
IM 系统架构与开发的相关知识

这只是一个关于IM系统架构与开发相关知识的简易list 。

0 最权威的资料,当然是来自 xmpp的:  http://xmpp.org , 列举有主要的服务端、客户端  和 库


Name Platform(s) License Details

Apache Vysper Windows / Linux Apache License Version 2.0 mina.apache.org
Citidel Linux GPL3 citadel.org
CommuniGate Pro Linux / Mac OS X / Windows Commercial communigate.com
djabberd Linux GPL3 danga.com
ejabberd Linux / Mac OS X / Solaris / Windows GPL2 process-one.net
IceWarp Linux / Windows Commercial icewarp.com
iChat Server Mac OS X Commercial apple.com
in.jabberd Linux GPL2 inetdxtra.sourceforge.net
Isode M-Link Linux / Solaris / Windows Commercial isode.com
jabberd 1.x Linux GPL2 jabberd.org
jabberd 2.x Linux / Solaris / Windows GPL2 jabberd2.xiaoka.com
Jabber XCP Linux / Solaris / Windows Commercial jabber.com
Jerry Messenger Linux / Windows Commercial j-livesupport.com
Kwickserver Windows GPL kwickserver.info
Openfire Linux / Mac OS X / Solaris / Windows GPL igniterealtime.org
Open IM Linux BSD openim.techlab.smk.fr
Prosody Linux / Mac OS X / Windows MIT/X11 prosody.im
psyced Linux / Mac OS X / Windows GPL2 psyced.org
SoapBox Server Windows Commercial coversant.net
Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server Linux / Solaris / Windows Commercial oracle.com
Tigase Linux / Solaris / Mac OS X / Windows GPL3 tigase.org
Wokkel MIT wokkel.ik.nu

Showing 1 to 23 of 23 entries


Name Platform(s) License Details

Adium Mac OS X adium.im
Agile Messenger Mobile agilemobile.com
AQQ Windows aqq.eu
Ayttm Linux ayttm.sourceforge.net
beejive Mobile beejive.com
Beem Mobile beem-project.com
BitlBee Linux bitlbee.org
Bombus Mobile bombus-im.org
BuddyMob Mobile buddymob.com
Candy Browser amiadogroup.github.com
Chatopus Mobile chatopus.com
Citron Windows citron-im.com
Claros Chat Browser claros.org
Cleartext EIM Linux / Mac OS X / Windows cleartext.com
climm Console / Text-Mode climm.org
Coccinella Linux / Mac OS X / Windows coccinella.im
Crosstalk Mobile iOS portablek.com
Digsby Windows digsby.com
eM Client Windows emclient.com
emite Browser google.com
Empathy Linux live.gnome.org
Exodus Windows code.google.com
Finch Console / Text-Mode developer.pidgin.im
Gajim  Linux / Windows gajim.org
Galaxium Linux code.google.com
glu Windows xeus-messenger.blogspot.com
GNU Freetalk Console / Text-Mode gnu.org
Gossip Linux developer.imendio.com
iChat Mac OS X apple.com
iJab Browser code.google.com
IM+ Mobile shapeservices.com
imov Messenger Mobile movsoftware.com
irssi-xmpp Console / Text-Mode cybione.org
Jabbear Windows / Browser jabbear.com
Jabber Mix Client Mobile jabbermixclient.sourceforge.net
jabber.el Linux emacs-jabber.sourceforge.net
Jabbim Linux / Mac OS X / Windows jabbim.com
Jabbim for Android Mobile www.jabbim.com
Jabiru Mobile jabiru.info
JAJC Windows jajc.jrudevels.org
Jappix Browser jappix.com
JBuddy Messenger Linux / Mac OS X / Windows zionsoftware.com
Jeti Linux / Mac OS X / Windows jeti-im.org
Jitsi (SIP Communicator) Linux / Mac OS X / Windows jitsi.org
JWChat Browser jwchat.sourceforge.net
Kadu Linux / Mac OS X / Windows kadu.net
Kopete Linux kopete.kde.org
Lampiro Mobile lampiro.bluendo.com
m-im Mobile code.google.com
mcabber Console / Text-Mode mcabber.com
mChat Mobile smape.com
Miranda IM Windows miranda-im.org
Monal IM Mobile monal.im
OctroTalk Mobile octro.com
OneTeam Linux / Mac OS X / Windows oneteam.im
OneTeam for iPhone Mobile oneteam.im
Oyo Linux / Mac OS X / Windows bristowsoftware.co.uk
Pandion Windows pandion.im
Poezio Console / Text-Mode poezio.eu
Pidgin Linux / Mac OS X / Windows pidgin.im
Prodromus Browser forge.webpresso.net
Psi Linux / Mac OS X / Windows psi-im.org
Psi+ Linux / Mac OS X / Windows code.google.com
Quiet Internet Pager (QIP) Windows forum.qip.ru
qutIM Linux / Mac OS X / Windows qutim.org
saje Linux / Mac OS X / Windows code.google.com
Salut à Toi Linux / Console / Text-Mode / Browser wiki.goffi.org
SamePlace Browser sameplace.cc
Sim-IM Linux sim-im.org
Slimster Browser slimster.org
SoapBox Communicator Windows coversant.net
Spark Linux / Mac OS X / Windows igniterealtime.org
SparkWeb Browser igniterealtime.org
Swift Linux / Mac OS X / Windows swift.im
Synapse Linux synapse.im
Talkonaut Mobile talkonaut.com
Tigase Messenger Browser tigase.org
Tigase Minichat Browser tigase.org
Tkabber Linux / Mac OS X / Windows tkabber.jabber.ru
Tlen Linux / Mac OS X / Windows tlen.pl
Trillian Windows/ Mac OS X / Mobile / Browser trillian.im
TrophyIM Browser code.google.com
V&V Messenger Windows altertech.net
Vacuum-IM Linux / Mac OS X / Windows vacuum-im.org
Vayusphere Mobile vayusphere.com
WeeChat Console / Text-Mode weechat.org
WTW Windows k2t.eu
Xabber Mobile xabber.com
xmppchat Browser babelmonkeys.de
Yambi Windows yambi.com
Yaxim Mobile slideme.org

