
[20170604]12c Top Frequency histogram补充.txt

[20170604]12c Top Frequency histogram补充.txt


SCOTT@test01p> @ ver1

PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER                                                                               CON_ID

------------------------------ -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

IBMPC/WIN_NT64-9.1.0      Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production              0

--//如果要建立Top Frequency histogram必须要满足几个条件:

--//链接 raajeshwaran.blogspot.co.id/2016/06/top-frequency-histogram-in-12c.html

The database creates a Top frequency histogram, when the following criteria are met.

NDV is greater than n, where n is the requested number of buckets (default 254)

The percentage of rows occupied by Top-frequent values is greater than or equal to the threshold p where p is (1-(1/n)*100).

The estimate_percent parameter in dbms_stats gathering procedure should be auto_sample_size (set to default)

SCOTT@test01p> create table t as select * from dba_objects;

Table created.

select column_name,num_distinct,density,histogram,SAMPLE_SIZE

  from user_tab_col_statistics

  where table_name ='T'

  and column_name ='OWNER';


-------------------- ------------ ---------- --------------- -----------

OWNER                          32     .03125 NONE                  91695

--//12c ctas 建立统计信息,但是不会建立直方图.density 1/32=.03125.

SCOTT@test01p> select count(*) from t;





with a as (select distinct owner,count(*) over(partition by owner) n1 ,count(*) over () n2 from t order by 2 desc ),

b as (select owner,n1,n2,sum(n1) over (order by n1 desc) n3  from a order by n1 desc)

select rownum,owner,n1,n2,n3,round(n3/n2,5) x1,round(1-1/rownum,5) x2 from b;

ROWNUM OWNER                N1         N2         N3         X1         X2

------ ----------------- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

     1 SYS               41942      91695      41942     .45741          0

     2 PUBLIC            37142      91695      79084     .86247         .5

     3 APEX_040200        3405      91695      82489      .8996     .66667

     4 ORDSYS             3157      91695      85646     .93403        .75

     5 MDSYS              1819      91695      87465     .95387         .8

     6 XDB                 985      91695      88450     .96461     .83333

     7 SYSTEM              641      91695      89091      .9716     .85714

     8 CTXSYS              405      91695      89496     .97602       .875

     9 WMSYS               387      91695      89883     .98024     .88889

    10 DVSYS               352      91695      90235     .98408         .9

    11 SH                  309      91695      90544     .98745     .90909

    12 ORDDATA             292      91695      90836     .99063     .91667

    13 LBACSYS             209      91695      91045     .99291     .92308

    14 OE                  142      91695      91187     .99446     .92857

    15 SCOTT                96      91695      91283     .99551     .93333

    16 GSMADMIN_INTERNAL    77      91695      91360     .99635      .9375

    17 IX                   58      91695      91418     .99698     .94118

    18 DBSNMP               55      91695      91473     .99758     .94444

    19 PM                   44      91695      91517     .99806     .94737

    20 HR                   35      91695      91552     .99844        .95

    21 OLAPSYS              25      91695      91577     .99871     .95238

    22 OJVMSYS              23      91695      91600     .99896     .95455

    23 DVF                  19      91695      91619     .99917     .95652

    24 FLOWS_FILES          13      91695      91632     .99931     .95833

    25 AUDSYS               12      91695      91644     .99944        .96

    26 ORDPLUGINS           10      91695      91664     .99966     .96154

    27 OUTLN                10      91695      91664     .99966     .96296

    28 BI                    8      91695      91688     .99992     .96429

    29 ORACLE_OCM            8      91695      91688     .99992     .96552

    30 SI_INFORMTN_SCHEM     8      91695      91688     .99992     .96667

    31 APPQOSSYS             5      91695      91693     .99998     .96774

    32 TEST                  2      91695      91695          1     .96875

D:\temp>cat a1.sql

cat a1.sql

exec  dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>user,tabname=>'T',method_opt=>'for columns owner size &1');

select column_name,num_distinct,density,histogram,SAMPLE_SIZE from user_tab_col_statistics where table_name ='T' and column_name ='OWNER';

SCOTT@test01p> @ a1.sql 2

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

OWNER                          32     .03125 HYBRID                 5500

SCOTT@test01p> @ a1.sql 3

OWNER                          32 5.4529E-06 TOP-FREQUENCY         91695

SCOTT@test01p> @ a1.sql 4

SCOTT@test01p> @ a1.sql 31

SCOTT@test01p> @ a1.sql 32

OWNER                          32 5.4529E-06 FREQUENCY             91695


--//以10个bucket为例.解方程式(90235-x)/(91695-x)=0.9 ,得到x=77095.也就是要减少77095.

