
How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page

  1. tcode SM30, maintain view BSPWDV_EHSET_ASG, set the enhancement set for the given client:
  2. How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page
  3. Enter UI component workbench, click Environment->Enhancement Definitions:
  4. How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page
  5. create new entries for BSP Application which holds the enhancement:
  6. How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page
  7. After that you could define the component usage which points to your own UI component ZCUSTOM. All changes will be stored into the enhancement BSP application ZBT116H_SRVO.
How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page

 after component usage is done, you could now add the interface view of your own UI component to overview area of Service Order UI:

How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page

And make it visible via component configuration:

How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page
  1. In the runtime, you could now see your custom UI component as one assignment block of Service Order overview page.
  2. How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page

You could also view the enhancement BSP application ZBT116H_SRVO in SE80 and see how your custom UI component is inserted there.

How to add a custom UI component to service order overview page
