
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


Farmer John's cows are trying to learn to cross the road effectively. Remembering the old "why did the chicken cross the road?" joke, they figure the chickens must be experts on crossing the road, and go off in search of chickens to help them.


As it turns out, chickens are very busy creatures and have limited time to help the cows. There are 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 chickens on the farm (

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

), conveniently numbered 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

, and each chicken 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 is only willing to help a cow at precisely time 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

. The cows, never in a hurry, have more flexibility in their schedules. There are 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 cows on the farm (

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

, where cow 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 is able to cross the road between time 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 and time 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

. Figuring the "buddy system" is the best way to proceed, each cow 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 would ideally like to find a chicken 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 to help her cross the road; in order for their schedules to be compatible, 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 must satisfy 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S



[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

, 而且,每只鸡

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

If each cow can be paired with at most one chicken and each chicken with at most one cow, please help compute the maximum number of cow-chicken pairs that can be constructed.




The first line of input contains 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

. The next 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

 lines contain 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

, and the next 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

) for 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

. The 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

's, and 

[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S

's are all non-negative integers (not necessarily distinct) of size at most 1,000,000,000


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S
[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S


[USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I S




5 4
2 5
4 9
0 3
8 13      


1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<algorithm>
 5 #include<set>
 6 using namespace std;
 7 typedef pair<int,int> pa;
 8 multiset<int> s;
 9 pa cow[300001];
10 int c,n,ans;
11 set<int>::iterator it;
12 int main()
13 {int i,j,x,y;
14 //freopen("3.in","r",stdin);
15 //freopen("x.out","w",stdout);
16     cin>>c>>n;
17      for (i=1;i<=c;i++)
18      {
19         scanf("%d",&x);
20         s.insert(x);
21      }
22      for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
23      {
24         scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
25         cow[i]=pa(y,x);
26      }
27     sort(cow+1,cow+n+1);
28     for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
29     {
30          it=s.lower_bound(cow[i].second);
31           if (it!=s.end() && *it<=cow[i].first)
32           {
33                 ans++;
34                s.erase(it);
35           }
36     }
37 cout<<ans;
38 }