
Identify the logic how BOL node name is categorized into different object type

Identify the logic how BOL node name is categorized into different object type

background of this task

Read Settype Read Approach 2 - SDD

I have added a custom trace functionality in product Genil implementation to record all the accessed Genil object detailed information when performing the following tasks in WebUI:

(1) Search product by ID

(2) click hyperlink in product search result

(3) Enter overview page containing settype and relationship assignment block

(4) edit data in Distribution chain assignment block

The trace information could be found in this table in X3C/504:

Identify the logic how BOL node name is categorized into different object type
Identify the logic how BOL node name is categorized into different object type

As said in mail, trace functionality is added in X3C/504. You can query on this table based on your SAP name to get trace detail:

Identify the logic how BOL node name is categorized into different object type
