
英文期刊投稿指南模板(通用版)-----以IEEE Wireless Communications为例

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Papers are referred to as “articles” when appearing in our magazines, although references to other work may refer to “papers.”


Single spaces are used between sentences.


Titles and Headers  

Feature Topic parts shall be “Feature Topic Title: Part 1” (or 2 etc.) using a colon and an Arabic numeral in both editorials and Tables of Contents.


Titles should be clear and (hopefully) not overlong. If there are two parts to a title, a colon should be used (e.g., ATM over IP: The Future of the Web),

not an em dash.

译文:标题应该是清晰的,并且(希望)不要太长。如果标题有两个部分,则应该使用冒号(例如,ATM/IP:Web的未来),而不是em dash。

We do not use section/subsection numbers; hence, references within an article to material in separate sections/subsections are preferably indicated as appearing “earlier/later” or “above/below.” If necessary, section titles can be used.


Never define an acronym in a title or section head/subhead; use either the acronym or the definition, but not both. If an author has done so, remove the acronym and define it in the body of the text.


The levels of headers are referred to as follows: 译文:标题的级别如下:


Header 2: section title :标题2:章节

Header 3: subsection title 标题3:子部分标题

Run-in: header within a subtitle 运行:标题下的副标题

Sub-run-ins: the next level down. 译文:下一层。

Author Affiliations

Author affiliations appear in a footnote on the first page of each article. They are to appear in italics. Each author’s name will be spelled out in full (i.e., no initials unless we only have initials for a given author). However, it is all right to indicate that they are all with “the same [university, company, etc.]” when that is the case; for example, “The authors are with Carleton University.” There is a line space between each affiliation.





Trademark and Registered Trademark译文:商标和注册商标

These must appear only once: at the very first appearance of the item in the article. They are not simply superscripts. No other appearances of the item should have either of those symbols apart from reference titles. The trademark information (i.e., “Blah is a trademark of …”) should appear in an unnum­bered footnote on the page in which the first instance appears.

Preferred Spelling and Form译文:首选的拼写和形式

American, not British, spelling: signaling, modeling, traveling; focused, buses; in general, one letter is better than two when either is correct


Wherever possible, do not hyphenate; however, when two vowels are involved, hyphenate most of the time: multimedia, interoffice, intranetwork, multihop



Do not use the additional e in acknowledgment and judgment


And: real-time (adj.); real time (noun): a real-time video transmission; a video transmission in real time (applicable to many similar terms); data center

The correct form of path loss is path loss, not pathloss or path-loss.


Punctuation n. 标点;标点符号

Series, or Oxford, commas are used (a, b, and c).  逗号

An em dash has a space on each side. An en dash will or won’t have a space on each side. When used as a minus symbol, there is a space on each side; when used to indicate “4 to 8” it does not have any space around it (4–8).

译文:一个em dash在每一边都有一个空间。在每一边都不会有一个空间。当用作减号时,每边都有一个空间;当用来表示“4到8”时,它周围没有任何空间(4——8)

We do not like ampersands (&). We avoid them whenever possible, changing them to “and.” This includes figures and tables. Only when they exist in titles (usually in references) or proper names do we allow them


A list (bulleted or numbered) is always preceded by a colon.



Most protocol and algorithm names are initial capped; for example, the Leaky Bucket algorithm, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).


Acronym definitions are generally lower case if not proper names; for example, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), very large-scale integration (VLSI).


No matter how short a word is, if it is a verb, it is initial capped in titles, headers, and other places where initial caps are used. Examples would be:


“Vehicle Maintenance Is Easy for Mechanics”; “You Are What You Eat”; “Terabytes Are the Next Step toward Petabytes.” When not the first word in a sen­tence or title, prepositions are not initial capped.  一般如果不是第一个词或者标题,,介词首字母是不大写的。

Generally, the first letter after a colon is lower-case when not followed by a complete sentence:


• Asynchronous transfer mode: an extremely popular topic at this time ....


• WiMAX: This was developed by the IEEE as a form of wireless communications.


