify the table you want to use with the TABLE option of the SET ERRORLOGGING ON command.

John wants to use an error log table named john_sperrorlog. John would run the following SQL statements to create the new error log table:

John then issues the following SET command to enable error logging using the newly created error log table

All error logging for John is now recorded to john_sperrorlog, and not to the default error log table, SPERRORLOG.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

OFF undefines the escape character. ON enables the escape character. ON changes the value of c back to the default "\".

You can use the escape character before the substitution character (set through SET DEFINE) to indicate that SQL*Plus should treat the substitution character as an ordinary character rather than as a request for variable substitution.

If you define the escape character as an exclamation point (!), then

displays this prompt:

To set the escape character back to the default value of \ (backslash), enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

While it is not recommended that these characters are used in filenames, if you have legacy files that do use them, it might be useful to include a SET ESCCHAR command in your GLogin file to implement it across your site.

If you include the character '$' in your filename, then

behaves normally.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

The default setting is ON, which means that work is committed on exit, whether you expected it to be committed or not. Set EXITCOMMIT OFF to rollback work on exit.




Exit Behavior




【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

ON or OFF turns this display on or off. Turning feedback ON sets n to 1. Setting feedback to zero is equivalent to turning it OFF.

SET FEEDBACK OFF also turns off the statement confirmation messages such as 'Table created' and 'PL/SQL procedure successfully completed' that are displayed after successful SQL or PL/SQL statements.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

If any non-standard constructs are found, the Oracle Database Server flags them as errors and displays the violating syntax. This is the equivalent of the SQL language ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER command.

You may execute SET FLAGGER even if you are not connected to a database. FIPS flagging will remain in effect across SQL*Plus sessions until a SET FLAGGER OFF (or ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER = OFF) command is successful or you exit SQL*Plus.

When FIPS flagging is enabled, SQL*Plus displays a warning for the CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER commands, even if they are successful.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Use OFF only when you run a script non-interactively (that is, when you do not need to see output and/or prompts until the script finishes running). The use of FLUSH OFF may improve performance by reducing the amount of program I/O.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

ON prints column headings in reports; OFF suppresses column headings.

The SET HEADING OFF command does not affect the column width displayed, it only suppresses the printing of the column header itself.

To suppress the display of column headings in a report, enter

If you then run a SQL SELECT command

the following output results:

To turn the display of column headings back on, enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

The heading separator character cannot be alphanumeric or white space. You can use the heading separator character in the COLUMN command and in the old forms of BTITLE and TTITLE to divide a column heading or title onto more than one line. ON or OFF turns heading separation on or off. When heading separation is OFF, SQL*Plus prints a heading separator character like any other character. ON changes the value of c back to the default "|".

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Changes the default instance for your session to the specified instance path.

Using the SET INSTANCE command does not connect to a database. The default instance is used for commands when no instance is specified. Any commands preceding the first use of SET INSTANCE communicate with the default instance.

To reset the instance to the default value for your operating system, you can either enter SET INSTANCE with no instance_path or SET INSTANCE LOCAL.

Note, you can only change the instance when you are not currently connected to any instance. That is, you must first make sure that you have disconnected from the current instance, then set or change the instance, and reconnect to an instance in order for the new setting to be enabled.

This command may only be issued when Oracle Net is running. You can use any valid Oracle Net connect identifier as the specified instance path. See your operating system-specific Oracle Database documentation for a complete description of how your operating system specifies Oracle Net connect identifiers. The maximum length of the instance path is 64 characters.

