
PostgreSQL 11 preview - 通用场景性能 增强 汇总


PostgreSQL , 通用场景性能 , 增强 , 11

https://github.com/digoal/blog/blob/master/201805/20180519_05.md#%E8%83%8C%E6%99%AF 背景

PostgreSQL 11 通用场景性能增强。

https://github.com/digoal/blog/blob/master/201805/20180519_05.md#e1315-general-performance E. General Performance

  • Add  Just-In-Time

     (JIT) compilation of some parts of query plans to improve execution speed (Andres Freund)


    《PostgreSQL 11 preview - JIT接口放开》 《PostgreSQL 11 preview - with_llvm JIT支持部署与试用》
  • Allow bitmap scans to perform index-only scans when possible (Alexander Kuzmenkov)

    index only scan支持bitmapscan。

  • Update the free space map during vacuum (Claudio Freire)

    This allows free space to be reused more quickly.

  • Allow vacuum to avoid unnecesary index scans (Masahiko Sawada, Alexander Korotkov)
  • Improve performance of committing multiple concurrent transactions (Amit Kapila)

    并发提交事务性能提升,实测高并发COMMIT比PG 10好很多。

  • Reduce memory usage for queries using set-returning functions in their target lists (Andres Freund)


  • Allow  postgres_fdw

     to push UPDATEs and DELETEs using joins to foreign servers (Etsuro Fujita)

    Previously only non-join UPDATEs and DELETEs were pushed.

    postgres_fdw外部表下推增强,PostgreSQL 11允许包含JOIN的update,delete SQL下推。


create table t_loc1 (id int, info text);    
create table t_loc2 (id int, info text);    
create extension postgres_fdw;    
CREATE SERVER foreign_server    
  FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw    
  OPTIONS (host '', port '4000', dbname 'postgres');    
        SERVER foreign_server    
        OPTIONS (user 'postgres', password 'password');    
        id integer,    
        info text    
        SERVER foreign_server    
        OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 't_loc1');    
        id integer,    
        info text    
        SERVER foreign_server    
        OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 't_loc2');    
set enable_mergejoin=off;    
set enable_hashjoin=off;    

PostgreSQL 11, select, update, delete join都下推。

postgres=# explain verbose select t1.* from ft_loc1 t1 join ft_loc2 t2 using (id);    
                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                       
 Foreign Scan  (cost=100.00..166443.65 rows=319523 width=36)    
   Output: t1.id, t1.info    
   Relations: (public.ft_loc1 t1) INNER JOIN (public.ft_loc2 t2)    
   Remote SQL: SELECT r1.id, r1.info FROM (public.t_loc1 r1 INNER JOIN public.t_loc2 r2 ON (((r1.id = r2.id))))    
(4 rows)    
postgres=# explain verbose update ft_loc1 t1 set info=t2.info from ft_loc2 t2 where t1.id=t2.id;    
                                                  QUERY PLAN                                                      
 Update on public.ft_loc1 t1  (cost=100.00..68647.09 rows=131545 width=102)    
   ->  Foreign Update  (cost=100.00..68647.09 rows=131545 width=102)    
         Remote SQL: UPDATE public.t_loc1 r1 SET info = r2.info FROM public.t_loc2 r2 WHERE ((r1.id = r2.id))    
(3 rows)    

PostgreSQL 10, select join下推,但是update,delete join没有下推。

postgres=# explain verbose select t1.* from ft_loc1 t1 join ft_loc2 t2 using (id);    
                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                       
 Foreign Scan  (cost=100.00..10543.72 rows=19963 width=36)    
   Output: t1.id, t1.info    
   Relations: (public.ft_loc1 t1) INNER JOIN (public.ft_loc2 t2)    
   Remote SQL: SELECT r1.id, r1.info FROM (public.t_loc1 r1 INNER JOIN public.t_loc2 r2 ON (((r1.id = r2.id))))    
(4 rows)    
postgres=# explain verbose update ft_loc1 t1 set info=t2.info from ft_loc2 t2 where t1.id=t2.id;    
                                                                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                                                                        
 Update on public.ft_loc1 t1  (cost=100.00..4422.55 rows=8215 width=102)    
   Remote SQL: UPDATE public.t_loc1 SET info = $2 WHERE ctid = $1    
   ->  Foreign Scan  (cost=100.00..4422.55 rows=8215 width=102)    
         Output: t1.id, t2.info, t1.ctid, t2.*    
         Relations: (public.ft_loc1 t1) INNER JOIN (public.ft_loc2 t2)    
         Remote SQL: SELECT r1.id, r1.ctid, r2.info, CASE WHEN (r2.*)::text IS NOT NULL THEN ROW(r2.id, r2.info) END FROM (public.t_loc1 r1 INNER JOIN public.t_loc2 r2 ON (((r1.id = r2.id)))) FOR UPDATE OF r1    
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=200.00..24958.51 rows=8215 width=102)    
               Output: t1.id, t1.ctid, t2.info, t2.*    
               Join Filter: (t1.id = t2.id)    
               ->  Foreign Scan on public.ft_loc1 t1  (cost=100.00..182.27 rows=2409 width=10)    
                     Output: t1.id, t1.ctid    
                     Remote SQL: SELECT id, ctid FROM public.t_loc1 FOR UPDATE    
               ->  Materialize  (cost=100.00..133.87 rows=682 width=96)    
                     Output: t2.info, t2.*, t2.id    
                     ->  Foreign Scan on public.ft_loc2 t2  (cost=100.00..130.46 rows=682 width=96)    
                           Output: t2.info, t2.*, t2.id    
                           Remote SQL: SELECT id, info FROM public.t_loc2    
(17 rows)