
如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里

The idea comes from Sougata Chatterjee’s anwser in this thread:

Suppose I need to add the maintenance view COMV_PARTNER_FCT to my favorite list. I expect once the entry in the favorite list is double clicked, it will automatically navigate to the view detail like below ( the initial screen of SM30 is not expected )

如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里
如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里
如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里
如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里
如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里
如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里
如何把一个ABAP视图添加到SAP GUI的收藏夹里