--//delete t where owner='SYS' and rownum<=41000;

--//delete t where owner='PUBLIC' and rownum<=36095;

SCOTT@test01p> delete t where owner='SYS' and rownum<=41000;

41000 rows deleted.

SCOTT@test01p> delete t where owner='PUBLIC' and rownum<=36095;

36095 rows deleted.

SCOTT@test01p> commit ;

Commit complete.

select rownum,owner,n1,n2,n3,round(n3/n2,5) x1,round(1-1/rownum,5) x2 from b where rownum<=11;

ROWNUM OWNER         N1         N2         N3         X1         X2

------ ----------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

     1 APEX_040200 3405      14600       3405     .23322          0

     2 ORDSYS      3157      14600       6562     .44945         .5

     3 MDSYS       1819      14600       8381     .57404     .66667

     4 PUBLIC      1047      14600       9428     .64575        .75

     5 XDB          985      14600      10413     .71322         .8

     6 SYS          942      14600      11355     .77774     .83333

     7 SYSTEM       641      14600      11996     .82164     .85714

     8 CTXSYS       405      14600      12401     .84938       .875

     9 WMSYS        387      14600      12788     .87589     .88889

    10 DVSYS        352      14600      13140         .9         .9

    11 SH           309      14600      13449     .92116     .90909

11 rows selected.


SCOTT@test01p> @ a1 10

OWNER                          32 .000034247 TOP-FREQUENCY         14600


SCOTT@test01p> delete t where owner='SYS' and rownum<=1;

1 row deleted.

     1 APEX_040200 3405      14599       3405     .23324          0

     2 ORDSYS      3157      14599       6562     .44948         .5

     3 MDSYS       1819      14599       8381     .57408     .66667

     4 PUBLIC      1047      14599       9428      .6458        .75

     5 XDB          985      14599      10413     .71327         .8

     6 SYS          941      14599      11354     .77772     .83333

     7 SYSTEM       641      14599      11995     .82163     .85714

     8 CTXSYS       405      14599      12400     .84937       .875

     9 WMSYS        387      14599      12787     .87588     .88889

    10 DVSYS        352      14599      13139     .89999         .9

    11 SH           309      14599      13448     .92116     .90909


OWNER                          32    .018378 HYBRID                14599



SCOTT@test01p> insert into t  select * from dba_objects where owner='SYS' and rownum=1;

1 row created.



2.取样大小Estimate_Percent  => NULL.

SCOTT@test01p> exec  dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>user,tabname=>'T',method_opt=>'for columns owner size 10',Estimate_Percent  => NULL);

SCOTT@test01p> select column_name,num_distinct,density,histogram,SAMPLE_SIZE from user_tab_col_statistics where table_name ='T' and column_name ='OWNER';

OWNER                          32    .018379 HYBRID                14600


3.取样大小Estimate_Percent  => SYS.DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,Block_sample => TRUE.

SCOTT@test01p> exec  dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>user,tabname=>'T',method_opt=>'for columns owner size 10',Estimate_Percent  => SYS.DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE,Block_sample => TRUE);


4.取样Estimate_Percent  => 100,90看看.

SCOTT@test01p> exec  dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>user,tabname=>'T',method_opt=>'for columns owner size 10',Estimate_Percent  => 100);

OWNER                          32 .062908991 HEIGHT BALANCED       14600

SCOTT@test01p> exec  dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>user,tabname=>'T',method_opt=>'for columns owner size 10',Estimate_Percent  => 90);

OWNER                          32      .0625 HEIGHT BALANCED       13108

--//看来仅仅Estimate_Percent  => SYS.DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE才会生成TOP-FREQUENCY直方图.

SCOTT@test01p> exec  dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=>user,tabname=>'T',method_opt=>'for columns owner size 10',Estimate_Percent  => SYS.DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE);
