
failure load of Component-preload.js will NOT prevent application loading

Suppose your application could not be opened when tile is clicked in launchpad, and you observe several failure load of Component-preload.js. You suspect those failure might be the root cause that your application could not be opened?

No, Never.

url for the first preload.js: https://jerry:4080/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/extcrm_opp/764EE22A1AF02C826F4F2BF51185C6685/Component-preload.js

second: https://jerry:4080/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/crm_opprtnty/49653C573CF035C44917750591905CDE5/Component-preload.js

third: https://jerry:4080/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/resources/20160518082000/sap/ca/scfld/md/Component-preload.js

By default UI5 framework will always try to load preload.js first:

Even if it fails, the default uncompressed component.js will be loaded as fallback:

failure load of Component-preload.js will NOT prevent application loading
failure load of Component-preload.js will NOT prevent application loading
