
京东360buy 手机项目的“加入购物车”动画效果研究

 <b>It looks like this :</b> when you add an item to the shopping cart ,it will generate a very <b>small ball</b>, and <b>this ball jump to “Shopping Cart Icon”</b> ,which lays at the bottom of the screen.

Then the shopping cart icon will changed so that it tells the user there are some items in it )

It just looks as what we do in the shopping center, and imitate the abstract process of “add something into the shopping cart in e-commerce activity”

<a href="http://blog.51cto.com/attachment/201204/135225113.png" target="_blank"></a>

After doing a deeply <b>investigation of android and discuss with Niko</b> ,one of my best friends ,who has plenty experience of UI ,we think that this feature can be implemented by javascript, but if we use java script ,we are <b>building a web mobile application instead of non-web mobile application</b> .But to web mobile application ,we need the <b>PhoneGap technology </b>to transform it to the native mobile application ,which obey our design principle (We try to avoid “phonegap”)

<a href="http://blog.51cto.com/attachment/201204/135236468.png" target="_blank"></a>

The <b>dis-advantages</b> of phone gap:

1.       Bad performance ,run speed, long delay when interaction with end user

2.       Can’t talk with other mobile applications which are not written by Phone Gap technology ,maybe these applications are written by others or downloads from internet.

本文转自 charles_wang888 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/supercharles888/839517,如需转载请自行联系原作者