To set the default instance to "PROD1" enter

To set the instance back to the default of local, enter

You must disconnect from any connected instances to change the instance.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

It also controls the position of centered and right-aligned text in TTITLE, BTITLE, REPHEADER and REPFOOTER. Changing the linesize setting can affect text wrapping in output from the DESCRIBE command. DESCRIBE output columns are typically allocated a proportion of the linesize. Decreasing or increasing the linesize may give unexpected text wrapping in your display. You can define LINESIZE as a value from 1 to a maximum that is system dependent.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

To set the starting position from which a CLOB column's data is retrieved to the 22nd position, enter

The CLOB data will wrap on your screen; SQL*Plus will not truncate until the 23rd character.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

The default value is set by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST initialization parameter in the Oracle Database initialization file, init.ora. Using the SET LOGSOURCE command without a pathname restores the default location.

To set the default location of log files for recovery to the directory "/usr/oracle10/dbs/arch" enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Querying LONG columns requires enough local memory to store the amount of data specified by SET LONG, irrespective of the value of the SET LONGCHUNKSIZE command. This requirement does not apply when querying LOBs.

It is recommended that you do not create tables with LONG columns. LONG columns are supported only for backward compatibility. Use LOB columns (BLOB, BFILE, CLOB, NCLOB) instead. LOB columns have fewer restrictions than LONG columns and are still being enhanced.

The maximum value of n is 2,000,000,000 bytes. It is important to check that the memory required by your SET LONG command is available on your machine, for example:

assumes that available RAM (random access memory) on the machine exceeds 2 gigabytes.

To set the maximum number of bytes to fetch for displaying and copying LONG values, to 500, enter

The LONG data will wrap on your screen; SQL*Plus will not truncate until the 501st byte. The default for LONG is 80 bytes.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

LONGCHUNKSIZE is not used for object relational queries such as CLOB, or NCLOB.

To set the size of the increments in which SQL*Plus retrieves LONG values to 100 bytes, enter

The LONG data will be retrieved in increments of 100 bytes until the entire value is retrieved or the value of SET LONG is reached, whichever is the smaller.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

To be effective, SET MARKUP commands that change values in dynamic report output must occur before statements that produce query output. The first statement that produces query output triggers the output of information affected by SET MARKUP such as HEAD and TABLE settings. Subsequent SET MARKUP commands have no effect on the information already sent to the report.

Use the SHOW MARKUP command to view the status of MARKUP options.

The following is a script which uses the SET MARKUP HTML command to enable HTML marked up text to be spooled to a specified file:

The SET MARKUP example command is laid out for readability using line continuation characters "–" and spacing. Command options are concatenated in normal entry.

Use your favorite text editor to enter the commands necessary to set up the HTML options and the query you want for your report.

As this script contains SQL*Plus commands, do not attempt to run it with / (slash) from the buffer because it will fail. Save the script in your text editor and use START to execute it:

As well as writing the HTML spool file, employee.htm, the output is also displayed on screen because SET TERMOUT defaults to ON. You can view the spool file, employee.htm, in your web browser. It should appear something like the following:

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【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Use the NULL clause of the COLUMN command to override the setting of the NULL variable for a given column. The default output for a null is blank ("").

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【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

COLUMN FORMAT settings take precedence over SET NUMFORMAT settings, which take precedence over SET NUMWIDTH settings.

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【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

SET PAUSE ON pauses output at the beginning of each PAGESIZE number of lines of report output. Press Return to view more output. SET PAUSE text specifies the text to be displayed each time SQL*Plus pauses. Multiple words in text must be enclosed in single quotes.

You can embed terminal-dependent escape sequences in the PAUSE command. These sequences allow you to create inverse video messages or other effects on terminals that support such characteristics.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

For example, if you set RECSEP to WRAPPED, SQL*Plus prints a record separator only after wrapped lines. If you set RECSEP to EACH, SQL*Plus prints a record separator following every row. If you set RECSEP to OFF, SQL*Plus does not print a record separator.

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A record separator consists of a single line of the RECSEPCHAR (record separating character) repeated LINESIZE times. The default is a single space.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

OFF suppresses the output of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. ON displays the output.

ON uses the SIZE and FORMAT of the previous SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE n FORMAT f, or uses default values if no SET SERVEROUTPUT command was previously issued in the current connection.

