
bat脚本 手动启动系统服务


背景:需要将系统非必需的服务设置为 手动 启动。

<span style="font-family:Verdana;">@echo off
title stop/start windows service
echo [1]	MySQL
echo [2]	Apache
echo [3]	Windows Update
echo [4]	Oracle
echo [5]	VMWare
echo [e]	exit
set in=
set /p in=please enter the num:

if "%in%"=="1" goto mysql
if "%in%"=="2" goto apache
if "%in%"=="3" goto windowsUpdate
if "%in%"=="4" goto Oracle
if "%in%"=="5" goto Vmware
if "%in%"=="e" goto allClose

echo [1]	start mysql service
echo [2]	stop mysql service
echo [b]	go back
echo [e]	exit
set in=
set /p in=	please enter the num:
if "%in%"=="1" goto mysqlStart
if "%in%"=="2" goto mysqlStop
if "%in%"=="b" goto allStart
if "%in%"=="e" goto allClose

echo [1]	start apache service
echo [2]	stop apache service
echo [b]	go back
echo [e]	exit
set in=
set /p in=	please enter the num:
if "%in%"=="1" goto apacheStart
if "%in%"=="2" goto apacheStop
if "%in%"=="b" goto allStart
if "%in%"=="e" goto allClose

echo [1]	start windows update service
echo [2]	stop windows update service
echo [b]	go back
echo [e]	exit
set in=
set /p in=	please enter the num:
if "%in%"=="1" goto windowsUpdateStart
if "%in%"=="2" goto windowsUpdateStop
if "%in%"=="b" goto allStart
if "%in%"=="e" goto allClose

echo [1]	start oralce service
echo [2]	stop oracle service
echo [b]	go back
echo [e]	exit
set in=
set /p in=	please enter the num:
if "%in%"=="1" goto oracleStart
if "%in%"=="2" goto oracleStop
if "%in%"=="b" goto allStart
if "%in%"=="e" goto allClose

echo [1]	start VMware service
echo [2]	stop VMware service
echo [b]	go back
echo [e]	exit
set in=
set /p in=	please enter the num:
if "%in%"=="1" goto VmwareStart
if "%in%"=="2" goto VmwareStop
if "%in%"=="b" goto allStart
if "%in%"=="e" goto allClose

net start MySQL
goto allStart
net stop MySQL
goto allStart

net start Apache2.2
goto allStart
net stop Apache2.2
goto allStart

net start wuauserv
goto allStart
net stop wuauserv
goto allStart

net start OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
net start OracleServiceORCL
net start OracleDBConsoleorcl
goto allStart
net stop OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
net stop OracleServiceORCL
net stop OracleDBConsoleorcl
goto allStart

net start VMAuthdService
net start VMnetDHCP
net start "VMware NAT Service"
net start VMUSBArbService
net start VMwareHostd

goto allStart
net stop VMAuthdService
net stop VMnetDHCP
net stop "VMware NAT Service"
net stop VMUSBArbService
net stop VMwareHostd
goto allStart

echo please enter any key to exit

rem ## how to delete the service in the windows?
rem ## sc delete [service name]
rem ## windows+R --> cmd --> services.msc</span>

