
Paper:《Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks》的翻译和解读(一)

Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks


论文原文:Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks


Alex Graves   Department of Computer Science  

University of Toronto      [email protected]


This paper shows how Long Short-term Memory recurrent neural net- works can be used to generate complex sequences with long-range struc- ture, simply by predicting one data point at a time. The approach is demonstrated for text (where the data are discrete) and online handwrit- ing (where the data are real-valued). It is then extended to handwriting synthesis by allowing the network to condition its predictions on a text sequence. The resulting system is able to generate highly realistic cursive handwriting in a wide variety of styles.


1、Introduction 介绍

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are a rich class of dynamic models that have been used to generate sequences in domains as diverse as music [6, 4], text [30] and motion capture data [29]. RNNs can be trained for sequence generation by processing real data sequences one step at a time and predicting what comes next. Assuming the predictions are probabilistic, novel sequences can be gener- ated from a trained network by iteratively sampling from the network’s output distribution, then feeding in the sample as input at the next step. In other words by making the network treat its inventions as if they were real, much like a person dreaming. Although the network itself is deterministic, the stochas- ticity injected by picking samples induces a distribution over sequences. This distribution is conditional, since the internal state of the network, and hence its predictive distribution, depends on the previous inputs.


RNNs are ‘fuzzy’ in the sense that they do not use exact templates from the training data to make predictions, but rather—like other neural networks— use their internal representation to perform a high-dimensional interpolation between training examples. This distinguishes them from n-gram models and compression algorithms such as Prediction by Partial Matching [5], whose pre- dictive distributions are determined by counting exact matches between the recent history and the training set. The result—which is immediately appar-

ent from the samples in this paper—is that RNNs (unlike template-based al- gorithms) synthesise and reconstitute the training data in a complex way, and rarely generate the same thing twice. Furthermore, fuzzy predictions do not suf- fer from the curse of dimensionality, and are therefore much better at modelling real-valued or multivariate data than exact matches.



In principle a large enough RNN should be sufficient to generate sequences of arbitrary complexity. In practice however, standard RNNs are unable to store information about past inputs for very long [15]. As well as diminishing their ability to model long-range structure, this ‘amnesia’ makes them prone to instability when generating sequences. The problem (common to all conditional generative models) is that if the network’s predictions are only based on the last few inputs, and these inputs were themselves predicted by the network, it has little opportunity to recover from past mistakes. Having a longer memory has a stabilising effect, because even if the network cannot make sense of its recent history, it can look further back in the past to formulate its predictions. The problem of instability is especially acute with real-valued data, where it is easy for the predictions to stray from the manifold on which the training data lies. One remedy that has been proposed for conditional models is to inject noise into the predictions before feeding them back into the model [31], thereby increasing the model’s robustness to surprising inputs. However we believe that a better memory is a more profound and effective solution.


Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) [16] is an RNN architecture designed to be better at storing and accessing information than standard RNNs. LSTM has recently given state-of-the-art results in a variety of sequence processing tasks, including speech and handwriting recognition [10, 12]. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate that LSTM can use its memory to generate complex, realistic sequences containing long-range structure. 长短时记忆(LSTM)[16]是一种RNN结构,它比标准的RNN更适合于存储和访问信息。LSTM最近在一系列序列处理任务中给出了最先进的结果,包括语音和手写识别[10,12]。本文的主要目的是证明LSTM可以利用它的内存来生成复杂的、真实的、包含长程结构的序列。

Figure 1: Deep recurrent neural network prediction architecture. The circles represent network layers, the solid lines represent weighted connections and the dashed lines represent predictions.


Section 2 defines a ‘deep’ RNN composed of stacked LSTM layers, and ex- plains how it can be trained for next-step prediction and hence sequence gener- ation. Section 3 applies the prediction network to text from the Penn Treebank and Hutter Prize Wikipedia datasets. The network’s performance is compet- itive with state-of-the-art language models, and it works almost as well when predicting one character at a time as when predicting one word at a time. The highlight of the section is a generated sample of Wikipedia text, which showcases the network’s ability to model long-range dependencies. Section 4 demonstrates how the prediction network can be applied to real-valued data through the use of a mixture density output layer, and provides experimental results on the IAM Online Handwriting Database. It also presents generated handwriting samples proving the network’s ability to learn letters and short words direct from pen traces, and to model global features of handwriting style. Section 5 introduces an extension to the prediction network that allows it to condition its outputs on a short annotation sequence whose alignment with the predictions is unknown. This makes it suitable for handwriting synthesis, where a human user inputs a text and the algorithm generates a handwritten version of it. The synthesis network is trained on the IAM database, then used to generate cursive hand- writing samples, some of which cannot be distinguished from real data by the naked eye. A method for biasing the samples towards higher probability (and greater legibility) is described, along with a technique for ‘priming’ the samples on real data and thereby mimicking a particular writer’s style. Finally, concluding remarks and directions for future work are given in Section 6.


