

assault v/n>>attack

assault on prisoners were frequent

launch an assault on the enemy

be under assault

crucial a>>very improtant >vital >essential >significant

be crucial to/for sth

infrastructure n>>basic facility

distribute v

distribute the prizes

She distributed the money among the poor

denial n>>deny v

His denial that he was the murderer

coordinate n>>坐标

the x and y coordinates on a graph


overwhelm v>>吞没;压垮

be overwhelmed with grief/guilt/gratitude

malware n恶意软件

infect v传染 >infection n

infect sb/sth with sth

vulnerability n易遭受攻击>vulnerable a   volunteering

exploit n>>英雄事迹

default n未履行债务 v 拖欠

be in default of payment

legitimate a合法的 >>reasonable

make sth legitimate使..合法化

It is legitimate for me to do this

compromise n/v

agree to a compromise 同意达成妥协

intimately adv>>密切地

intimate a亲密的

tactic n(军事)策略、战略

delaying tactic

strong-arm tactic 铁腕手段

underhand tactic 不光明的手段

crummy a>>terrible微薄的

toaster n>>多士炉
