


--昨天看书Oracle Database11g DBA Handbook.pdf,Using Easy Connect Naming P561.发现如下内容:

connect username/password@[//]host[:port][/service_name][/server][/instance_name]

Element            Description

//                 Optional. Specify // for a URL.

Host               Required. Specify the host name or the IP address.

Port               Optional. Specify the port or use the default (1521).

service_name       Optional. Specify the service name. The default value is the host name of the database server.

server             Optional. Also known as connect_type in OCI, specifies the type of service handler: dedicated, shared, or pooled.

instance_name      Optional. Corresponds to the INSTANCE_NAME initialization parameter.

For URL or JDBC connections, prefix the connect identifier with a double slash (//):

connect username/password@[//][host][:port][/service_name]


sqlplus system/[email protected]:1521/fyhis:dedicated/fyhis1

[email protected]:1521/fyhis:dedicated/fyhis1> select INSTANCE_NUMBER,INSTANCE_NAME from v$instance ;


--------------- ----------------

              1 fyhis1

sqlplus system/[email protected]:1521/fyhis:dedicated/fyhis2

[email protected]:1521/fyhis:dedicated/fyhis2> select INSTANCE_NUMBER,INSTANCE_NAME from v$instance ;

              2 fyhis2


sqlplus system/[email protected]:1521/fyhis:/fyhis1

sqlplus system/[email protected]:1521/fyhis:/fyhis2

sqlplus system/[email protected]:1521/fyhis/fyhis1

sqlplus system/[email protected]:1521/fyhis/fyhis2


connect username/password@[//]host[:port][/service_name][:server][/instance_name]

R:\>sqlplus system/[email protected]:1521/fyhis/dedicated/fyhis2

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Feb 8 08:59:26 2018

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.


ORA-12521: TNS:listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor