

<b>5.4.1 查看当前系统中的软件信息(dpkg -l)</b>

"dpkg -l"命令用于查看当前系统中所有deb的软件包信息;通过"dpkg -l"命令与less和grep命令配合使用,可以实现更复杂的软件包信息查询功能。

debian:~/Desktop# dpkg -l

期望状态=未知(u)/安装(i)/删除(r )/清除(p)/保持(h)

| 当前状态=未(n)/已安装(i)/仅存配置(c )/仅解压缩(U)/配置失败(F)/不完全安装(H)

|/ 错误?=(无)/保持(?)/须重装(R )/两者兼有(#) (状态,错误:大写=故障)

||/ 名称 版本 简介


ii acpi 0.09-1 displays information on ACPI devices

ii acpid 1.0.4-5 Utilities for using ACPI power management

ii adduser 3.87 Add and remove users and groups

ii alacarte 0.8-3 easy GNOME menu editing tool

ii alsa-base 1.0.11-2 ALSA driver configuration files

ii alsa-utils 1.0.11-4 ALSA utilities

ii antlr 2.7.6-6 language tool for constructing recognizers, 

ii apt Advanced front-end for dpkg

ii apt-utils APT utility programs

ii aptitude 0.4.1-1.1 terminal-based apt frontend

ii artsbuilder 3.5.3-1 synthesizer designer for aRts

ii at 3.1.10 Delayed job execution and batch processing

ii base-files 3.1.13 Debian base system miscellaneous files

ii base-passwd 3.5.11 Debian base system master password and group

ii bash 3.1-4 The GNU Bourne Again SHell

ii bc 1.06-19 The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator la

ii bin86 0.16.14-1.4 16-bit x86 assembler and loader

ii bind9-host 9.3.2-2 Version of 'host' bundled with BIND 9.X

debian:~#dpkg -l | less


debian:~#dpkg -l | grep -i vim 

<b>5.4.2 查询已安装的指定软件包的详细信息(dpkg -s)</b>

使用"dpkg -s"命令查询ssh软件包的详细信息

debian:~# dpkg -s ssh

Package: ssh

Status: install ok installed

Priority: extra

Section: net

Installed-Size: 32

Maintainer: Matthew Vernon &lt;[email protected]&gt;

Architecture: all

Source: openssh

Version: 1:4.3p2-2

Depends: openssh-client, openssh-server

Description: Secure shell client and server (transitional package)

This is a transitional package depending on both the OpenSSH client and

the OpenSSH server, which are now in separate packages. You may remove

it once the upgrade is complete and nothing depends on it.


5.4.3 查询系统中已安装的软件包所安装的文件(dpkg -L)


debian:~# dpkg -L ssh







5.4.4 查询系统中的某个文件属于哪个软件包(dpkg -S)

debian:~# dpkg -S /etc/init.d/networking

netbase: /etc/init.d/networking


debian:~# dpkg -S /etc/passwd

dpkg:没有找到 /etc/passwd。


本文转自 h2appy  51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/h2appy/271127,如需转载请自行联系原作者
