

package countdownlatchTest;

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

class Worker {    
    private String name;        // 名字    
    private long workDuration;  // 工作持续时间      
    public Worker(String name, long workDuration) {        
        this.name = name;        
        this.workDuration = workDuration;    
        System.out.println("Worker: " + name + " is assigned with work time: " + workDuration);
    public void doWork() {        
        System.out.println(name + " begins to work...");        
        try {            
            Thread.sleep(workDuration); // 用休眠模拟工作执行的时间        
        } catch(InterruptedException ex) {
        System.out.println(name + " has finished the job...");    

class WorkerTestThread implements Runnable {    
    private Worker worker;    
    private CountDownLatch cdLatch;      
    public WorkerTestThread(Worker worker, CountDownLatch cdLatch) {        
        this.worker = worker;        
        this.cdLatch = cdLatch;    
    public void run() {        
        worker.doWork();        // 让工人开始工作        
        cdLatch.countDown();    // 工作完成后倒计时次数减1    

public class CountDownLatchTest {
    private static final int MAX_WORK_DURATION = 5000;  // 最大工作时间    
    private static final int MIN_WORK_DURATION = 1000;  // 最小工作时间      
    // 产生随机的工作时间    
    private static long getRandomWorkDuration(long min, long max) {        
        return (long) (Math.random() * (max - min) + min);    
    public static void main(String[] args) {    
        /* 2是次数,不是时间数
         * 将这个CountDownLatch引用赋给工作线程,每次工作线程完成任务后,调用
         * CountDownLatch.countDown, 将计数器减一。如果技术器减到0,阻塞的await方法
         * 才会返回,重新获得控制权
        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2);  // should be exactly 2
        Worker w1 = new Worker("Jerry Worker 1", getRandomWorkDuration(MIN_WORK_DURATION, MAX_WORK_DURATION));  
        Worker w2 = new Worker("Jerry Worker 2", getRandomWorkDuration(MIN_WORK_DURATION, MAX_WORK_DURATION));  
        new Thread(new WorkerTestThread(w1, latch)).start();        
        new Thread(new WorkerTestThread(w2, latch)).start();          
        // latch.countDown();
        try {          
            // 仅当CountDownLatch的count降低到0时,这个阻塞的方法才会返回
            System.out.println("All jobs have been finished!");        
        catch (InterruptedException e) {            
