
我的mqtt协议和emqttd开源项目个人理解(17) - [error] Dependency luerl is specified as a dependency but is not...


===> No entry for profile default in config. 
===> Verifying dependencies... 
===> Compiling jwerl 
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/emq2.3.10/deps/jwerl' 
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/emq2.3.10/deps/emq_auth_jwt' 
===> Starting relx build process ... 
===> Resolving OTP Applications from directories: 
===> Failed to solve release: 
Dependency luerl is specified as a dependency but is not reachable by the system. 
make: *** [relx-rel] Error 127      

原因是deps/luerl/ebin 下面缺少 luerl.app文件
