
SAP CRM Fiori reuse library的代码审查Opaque commentCode robustness

Opaque comment

Since you have defined attribute “displayMode” as type Boolean, so it can be assigned with true of false.

SAP CRM Fiori reuse library的代码审查Opaque commentCode robustness

Code robustness

SAP CRM Fiori reuse library的代码审查Opaque commentCode robustness
SAP CRM Fiori reuse library的代码审查Opaque commentCode robustness
SAP CRM Fiori reuse library的代码审查Opaque commentCode robustness

Further study:


if we are in ui component context, we do not need to concatenate id prefix and id body manually, as suggested by sap help above:

Create all views, controls, and elements in a UI component by using the this.createId() method and retrieve them by using the this.byId() method.
