
Using Metasploit WMAP

Open the Metasploit Framework Console (msfconsole):

Now that a target has been selected, we can obtain a list of what WMAP modules are available using the wmap_run -t command:

To actually run the modules, we execute wmap_run with the -e parameter:

Currently, the results of the WMAP scan are stored in the database. The database can be used to build custom reporting tools, or queried directly from the console:

If a test module requires a specific parameter to be set or you want to modify the value of a predefined variable, this can be done with the 'setg' command. Example:

If you would like to limit the WMAP test to a specific set of modules, you can use a profile file. Profiles can be specified via additional arguments to the wmap_run command.

The profile file contains the list of modules to execute. See data/wmap/wmap_sample.profile for a sample.

