
Google Earth Engine——全球1公里分辨率五大耕地类型(小麦、水稻、玉米、大麦和大豆)的空间分布,这些耕地占全球所有耕地面积的60%

GFSAD1000: Cropland Extent 1km Crop Dominance, Global Food-Support Analysis Data [deprecated]

The GFSAD is a NASA-funded project to provide high-resolution global cropland data and their water use that contributes towards global food security in the twenty-first century. The GFSAD products are derived through multi-sensor remote sensing data (e.g., Landsat, MODIS, AVHRR), secondary data, and field-plot data and aims at documenting cropland dynamics.

At a nominal 1km scale, V0.0 provides the spatial distribution of the five major global cropland types (wheat, rice, corn, barley, and soybeans) which occupy 60% of all global cropland areas. The map is produced by overlaying these crops over the remote sensing derived global irrigated and rainfed cropland area map of the International Water Management Institute. V0.0 an 8-class product that provides information on global: cropland extent, crop dominance, irrigated versus rainfed cropping, and cropping intensity