
牛津7A unit4-6笔记 专辑2


7A UNIT 4 Seasons


Australia n.澳大利亚 Australian n.澳大利亚人(复数加s) footprint n.足迹,脚印

wet adj.潮湿的 puddle n.水坑 snowy adj.下雪多的

dry 干燥的 kick v.踢 town n,城镇

trip n.旅行 everything 每件事 shine n.光亮,晴天

picnic 野餐 bright adj.明亮的 brightly adv.明亮地

spend 花费 relative n.亲戚 during prep.在···的时候

grandparent 祖父母 packet 小包 feel 连系动词 +形容词 “感觉,触摸 ”

blow v.吹 comfortable adj.舒适的


1. take a tip 去旅行

2. start to do sth.开始做某事(即将要准备开始去做某事,事情还没有做还在准备阶段)

3. start doing sth.开始做某事(事情已经开始做了,不包括准备阶段)

4. turn +形容词 变为……

5. in the hot weather在炎热的天气里

6. at this time of year在每年的这个时间

7. go on a picnic 去野餐= have a picnic

8. the Spring Festival春节

9. in the middle and east of China在中国的中部与东部

10. in the south-west of China在中国的西南部

11. knock +on/at 敲打

12. put forward “把……向前拨”,向前移,提出

13. make snowmen 堆雪人

14. fly kites 放风筝

15. go swimming 游泳

16. go fishing/shopping/boating···


1.waht about ···? =How about··? 意思为“····怎么样呢?”

常用于询问消息或征询意见。后面加n./pron./v-ing 如:How about going home now?

2.The weather is ···in ···

3.It’s exciting to take a trip in spring.


1.I love all four seasons.四个季节我都喜欢。(page43)


②all+of+n. (of可以省略) 如:All of boys in our class are very handsome.

all+of+pron. (of不可以省略) 如:All of us want to go to Shenzhen.


如:We all go to school every day.每天我们都去上学。

We are all students.我们全都是学生。


如:Our teacher loves us all.


如:We are all right.

2.Watch us go···看着我们离去··(page44)

watch sb. do sth.看见某人做过某事(强调动作的全过程) 注意:do前面的to一定得省略。

watch sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事(强调动作正在进行)

类似用法的词还有:see, hear

3.See deep the puddles get. 看水坑变得多深。(page44)


Please tell me how far it is from your home to Yifu.请告诉我从你家到伊芙有多远。

4. in spring? (page44)= How is the weather in spring?

What is sb./sth. like?= How is sb./sth.?询问“某人或某事怎样”的常用句型。后面可接时间或地点的介词短语。

如:What’s the weather like in Beijing?--It’s cloudy.

5. the weather to warm.在春天,天气开始变暖(page45)。

(1)statr意为“开始”,同义词为begin。均可接to do sth.或doing sth.开始做某事


①当谈论一项长期的习惯性的活动时,用动名词. I start learning English.我开始学习英语。

②主语是物不是人时,用不定式。 It starts to snow.

③start/begin本身是ing形式时,后面接不定式。I’m starting/ beginning to write the letter.

④其后的动词与想法、感情有关时,多用不定式。She began/ started to understand it.


(3) get 作连系动词,意为“变得”,后常接形容词作表语。 The weather starts to get cool.

作实义动词,意为 “得到,收到” get a letter from sb.= hear from sb.收到某人来信

get 表示进入或变为某种状态 常接形容词
become 多用于书面语中,强调的是由一种状态变为另一种 可接形容词和名词
turn 强调的是变得和以前完全不一样 多接形容词,接名词时零冠词
grow 指的是渐渐地变成,强调变化的过程 多接形容词,也能接过去分词
go 多用来表示进入某种状态,多接令人不悦的形容词 bad, mad, hungry, wrong


The wind is getting stronger and stronger.

I want to become a teacher.

When she saw me, her face turned red.

The boy is growing thinner.

Eggs soon go bad in hot weather.

6. Winter is often cold and snowy.冬天经常寒冷多雪。(page45)


② snow 作不可数名词“雪”;作可数名词“一场雪”。 play with snow. It is a heavy snow.

