
csu 1749: Soldiers ' Training(贪心)

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a strategic computer game "Settlers II" one has to build defense

structures to expand and protect the territory. Let's take one of these

buildings. At the moment the defense structure accommodates exactly n

soldiers. Within this task we can assume that the number of soldiers in

the defense structure won't either increase or decrease.


soldier has a rank — some natural number from 1 to k. 1 stands for a

private and k stands for a general. The higher the rank of the soldier

is, the better he fights. Therefore, the player profits from having the

soldiers of the highest possible rank.


increase the ranks of soldiers they need to train. But the soldiers

won't train for free, and each training session requires one golden

coin. On each training session all the n soldiers are present.


the end of each training session the soldiers' ranks increase as

follows. First all the soldiers are divided into groups with the same

rank, so that the least possible number of groups is formed. Then,

within each of the groups where the soldiers below the rank k are

present, exactly one soldier increases his rank by one.


know the ranks of all n soldiers at the moment. Determine the number of

golden coins that are needed to increase the ranks of all the soldiers

to the rank k.


case contains two lines.The first line contains two integers n and k

(1 ≤ n, k ≤ 100). They represent the number of soldiers and the number

of different ranks correspondingly. The second line contains n numbers

in the non-decreasing order. The i-th of them, ai, represents the rank

of the i-th soldier in the defense building (1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ ai ≤ k).

Each case print a single integer — the number of golden coins needed to raise all the soldiers to the maximal rank.

In the first example the ranks will be raised in the following manner:

1 2 2 3  →  2 2 3 4  →  2 3 4 4  →  3 4 4 4  →  4 4 4 4

Thus totals to 4 training sessions that require 4 golden coins.