The Internet

The web


Bullets should be used wherever possible. Subsequent text below should be quickly checked for use of numbers used by authors in a list, in which case only Arabic numerals are used, followed by a period


In the case of inline text being made into a list, things such as “a) ... b) ...” or (i ... iii) should be made into bulleted lists


Bullets should be used for reasonably short listed items (no more than two sentences in length)


Numbered Lists

Place a period after each number. Use bullet paragraph style


List Items

Each item in a list should end one of two ways. If at least one item is a complete sentence, each item should end in a period. (It is up to a copy editor to attempt to change the rest of the list into complete sentences if possible.)


If none of the items are complete sentences, none of them should have any punctuation at the end.


In no case should commas or semi-colons appear at the end of any list item



These are always defined at their first appearance in the text of each article as shown above in the section on capitalization. After an acronym has been defined, it should be used throughout the remainder of the article instead of the spelled-out version. Generally they are not used/defined in the Abstract unless a new and unfamiliar (to our readership) acronym is being introduced. One can either spell the name out each time the acronym shows up or not; abstracts are short, and readers should be able to connect the acronym with the spelled out definition in the body of the text without any trouble. Acro­nyms known to the general public do not always need to be defined (e.g., RF, LTE).


Numbers and Symbols

For specific values (e.g., 1 bit, 50 km) numerals are always used; however, for other uses (three to four users, hundreds of megabits per second) the following rules apply :


• For zero through nine, spell out the number.

• Ten or 10 is contextual (from three to four minutes, sometimes as long as ten minutes; or 50 to 60 MHz in the case of 10 users on 7 phones); follow the most commonly used form in a sentence.

• For 11 and up, use numerals only.

• 1000–9999: no comma.

10,000 and up: comma.

One million or 1 million, 40 billion, and so on.

• US$1; US$1 million. The money of other countries should appear as most commonly denoted (e.g., e).

The percent symbol (%) is never used in text; the word is always spelled out. The symbol may be used in figures and tables.

译文:•从0到9,把这个数字拼出来。•10或10是情境性的(从3到4分钟,有时长达10分钟;在10个用户的7个电话中,50到60 MHz);在句子中遵循最常用的形式。•对于11岁和11岁以上的人来说,只使用数字。•1000年- 9999年:没有逗号。10000年:逗号。100万或100万,400亿,等等。•1美元;100万美元。其他国家的货币应该表现为最常用的(例如,e)。%符号(%)从未在文本中使用;这个词总是拼出来的。这个符号可以用于数字和表格中

Italic and Bold Text

The introduction of new or article-specific terminology should be italicized, not in quotes or bold.

All variables in math statements shall be italicized, although subscript words or abbreviations should not be (e.g., Ni, Xmax, Svariable). Vertices and matrices should generally be bold.

et al. is the only common borrowing from Latin that still gets italicized; ad hoc, etc., e.g., i.e., and a priori do not.

Versus/versus should always be vs., in or out of parentheses, and in titles and headers, and never italicized or otherwise set apart from surrounding text.



i.e., e.g., etc. should not appear in text except within parentheses; use that is, for example, and so on instead in regular unparenthetical text

Megabits, kilobytes, and so on: When not a specific value, spell out: hundreds of megabits per second; when referring to a specific amount, abbreviate (e.g., 10 Mb/s, 100 kB/s); frames per second: fps. If there’s any question about something not covered in this guide, see “Units and Quantity Symbols” attached to this document to use correct abbreviations.

Wi-Fi or WiFi; either one is all right as long as used consistently throughout an article. WiMAX is the correct combination for that term.

Millimeter-wave (always hyphenated); mm-Wave abbreviated

With a numeral or other variable, bytes shall be B. For example, 1 B, A kB ... MB ... GB.

Months of the year, abbreviated: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

译文:即。除括号内以外,不应出现在文本中;例如,使用它,而不是常规的无括号的文本兆位,千字节,等等:当不是一个特定的值时,拼出:每秒几百兆比特;在提及具体数额时,缩写(例如,10 mb/s,100 kb/s);帧每秒:fps。如果在本指南中没有涉及到的问题,请参阅附在本文档中的“单位和数量符号”,以使用正确的缩写。wi - fi或无线网络;任何一种都是正确的,只要在一篇文章中始终如一地使用。埃姆

Incorrect but commonly seen: Jun., Jul., Sep. 译文:不正确但常见的是:6月,7月。

Months are abbreviated only in references, not in biographies or body text

In the body of text, the word “Figure” is used only as the first word of a sentence. Elsewhere, it is abbreviated to “Fig.”