③ snow作动词,意为“下雪”。 It is snowing heavily.雪正下得很大

7. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.(page45)


(1) ①spend 动词“度过”,spend time with sb.意为“与某人一起度过时光”

I usually spend my free time with my best friend, Tom.

②人+spend+时间/金钱+ on sth. “某人花费多少时间/金钱在某事上”

spend money on books

③人+ spend+时间/金钱+ (in) doing sth. 表示“花费多少时间/金钱做某事”

She spends all day (in) learning English.

(2)during介词,“在……期间” the Spring Festival= the Chinese New Year

Don’t speak during the meal.吃饭时别说话。



During the three months he always asks a lot of questions.

We usually spend a holiday in July.

2.在季节名词前,用in是泛指,不用冠词;但是用during是特指,要用定冠词 the。

Children enjoy flying kites in spring.

We often go skating during the winter.

3.在表示一段时间的名词(如holiday, stay, visit, lesson, meal等)前,一般要用during。

8. Marry will get married on Monday morning.玛丽将在星期一上午结婚。(page52)

(1)get married意为“结婚”

(1)be/get married to sb表示与某人结婚。如:Jane was married to a doctor last month.

(2)marry sb表示嫁给某人;与......结婚。如:John married Mary last week.

(3)marry sb to sb表示父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇。如:

She married her daughter to a businessman.她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。


She married very early. 她很早就结婚了。

(7)marry 一般不与介词with 连用。例如:She married an Englishman

(8)若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,

相当于系表结构。例如:你结婚了吗?Are you married?/ Have you got married?

9.The weather in the middle and east of China is different.(page54)



quite与very “非常,相当”,表程度的副词。


The picture is quite/very beautiful.

It’s not quite/very hot today.


I am very sorry to hear that.

(3)quite可以单独用来修饰动词,但very不可以单独用来修饰动词,而必须用very much. I quite like swimming.= I like swimming very much.

(4)very通常放在不定冠词之后,而 quite则常放在不定冠词之前。

It is a very cold morning.

She is quite a lovely girl.

Ⅴ Grammar 形容词

形容词是表示人或事物的性质、状态,一般置于它所修饰的名词之前作定语,或连系动词之后作表语。本单元主要讲解形容词在句中作定语,表语和用在“It is +adj.+to do sth”句型中。




  She is a tall girl.她是一个高个子女孩。  He is a good teacher.他是一名好老师。


  a. 当被修饰的词是不定代词somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything,nobody, nothing等复合不定代词的形容词,作定语时要后置。

I would like something cheap.我想要点便宜的东西。

Is there anything new in that book?那本书里有什么新东西吗?  

b. 形容词短语作定语时,要放在所修饰的名词的后面。这些形容词短语多由“形容词+介词/不定式符号”构成。

   It’s a problem diffcult to solve.这是个难以解决的问题。

I think he is a man suitable for the job.我认为他是个适合做这项工作的人。


   We have enough time/ time enough.我们有足够的时间。

   (注:形/副+ enough,此时enough 必须后置)


  形容词作表语,常位于连系动词be(am, is, are), become, get, turn,look,sound,smell,taste, keep, seem等词的后面,说明主语的特征、状态或身份。

The food is delicious.这种食物美味可口。

The story is very interesting.这个故事很有趣。

Generally speaking, it is cold in the north, it is warm in the south.一般来说,北方天气冷,南方天气暖和。

3.句型“It is +adj.(形容词)+to do sth.(不定式短语)”

  这个句型中,常用important, dangerous, interesting, exciting, nice, easy, hard, good, useful, wrong, right等形容词。

It is dangerous to climb this hill.爬这座山很危险。

It is interesting to play in the snow.在雪里玩是有趣的。

It is important to listen to the teacher carefully in class.课堂上认真听老师讲课很重要。

a.此句型中,如果表语是kind, nice, right, wrong, clever, polite等描述的形容词,则应在不定式前加of sb. 

