
Quick and strong file-encryption with OpenSSL

Tuesday 16 June 2009 @ 17:31 CEST

<a href="http://blog.larsstrand.org/index.php?topic=Sec"></a>

To encrypt a file using AES with a 256 bit key-length:

The encrypted file is now found as <code>filename.odp.enc</code>

To decrypt the file: Note! If you type in the wrong password, you'll get garbled output since there is no way to check if the password is correct.

And the decrypted file is found as <code>filename.odp</code>

For example: You can encrypt a file with a password of your choice. Send the file to the receiver, and then communicate to him over another secure communication channel what the password is (and that you've used "aes-256-cbc").
