
2022年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 2话题 |《乡村一隅》





Describe a place in a village that you visited?

You should say:

Where it is?

When you visited this place?

What you did there?

And how you feel about this place?


unforgettable 难忘的;

palatable cuisines 美味佳肴;

When it comes to 当谈到...;

in my leisure time 在我的闲暇时间;

located in the suburb area 位于郊区;

alleviate my stress 释放压力;

sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活方式;

cheap living expenses 低生活成本;

free from a contaminated environment 远离受污染的环境;

breathtaking scenery 令人叹为观止的景色;

1.Where it is



It is a small town, and there are many villages near my hometown.My maternal uncle and aunt have a farmhouse in a village near my hometown.Their farmhouse is it the center of lush green farms.

2.When you visited this place


We discovered this special place on theinternet by chance where there is not only breathtaking scenery but also palatable cuisines. We went to this villageat the weekend and it took us just two hours to get there.

3.What you did there


We played badminton in their courtyard, and sometimes we also played Frisbee.The air also seemed fresh and pollution free.The atmosphere was so calm and quiet. There was also no noise pollution. They have such a peaceful life, with absolutely no hurry and worry.I look forward to going and staying with them again this summer.

4.And how you feel about this place


When it comes to my feeling about this unique place, I desire to visit again in my leisure time to take more photosin that it looks like the Forbidden City and enjoy the traditional cuisine. In addition, located in the suburb area, thereisn’t noise which makes me feel quite relaxed and could alleviate my stress and also provide me an opportunity toavoid a sedentary lifestyle.



The place l am going to tell you about is a huge lake located in a village in the suburb of my city. It serves as an ancillary facility of a dam nearby, helping adjust the fluctuant water level of the reservoir resulting from heavy rains or severe.

lt was a weekend several months ago. l cycled around alone in the suburb to do some exercise as usual. When l was just about to return, I noticed there was a path stretching away from the main road seemingly leading to the direction of my home. So l thought why not give it a go. Maybe it was a shortcut.

However, after nearly an hour’s exhausting cycling, l realized l was lost.In front of me was a huge lake, and several wild ducks were swimming in it. This article is from Laokaoya website. Suddenly, it occurred to me that l still had some bread left in my bag. l took it out and tried to lure them. But they were pretty vigilant, and would not come closer unless l put the bread down on the ground and stepped backwards several meters. While the were enjoying the meals, they still kept an eye on me.

l fell in love with this place immediately because of its tranquillity.You know, far away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and accompanied by the wildlife, I can completely loosen up, empty my mind and find my inner peace.






Part 3 追加问题

(1)Is there anything special about the villages in China?

(2)What do people usually do when going to a village?

(3)Why do people want to go to the countryside?

(4)Do you think people will live in the village in the future?