  It is +adj. +of sb. + to do sth.某人做某事是…… 如:

It is very kind of you to help me.你能帮我太好了。

It’s clever of you to do so.你这样做真聪明。

b. 如果形容词表示“对某人而言”,描述的是,可在动词不定式前加一个for sb 

It is +adj. +for sb. +to do sth.对某人来说做某事是……

It's difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。

It’s hard for me to answer your question.对我来说,要回答你的问题很难。







noise—noisy吵闹的, ice—icy冰冷



3.一些表示国家的名词可以在词尾加-ese, -ish或-n构成表示国籍、语言的形容词。

  China—Chinese, Japan—Japanese, England—English, America—American

4.在名词后加-ous变为形容词。 danger--dangerous

5.在名词后加-ly变为形容词。 friend—friendly, love—lovely(以-ly结尾的还有lonely, lively)

6.在名词后加-less构成含有否定意义形容词。如:care—careless粗心的, use—useless无用的


如: difference—different不同的, silence—silent安静的

7A UNIT 5 Visiting the Moon


diary 日记 (复数:diaries) leave 离开,剩下,留下 able adj. 能;能够

space 太空(不可数名词) spaceship宇宙飞船 spacesuit 宇航服

nervous adj. 紧张的 gravity 重力 float v.漂浮

ourselves 我们自己的 without prep.缺乏,没有 tie v.捆;系;绑 tied, tied, tying

breathe v.呼吸 if conj.如果 camera 相机

work v. 运转;运行 garden 花园 rock 岩石

postcard n.明信片 machine 机器

return vi. 回来,返回=come back vt. 归还=give back

weak 虚弱的,无力的 be weak in(at) He is weak in English.


1. leave for 动身去某地

2. more than 超过,多余 more···than 比···更

3. be able to会,能

4. have to 不得不

5. so that 以便

6. take photos 拍照

7. as ···as one can 尽某人所能 as soon as possible 尽可能快地

8. that is 也就是说

9. such as例如

10. at the moment 现在,此刻(可用于现在时和过去时)

11. in the future 将来

12. up there 在那里,在天上(美语,非正式)

13. thousands of years ago 几千年以前


1. How far ···?

1. ···so that ··

2. I’m going to···

3. That’s a good idea.

4. It takes us about four days to get there.


1. It’ll take us to the Moon.它将把我们带到月球。(page59)

take ···to··把··带到··



如:I want to take some books to classroom.



如:Could you bring me a pen?

2. It’ll take us about four days to get there.将花费我们大约四天时间到达那里。(page59)

It will take sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多收时间做某事

一般现在时的结构:It takes sb. some time to do sth.

一般过去时的结构:It took sb. some time to do sth.

3. we’ll all be able to float around in the spaceship.我们都能在飞船里漂浮。(page59)

be able to 表示经过努力能达到的目的 可以用在将来时和完成时中
can 表示有能力做某事


(过去时中可以和 be able to互用)

4. We’ll have to tie ourselves to our beds so that we won’t float away in our sleep!(page59)


have to 必须,不得不,后面加动词原形。

have to


I have to study hard.(爸爸压着)

比must更多时态上的变化 否定形式:don’t/doesn’t have to


I must study hard.(想上大学)

可以表示现在和将来,人称和数不用变化 直接在后面加“not”,是“禁止”的意思。

5. feed sth. to sb.中的feed后加的是食物,to 后加的是动物或者小孩 “用食物喂某人或动物”

feed sb. on sth. 中feed后加人或动物名称,on后加食物“给某人或动物喂点食物”

6. We will be able to build hotels there in the future.在将来我们将能在那里建造旅馆(page68)

in the future 在将来,在未来 时间范围比in future还大
in future 今后,从此以后 指离现在较近的一段时间

in future I asked her to be more careful in future. 我要她以后要更加小心。

in the future My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her. 我的希望是将来能去那里和她结婚。

7. Thousands of years ago ,there was a Chinese story about Chang’e flying to the Moon.(page70) 几千年前,有一个嫦娥奔月的中国传说。


Ⅴ Grammar


1. 基本结构:一般由“助动词will+动词原形”或者“be going to +动词原形”构成。

2. 注意:will是助动词,不能独立使用,前面的主语无论是什么人称,后面都是will。它的否定形式是will not,缩写为 won’t.

3. 时间状语:tomorrow,next time/week ,in a month/week,from now on(从现在开始; 从此), soon

4. 基本句型:

(1)肯定句:主语+will/be going to +动词原形+其他

如:He will come here at once.