SIZE sets the number of bytes of the output that can be buffered within the Oracle Database server. The default is UNLIMITED. n cannot be less than 2000 or greater than 1,000,000.

Resources are not pre-allocated when SERVEROUTPUT is set. As there is no performance penalty, use UNLIMITED unless you want to conserve physical memory.

Every server output line begins on a new output line.

When WORD_WRAPPED is enabled, each line of server output is wrapped within the line size specified by SET LINESIZE. Lines are broken on word boundaries. SQL*Plus left justifies each line, skipping all leading whitespace.

When TRUNCATED is enabled, each line of server output is truncated to the line size specified by SET LINESIZE.

To enable text display in a PL/SQL block using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, enter

The following example shows what happens when you execute an anonymous procedure with SET SERVEROUTPUT ON:

The following example shows what happens when you create a trigger with SET SERVEROUTPUT ON:

To set the output to WORD_WRAPPED, enter

To set the output to TRUNCATED, enter

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Use VISIBLE for terminals that display shift characters as a visible character (for example, a space or a colon). INVISIBLE is the opposite and does not display any shift characters.

To enable the display of shift characters on a terminal that supports them, enter

where ":" = visible shift character uppercase represents multibyte characters

lowercase represents singlebyte characters

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【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Enter the BLOCKTERMINATOR to stop SQL command entry without running the SQL command. Enter the SQLTERMINATOR character to stop SQL command entry and run the SQL statement.

To allow blank lines in a SQL statement, enter

The following output results:

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SQL*Plus converts all text within the command, including quoted literals and identifiers, to uppercase if SQLCASE equals UPPER, to lowercase if SQLCASE equals LOWER, and makes no changes if SQLCASE equals MIXED.

SQLCASE does not change the SQL buffer itself.

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To set the SQL*Plus command continuation prompt to an exclamation point followed by a space, enter

SQL*Plus will prompt for continuation as follows:

The default continuation prompt is "&gt; ".

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【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Where x is the version number, y is the release number, and z is the update number. For example, 8.1.7, 9.0.1 or 10.2. The features affected by SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY are tabulated in the SQL*Plus Compatibility Matrix shown. You can also set the value of SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY using the -C[OMPATIBILITY] argument of the SQLPLUS command when starting SQL*Plus from the command line.

The default setting for SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY is the value of the SQL*Plus client.

It is recommended that you add SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY 11.2 to your scripts to maximize their compatibility with future versions of SQL*Plus.

The SQL*Plus Compatibility Matrix tabulates behavior affected by each SQL*Plus compatibility setting. SQL*Plus compatibility modes can be set in three ways:

You can include a SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY command in your site or user profile. On installation, there is no SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY setting in glogin.sql. Therefore the default compatibility is 11.2.

You can use the SQLPLUS -C[OMPATIBILITY] {x.y[.z]} command argument at startup to set the compatibility mode of that session.

You can use the SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY {x.y[.z]} command during a session to set the SQL*Plus behavior you want for that session.

The following table shows the release of SQL*Plus which introduced the behavior change, and hence the minimum value of SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY to obtain that behavior. For example, to obtain the earlier behavior of the VARIABLE command, you must either use a version of SQL*Plus earlier than 9.0.1, or you must use a SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY value of less than 9.0.1. The lowest value that can be set for SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY is 7.3.4



When available


SHOW ERRORS sorts PL/SQL error messages using new columns only available in Oracle Database 10g.


SPOOL Options CREATE, REPLACE, SAVE were added which may affect filename parsing on some platforms.


Whitespace characters are allowed in Windows file names that are enclosed in quotes. Some other special punctuation characters are now disallowed in Windows.


Uses the obsolete DOC&gt; prompt when echoing /* comments.

&gt;= 9.2

A wide column defined FOLD_AFTER may be displayed at the start of a new line. Otherwise it is incorrectly put at the end of the preceding line with a smaller width than expected.


