

Louis pasteur ( 1822 - 95 ) was a french chemist and bacteriologist

巴斯德( 1822 - 95 )是法國的化學家和微生物學家。

1822 louis pasteur , french chemist and bacteriologist , was born at dole


1881 sir alexander fleming , scottish bacteriologist and discoverer of penicilpn , was born in ayrshire


Each year , stop tb advocates around the world mark the day when the german bacteriologist robert koch announced that he had discovered the cause of tuberculosis , the tb bacillus in 1882


Now , in a study that took more than five years to plete , rockefeller university researchers , in collaboration with a team of bacteriologists at the university of wisconsin , madison , have bee the first to solve the structure of a protein plex that protects these cells from singlet oxygen