(2)否定句:主语+won’t/be not going to +动词原形+其他

如:He will not go to Shenzhen.




如:Will you help me with my English?(help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事)

Are you going to go to Happy Valley of Shenzhen?


What will the students have for breakfast?

5. will 和be going to 的区别:

(1)will :与主观意图无关的将来,表示必然要发生的客观规律。

如:The flowers will come out in a few days.

(2)be going to:一般表示计划、打算或准备要做的事情,和有迹象将要发生或者肯定要发生的事情。

如:Look!It’s going to rain.

7A Unit 6 Travelling around Asia


Asia n.亚洲 Asian adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的 ;可数名词:亚洲人(复数加s)

modern adj.现代的 guide n.手册,指南; 可数n.导游; 及物v.引着参观

area n.区域,地区;面积 traditional adj.传统的 sightseeing 观光,游览

centre n.中心 fountain n.喷泉 just adv. 仅仅

building 建筑物 build v.建筑,建造 across prep.穿过

direction n.方向 natural adj.天然的 nature n. 自然界

beauty n.美丽 bridge n.桥 pond n.池塘

snack n. 小吃,快餐 light n.光线;adj.轻/浅的 light music 轻音乐

snake n. 蛇 outside prep. 在外面(反义词:inside)

dumpling n.水饺(复数加s) temple n.寺 ,庙;太阳穴


1. travel guide 旅游手册

2. place of interest 名胜

3. light up 点亮,照亮

4. in the north-west of在···的西北部

5. be away from离开

6. a list of一列,清单

7. feel tired意为“感到累”


1. If you like ···,you will···

2. What will I ···if I ····


1. My head was there.我的头就产于那儿。 (page71)

be made in+地点,意为“产于某地”,由于there是地点副词,故去掉介词in.

成品+be made in+地点 产于某地 原料+be made into+成品 ……被制成……
成品+be made of+ 原料(看得出,物理) 由……制成 成品+be made by+制造者 ……被……制造
成品+be made from+原料(看不出,化学) 由……制成

My piano is made in Beijing.

The birthday cake is made by my mother.

The table is made of wood.

Wine is made from grapes.

Grapes are made into wine.

The bike is made in China.

2. People’s Square is Shanghai.人民广场在上海的中心。(page73)

  in the centre of意为“在……的中心” There is a park in the centre of the city.

(1) at/ in the centre of 强调“在……中心,在……中央”。

in the middle of 强调“在……(时间、长度、过程等)的中间”。

He lives in the centre of the town.

Don’t stand in the middle of the road.

(2)centre ①意为“中心点,中心”,强调的是一个点,习惯上指空间的“中央”,

如圆、 球体、靶子的“正中心”;

②centre还可表示中心区、中心站或重要活动的中心。 the shopping centre

3. Shanghai is the largest cities in the world.上海是世界上最大的城市之一。(page73)

“one of+the+形容词最高级+复数名词/代词”意为“最……之一”,当其作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

Tom is one of the tallest boys in our class.

One of us has a travel guide.

4. The Pudong New Area, r, has many modern buildings.就在黄浦江对岸的浦东新区有着很多现代建筑。(page73)

  (1) 副词just,意为“正好,恰好”,常用于肯定句。.It’s just seven o’clock.

(2) across介词,意为“在……对面”;

across from意为“在……对面”

    He lives across the street.他住在街对面。

They live across the road from us.他们在我们的马路对面。

They live across from us.他们住在我们的对面。



Don’t walk across the road.

Light comes in through the window.

5. Sightseeing usually ……观光通常是指 (page74)

refer to 提到,涉及,指的是

Please don’t refer to it again.


refer ···to···



They refer the thief to the police


6. Where can I go?我还可以去哪儿?(page75)


What else do you want?你还想要什么?

Anything else?还有别的吗?

else 常用于修饰不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词,也可修饰all, much, little等词,放在其后,作后置定语;else还可以构成名词所有格,即else’s,意为“另外的,其他的人或物的”。

Why didn’t you come?

Everyone else was here.

That must be someone else’s pen.It’s not my elder sister’s.

other 作形容词,用以修饰名词或代词,作定语;此外,other可作代词,可以单独作主语、宾语、表语,其复数形式为others. Some students are playing under the tree,others are flying kites over there.