&gt;= 9.0

Whitespace before a slash ("/") in a SQL statement is ignored and the slash is taken to mean execute the statement. Otherwise the slash is treated as part of the statement, for example, as a division sign.

The length specified for NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 types is characters. Otherwise the length may represent bytes or characters depending on the character set.


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【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Variable substitution occurs each time SQLPROMPT is SET. If SQLPROMPT is included in glogin.sql, then substitution variables in SQLPROMPT are refreshed with each login or connect.

To change your SQL*Plus prompt to display your connection identifier, enter:

To set the SQL*Plus command prompt to show the current user, enter

To change your SQL*Plus prompt to display your the current date, the current user and the users privilege level, enter:

To change your SQL*Plus prompt to display a variable you have defined, enter:

Text in nested quotes is not parsed for substitution. To have a SQL*Plus prompt of your username, followed by "@", and then your connection identifier, enter:

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

It cannot be an alphanumeric character or a whitespace. OFF means that SQL*Plus recognizes no command terminator; you terminate a SQL command by entering an empty line or a slash (/). If SQLBLANKLINES is set ON, you must use the BLOCKTERMINATOR to terminate a SQL command. ON resets the terminator to the default semicolon (;).

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

To change the default command-file extension from the default, .SQL to .TXT, enter

If you then enter

SQL*Plus will look for a file named EXAMPLE.TXT instead of EXAMPLE.SQL.

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ON displays timing statistics on each SQL command or PL/SQL block run. OFF suppresses timing of each command.

The format of timing statistics is dependent on the operating system. In Linux and Windows, the timing statistics are in 24 hour format displaying hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of seconds

If you enter

SQL*Plus displays output like

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Use the WRAPPED and TRUNCATED clauses of the COLUMN command to override the setting of WRAP for specific columns.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Controls whether only XML queries and DML operations that are fully optimized are executed. ON prevents the execution of any XML query or DML operation that cannot be fully optimized and writes the reason in the trace file. OFF does not prevent the execution of such queries and operations. OFF is the default.

SET XMLOPT[IMIZATIONCHECK] ON is only to assist during development and debugging an XML query or DML operation.

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Specifies the base URI used to resolve relative URIs in functions. It enables the prefix of the file accessed by an XQuery to be changed.

To unset the BASEURI, set an empty string, for example:

Take care to enter valid values as values are checked only when an XQUERY command is issued.

This is equivalent to:

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Sets the ordering of output from an XQuery. There are three values:

UNORDERED specifies that results are sorted in the order they are retrieved from the database.

ORDERED specifies that results are sorted as defined by the XQuery.

DEFAULT specifies the database default. In Oracle Database 10g the default is UNORDERED.

When SET XQUERY ORDERING is not set, the default is DEFAULT (UNORDERED).

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Sets the node identity preservation mode. The preservation mode applies to all expressions that either create a new node (such as element constructors) or return an item or sequence containing nodes (such as path expressions). There are three values:

BYVALUE specifies that the node identity need not be preserved. This means that any node operation such as creation, or that is returned as a result of an expression is deep copied and loses its context from the original tree. Subsequent operations on this node that test for node identity, parent or sibling axes or ordering will be undefined.

BYREFERENCE specifies that node identities are to be preserved. Subsequent operations on this node preserve the node's context and definition.

DEFAULT specifies the database default. In Oracle Database 10g the default is BYVALUE.

When SET XQUERY NODE is not set, the default is DEFAULT (BYVALUE).

【OH】SET System Variable Summary SQLPLUS 系统变量设置 SET System Variable Summary

Specifies an XQuery context item expression. A context item expression evaluates to the context item, which may be either a node (as in the expression fn:doc("bib.xml")//book[fn:count(./author)&gt;1]), or an atomic value (as in the expression (1 to 100)[. mod 5 eq 0]).

To unset the XQUERY CONTEXT, set an empty string, for example: