
关于 SAP Spartacus 服务器端渲染 SSR fallback 到 CSR 的疑问

I am working on SNOW ticket


and would like to reproduce from my side.

I create a new store based on ^3.1.3 ( actual version 3.4.1, found in package-lock.json ) and only enabled B2C feature.

I create a new repo and make initial commit:

关于 SAP Spartacus 服务器端渲染 SSR fallback 到 CSR 的疑问

I switch on SSR support via schematics using command line: ng add @spartacus/schematics --ssr

I commit the change:


I use ng serve to check if CSR still works after SSR is enabled. To my surprise, after SSR is enabled, I found CSR does not work any more, http://localhost:4203/electronics-spa/en/USD/ only shows empty page:

关于 SAP Spartacus 服务器端渲染 SSR fallback 到 CSR 的疑问

No HTTP error in console.

关于 SAP Spartacus 服务器端渲染 SSR fallback 到 CSR 的疑问

I know that in certain condition, SSR will fallback to CSR. So I would assume a storefront can still works in CSR mode by default even if it’s SSR enabled. Is my understanding correct?

According to our document:


use ng add @spartacus/schematics --ssr is enough and no further steps are required.

Do I miss something to make CSR work again after SSR is enabled by Schematics?