7. The main clause the result.主句谈论可能的结果。(page77)

 (1)①talk about意为“谈论”。Let’s talk about this question.

②talk to/ with sb.意为“与某人交谈”。

talk to指一方主动和对方说话;

talk with指双方互动在交谈。

talk of意为“谈到,涉及”

(2)likely形容词,意为“可能的”,可以作定语或构成be likely to do sth.结构,likely在此结构中作表语。

The likely time to find him is at night.

Who is likely to win the match?


likely既可由人作主语,也可由物作主语,通常用于It is likely that…中;


He is likely to come late.

It's possible for him to come early.

8. Mum’s advice…妈妈的建议(page78) 

 advice不可数名词,意为“建议;劝告;忠告”,表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice.  

give sb. advice/ give advice to sb.给某人提建议

give sb. advice on sth.在某方面给某人提建议

ask sb. for advice征求某人的意见

take/ follow sb.’s advice接受某人的意思


advise sb to do sth.建议某人做某事 如:He advises me to get up early.

9. …you will know which books to bring, ……你会知道带哪些书。(page79)

Which books to bring是疑问词与不定式连用,作动词know的宾语。在英语中,动词不定式可以用在疑问词what, how, where, which等后面,在句中作宾语等。

I don’t know what to do.

Can you tell me how to get to the library.

10. If you make the wheels round…如果你让轮子变圆……(page79)

make the wheels round意为“使轮子变圆” make+宾语+宾补

He makes me happy.

make+宾语+形容词做宾补 Rainy days make me sad.
make+宾语+动词原形(省to不定式作宾补) Tom often makes us laugh.

11. The seeds will grow if you plant them in the soil.(page79)


plant 及物动词,意为“种植”,一般指“栽上,种下”,是一种涉及时间较短的动作或活动 We plant trees every year.
grow 及物动词,意为“种植”,包含“种下”及以后的培育的过程。涉及时间较长,可后作是一种过程或状态。 Hi His job is to grow flowers.

12. put on“穿上,戴上”,反:take off“脱下”,都是强调动作,不能用来表示状态。


13. It’s in the north-west of Beijing.它在北京的西北部。(page80)

in the south-east of 意为“在……东南部”;

in the south-west of“在……的西南部”

总结:in+ the +方位名词+of 表示“在……的某个方位”

in, on, to表达方位:in表示在内部; on表示在外部且接壤;to 表示在外部且不接壤

14. …or get a bird’s-eye view of the whole park by riding in a cable car.(page82)


whole作形容词,意为“全部的,所有的,完整的”。 the whole school

作名词,意为“全部,全体,整体”。 I have finished the whole of it.

whole 将冠词、物主代词等限定词放在其前。一般不修饰不可数名词或物质名词,修饰可数名词复数时一般在其前加数量词。

my whole life= all my life

The whole school= all the school

three whole days

all the money

all 要把限定词放在其后而all能用于各种情况




二. 条件状语从句的引导词

1. if 如果,假如

If you ask him,he will help you.如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。

If you fail in the exam,you will let him down.如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。

2. unless除非,若不,除非在……的时候 (if ...not...)

You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier. 如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。

Unless it rains, the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。

3. so/as long as只要

You may borrow my book as long as you keep it clean. 只要你保持书的清洁,你就可以把我的书借去。



When I grow up, I’ll be a nurse and look after patients. 我长大后要当一名护士,照顾病人。


If you want to have a chat ,call me up. 如果你想聊天,打我电话。


You should be quiet when you are in the reading room. 在阅览室时应保持安静。


1. 在以when,before,as soon as(一……就……)等引导的时间状语从句,也适用“主将从现”原则,即如果主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。

 I'll tell her the good news when she comes back. 当她回来的时候,我将把这个好消息告诉她。

she will give you a call as soon as she returns. 她一回来就会给你电话。

2. if条件句的同义句:祈使句,and /or+将来时态的陈述句。

Work hard ,and you will make great progress.= If you work hard,you will make great progress.


Hurry up, or you will be late.=If you don’t hurry up.you will be late.