In figures, sub-captions (i.e., a, b, c, d) do not appear in the figures. Instead, they are merely indicated within parens; sub-caption text appears in the caption. For example, in the June 2015 issue of ComMag, Amoozadeh Figure 2 came with the following sub-captions in the figure: a) falsification attack, b) eavesdropping attack, c) radio jamming attack, d) tampering attack. The caption of the figure was “Security attacks on a CACC vehicle stream.” Within the figure, only the letters appear in parentheses: (a), (b), etc. The finished caption for Amoozadeh Fig. 2 is then Figure 2. Security attacks on a CACC vehicle stream: a) falsification attack; b) eavesdropping attack; c) radio jamming attack; d) tampering attack.



Only the first word of each column and row head is capitalized. This is only changed for proper names when used as either type of header. This also holds true for the text in each cell of a table.



Sample formats for references as well as additional reading (items not referred to in text):


[1] A. Writer, C. Author, and E. Expert, Book Title, Publisher, 20xx.

[2] G. Expert et al., “Title,” Periodical Name, vol. x, no. y, 19xx, pp. 141–52.

[3] C. Author, “Title,” Aug. 20xx; http://www.onlinedocs.com/c.author/work, accessed July 25, 20xx.

[4] ITU-T Rec. X.123, “Title,” Sept. 19xx.

For ComSoc magazines’ commonly used periodical abbreviations, please refer to recent issues. For example, Vehicular Technology in the name of a publi­cation becomes Vehic. Tech., while IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications becomes IEEE JSAC.



成为Vehic。技术。当IEEE期刊在通信的选定领域成为IEEE JSAC

Article and paper titles should be in quotes. Book, periodical, conference proceedings, and thesis titles are italicized.


Note that no more than three authors should be listed. Where there are four or more authors, the name of the first author is followed by et al. (see [2] above).


Note that no more than three authors should be listed. Where there are four or more authors, the name of the first author is followed by et al. (see [2]


译文:请注意,不应该列出三个作者。如果有4个或更多的作者,那么第一个作者的名字后面跟着et al.(见上文2)。

References within text: Separate reference numbers appearing together will be placed within brackets and separated by commas. Hence, [3][12][17] will become [3, 12, 17]. Also, sequential reference numbers will be connected via an en dash. In this case, [3][4][5] or [3, 4, 5] will become [3–5].

译文:文本中的引用:将出现在一起的单独引用数字将放在括号内,并以逗号分隔。因此,3 12 17将变成3 12 17。另外,顺序引用编号将通过en dash连接。在这种情况下,3 4 5或3 4 5将变成3-5。


A biography should be one paragraph. The author’s full name should appear first in small caps, followed by IEEE membership info if any within brackets and his/her email address:


Author [SM] ([email protected]) … (Info such as “... is a Senior Member of IEEE ...” is then deleted from the bio once it is indicated in brackets beside the author’s name and before thea author’s email address in parentheses, whenever the latter is provided and placed in the biography). Multiple member­ship levels should be separated by commas: [M’12, SM’15, F’18].





Within the text of the biography, the author is only referred to as he or she, not by name.


He/she received a B.S, an M.S., or a Ph.D; he/she also may have received his/her degrees; however, no person has received the degree.


We delete information such as when and where they were born. The info we keep is: name [membership] ([email protected]), education, current job, research interests, past jobs, published work, standards body work, conference and editorial/publications involvement, and awards. The above is merely what we keep, not the order in which it must appear.

译文:我们删除了诸如何时何地出生的信息。我们保留的信息是:姓名会员([email protected])、教育、当前工作、研究兴趣、过去的工作、出版的工作、标准的身体工作、会议和编辑/出版物的参与和奖励。以上仅仅是我们所保留的,而不是它必须出现的顺序