Showing 1 to 91 of 91 entries


Name Language(s) License Details

agsXMPP SDK C# / .NET / Mono Website
AnyEvent::XMPP Perl Website
as3xmpp Flash / ActionScript Website
AXMPP Ada Website
Babylon Ruby Website
Blather Ruby Website
cl-xmpp Lisp Website
dojox.xmpp JavaScript Website
Echomine Feridian Java Website
Eiffel PHP Website
emite Java Website
exmpp Erlang Website
gloox C++ Website
headstock Python Website
hsxmpp Haskell Website
hxmpp haXe Website
iksemel C Website
IP*Works Internet Toolkit

ActiveX, C++, C#,

.NET, Mono, Delphi, Java

Iris C++ Website
jabber-net C# / .NET / Mono Website
jabber.py Python Website
JabberLib Tcl Website
Jabber Stream Objects (JSO) Java Website
JAXL PHP Website
Jreen C++/Qt Website
js.io JavaScript Website
JSJaC JavaScript Website
libstrophe C Website
Lightr PHP Website
Loudmouth C Website
Loudmouth Ruby Website
Matrix C# / .NET / Mono Website
Net::XMPP Perl Website
oajabber C++ Website
pyxmpp Python Website
QXmpp C++ Website
seesmic-as3-xmpp Flash / ActionScript Website
SleekXMPP Python Website
Smack Java Website
SoapBox Studio C# / .NET / Mono Website
strophe.js JavaScript Website
Swiften C++ Website
Tinder Java Website
txmpp C++ Website
Twisted Words Python Website
Verse Lua Website
XIFF Flash / ActionScript Website
xmpp-psn Python Website
xmpp4gwt JavaScript Website
xmpp4js JavaScript Website
XMPP4R Ruby Website
xmpp4r-simple Ruby Website
xmppframework Objective C Website
xmpphp PHP Website
xmppy Python Website
StropheCappuccino Objective-J Website
Z-XMPP JavaScript Website

Showing 1 to 57 of 57 entries

【我主要关注 java, python的库,以及与android和ios相关的】

1 tcp/ip 协议,socket通信 , p2p 

2 xmpp协议,jabber系统,及其实现:Openfire(wildfire),ejabberd,Jabberd,DJabberd ;客户端 spark

3 服务器推技术,comet: pushlet 

4 http长连接: tcp长连接  

5 群组聊天,语音,视频,传文件: xmpp jingle , jingle nodes(erlang, java) 


6 资料

+ 一个关于jabber的blog: [截止2009不再更新]    http://hi.baidu.com/jabber  (作者应该是Tim Yang)

+ 关于http长连接的介绍:  http://www.cnblogs.com/Roberts/archive/2010/12/05/1986550.html 

+ 关于服务器推的ibm dw文章: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/web/wa-lo-comet/

7 其他

应用集群, 分布式系统,多线程,高并发的应对方案 ,可靠性 

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