第3节将预测网络应用于来自Penn Treebank和Hutter Prize Wikipedia数据集的文本。该网络的性能与最先进的语言模型是竞争的,它在预测一个字符时的效果几乎与预测一个单词时的效果一样好。本节的重点是生成的Wikipedia文本样本,它展示了网络建模长期依赖项的能力。




2 Prediction Network 预测网络

Fig. 1 illustrates the basic recurrent neural network prediction architecture used in this paper. An input vector sequence x = (x1, . . . , xT ) is passed through weighted connections to a stack of N recurrently connected hidden layers to compute first the hidden vector sequences h n = (h n 1 , . . . , hn T ) and then the output vector sequence y = (y1, . . . , yT ). Each output vector yt is used to parameterise a predictive distribution Pr(xt+1|yt) over the possible next inputs xt+1. The first element x1 of every input sequence is always a null vector whose entries are all zero; the network therefore emits a prediction for x2, the first real input, with no prior information. The network is ‘deep’ in both space and time, in the sense that every piece of information passing either vertically or horizontally through the computation graph will be acted on by multiple successive weight matrices and nonlinearities.

图1给出了本文所采用的基本递归神经网络预测体系结构。一个输入向量序列x = (x1,…, xT)通过加权连接到N个递归连接的隐层堆栈中,首先计算隐藏向量序列h N = (h N 1,…然后输出向量序列y = (y1,…次)。每个输出向量yt被用来参数化一个预测分布Pr(xt+1|yt)对可能的下一个输入xt+1。每个输入序列的第一个元素x1总是一个零向量,它的所有元素都是零;因此,该网络发出对x2的预测,x2是第一个实际输入,没有先验信息。这个网络在空间和时间上都是“深”的,也就是说,通过计算图垂直或水平传递的每一条信息都将受到多个连续的权重矩阵和非线性的影响。  

Note the ‘skip connections’ from the inputs to all hidden layers, and from all hidden layers to the outputs. These make it easier to train deep networks, by reducing the number of processing steps between the bottom of the network and the top, and thereby mitigating the ‘vanishing gradient’ problem [1]. In the special case that N = 1 the architecture reduces to an ordinary, single layer next step prediction RNN. 注意从输入到所有隐藏层的“跳过连接”,以及从所有隐藏层到输出的“跳过连接”。通过减少网络底部和顶部之间的处理步骤的数量,从而降低了训练深度网络的难度,从而减轻了[1]的“消失梯度”问题。在N = 1的特殊情况下,该体系结构简化为一个普通的单层下一步预测RNN。

The hidden layer activations are computed by iterating the following equations from t = 1 to T and from n = 2 to N

where the W terms denote weight matrices (e.g. Wihn is the weight matrix connecting the inputs to the n th hidden layer, Wh1h1 is the recurrent connection at the first hidden layer, and so on), the b terms denote bias vectors (e.g. by is output bias vector) and H is the hidden layer function.

Given the hidden sequences, the output sequence is computed as follow:

where Y is the output layer function. The complete network therefore defines a function, parameterised by the weight matrices, from input histories x1:t to output vectors yt.

The output vectors yt are used to parameterise the predictive distribution Pr(xt+1|yt) for the next input. The form of Pr(xt+1|yt) must be chosen carefully to match the input data. In particular, finding a good predictive distribution for high-dimensional, real-valued data (usually referred to as density modelling), can be very challenging.

The probability given by the network to the input sequence x

The partial derivatives of the loss with respect to the network weights can be efficiently calculated with backpropagation through time [33] applied to the computation graph shown in Fig. 1, and the network can then be trained with gradient descen

隐层激活的计算方法如下:从t = 1到t,从n = 2到n

矩阵W术语表示的重量(例如Wihn权重矩阵连接输入n th隐藏层,Wh1h1是复发性连接在第一个隐藏层,等等),b项表示偏差向量(例如输出偏差向量)和H是隐藏层的功能。






2.1 Long Short-Term Memory

               Figure 2: Long Short-term Memory Cell

In most RNNs the hidden layer function H is an elementwise application of a sigmoid function. However we have found that the Long Short-Term rm Memory (LSTM) architecture [16], which uses purpose-built memory cells to store information, is better at finding and exploiting long range dependencies in the data. Fig. 2 illustrates a single LSTM memory cell. For the version of LSTM used in this paper [7] H is implemented by the following composite function:

where σ is the logistic sigmoid function, and i, f, o and c are respectively the input gate, forget gate, output gate, cell and cell input activation vectors, all of which are the same size as the hidden vector h. The weight matrix subscripts have the obvious meaning, for example Whi is the hidden-input gate matrix, Wxo is the input-output gate matrix etc. The weight matrices from the cell to gate vectors (e.g. Wci) are diagonal, so element m in each gate vector only receives input from element m of the cell vector. The bias terms (which are added to i, f, c and o) have been omitted for clarity.



σ是物流乙状结肠函数,和我,f, o和c分别输入门,忘记门,输出门,细胞和细胞激活输入向量,都是同样的大小隐藏向量h。权重矩阵下标有明显的意义,例如Whi隐藏输入门矩阵,Wxo输入-输出门矩阵等。单元到栅极向量(如Wci)的权重矩阵是对角的,因此每个栅极向量中的m元素只接收单元向量的m元素的输入。偏置项(添加到i、f、c和o中)被省略,以保持清晰。

The original LSTM algorithm used a custom designed approximate gradient calculation that allowed the weights to be updated after every timestep [16]. However the full gradient can instead be calculated with backpropagation through time [11], the method used in this paper. One difficulty when training LSTM with the full gradient is that the derivatives sometimes become excessively large,leading to numerical problems. To prevent this, all the experiments in this paper clipped the derivative of the loss with respect to the network inputs to the LSTM layers (before the sigmoid and tanh functions are applied) to lie within a predefined range1 .
