
【Azure Fabric Service】Service Fabric 遇见错误信息记录 - The process/container terminated with exit code:2148734499


Service Fabric 在升级 Application 过程中,发布了新的代码后,启动应用中遇见了如下错误:

Error message:

System.Hosting' reported Error for property 'CodePackageActivation:Code:EntryPoint:1873280033071208'. 

There was an error during CodePackage activation.

The process/container terminated with exit code:2148734499. 

Please look at your application logs/dump or debug your code package for more details.       
For information about common termination errors, please visit https://aka.ms/service-fabric-termination-errors      





【Azure Fabric Service】Service Fabric 遇见错误信息记录 - The process/container terminated with exit code:2148734499
【Azure Fabric Service】Service Fabric 遇见错误信息记录 - The process/container terminated with exit code:2148734499

根据错误消息中的描述,这个问题的原因就是应用程序异常终止,所以 SF已经成功的运行了Application,但是Application出现了一个无法处理的异常(RunSsync routine),所以就需要深入查看应用层面的错误消息。

Stateless Service.RunAsync : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.servicefabric.services.runtime.statelessservice.runasync?view=azure-dotnet


Please ensure you follow these guidelines when overriding RunAsync(CancellationToken):

  • Make sure 


     passed to RunAsync(CancellationToken) is honored and once it has been signaled, RunAsync(CancellationToken) exits gracefully as soon as possible. Please note that if RunAsync(CancellationToken) has finished its intended work, it does not need to wait for 


     to be signaled and can return gracefully.
  • Service Fabric runtime does not handle all exception(s) escaping from RunAsync(CancellationToken). If an unhandled exception escapes from RunAsync(CancellationToken), then Service Fabric runtime takes following action(s):
    • If a FabricException (or one of its derived exception) escapes from RunAsync(CancellationToken), Service Fabric runtime will drop this service instance and a new instance will be created. Furthermore, a health warning will appear in Service Fabric Explorer containing details about unhandled exception.
    • If an OperationCanceledException escapes from RunAsync(CancellationToken) and Service Fabric runtime has requested cancellation by signaling 


       passed to RunAsync(CancellationToken), Service Fabric runtime handles this exception and considers it as graceful completion of RunAsync(CancellationToken).
    • If an OperationCanceledException escapes from RunAsync(CancellationToken) and Service Fabric runtime has NOT requested cancellation by signaling 


       passed to RunAsync(CancellationToken), the process that is hosting this service instance is brought down. This will impact all other service instances that are hosted by the same process. The details about unhandled exceptions can be viewed in Windows Event Viewer.
    • If an exception of any other type escapes from RunAsync(CancellationToken) then the process that is hosting this service instance is brought down. This will impact all other service instances that are hosted by the same process. The details about unhandled exceptions can be viewed in Windows Event Viewer.

Failing to conform to these guidelines can cause fail-over, reconfiguration or upgrade of your service to get stuck and can impact availability of your service.

当在复杂的环境中面临问题,格物之道需:浊而静之徐清,安以动之徐生。 云中,恰是如此!
