
AIX installation guide

AIX Version 4.3 Installation Guide

To use Web-based System Manager to only apply service updates:

To start the Web-based System Manager Software application, enter: wsm software. The Software container displays.

From the Software menu, select New Software (Install/Update) > Update Software (Update All / Install Fixes.

From the Update Software dialog, click Advanced.

From the Advanced Options dialog, deselect the Commit software updates option.

To use SMIT to apply service updates, use the fast path: smit update_by_fix.

Web-based System Manager Install Additional Software (Custom) dialog or Update Software (Update All/Install Fixes) dialog

SMIT Custom Install path or Easy Install path (Install Software Bundle dialog).

Note that this default can be changed to only apply the update.

To apply and commit a service update, start the Web-based System Manager Software application, enter: wsm software. The Software container displays.

From the Software menu, select Software Utilities > Commit Applied Updates.

In the Commit Applied Updates dialog, select to commit all updates in the applied state, or to commit individual updates in the applied state.

To perform this task from the command line, run the installp -a -c command to apply and commit an update.

To assist you in listing all service updates in the applied state, do the following in Web-based System Manager:

From the Software menu, select List Installed Software > Updates in Applied State.

Applied service updates can also be committed after installation.

From the Software menu, select Software Utilities > Reject Applied Updates.

In the Reject Applied Updates dialog, select to reject all updates in the applied state, or to reject specific updates in the applied state.

Use the Web-based System Manager Software application or the SMIT Custom Install path to remove software products. Any requisite software (software that is dependent on the product you are removing) will also be removed, unless it is required by other software on your system.

From the Software container, select the software you are removing and from the Selected menu, select Remove Software....

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