

(阅读笔记 ) CT灌注扫描时间

  • Method
    • Patient
    • Image Protocol
    • Image PostProcessing
    • Simulation of Shorter Scans
  • Results
    • Relation Between Optimal Scan Duration and VOF Parameters
  • 其他


期刊论文《Optimal Computed Tomographic Perfusion Scan Duration for Assessment of Acute Stroke Lesion Volumes》[1] 阅读笔记

Although magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has been the reference standard for assessment of the ischemic core and penumbra for many years, recent studies have demonstrated comparable results with CTP and MR imaging.9–11 In comparison with MR, CTP has several advantages: it is quicker, cheaper, more widely available, and can be applied in patients who are claustrophobic or have other MR contraindications such as pacemakers.12–14


Recommendations about the optimal scan acquisition parameters, such as scan duration, differ between studies.15–17 Consequently, CTP scan times vary considerably between imaging centers and are as short as 40 seconds at some centers and as long as 90 seconds at others.2,11,17–22 Short scan times can result in truncation of the concentration measurements and resultant inaccurate CTP results.23–25 On the contrary, long scan times can expose patients to unnecessary radiation with no additive accuracy of CTP results.



Because the assessment of ischemic tissue on CTP is based on contrast bolus passage characteristics, it is intuitive that the optimal CTP scan duration depends on the arrival time and the shape of the contrast bolus.


To identify the optimal scan duration, we sequentially truncated the length of the acquired CTP scan in a cohort of patients with a relatively long scan duration (90 seconds) and recorded the impact of truncation on measurements of the ischemic core and penumbra volumes.




Image Protocol

Image PostProcessing

Postprocessing of CTP images was performed using a customized research version of the RAPID (iSchemaView, Menlo Park, CA) perfusion software program.5,26–29 RAPID allows for fully automated processing of CTP images, including automatic arterial input function (AIF) detection and motion correction.

CTP图像的后处理是使用定制的研究版本的RAPID(iSchemaView,Menlo Park,CA)灌注软件程序执行的。可以完成CTP图像的全自动处理,包括AIF检测和运动校正等。

We used the VOF as a representation for the bolus shape in each CTP study because it is the most easy-to-determine signal and, because of the large venous dimensions, less susceptible to partial volume effects than the AIF.


We parameterized the VOF by curve ftting using a gamma variate function as described by Madsen.30 For each scan, we used the ft to determine the following: (1) the bolus arrival time (T0), defned as the time at which 0.1% of the area under the VOF curve ft was reached, and (2) the width of the VOF, defned as the full width at half maximum of the ftted gamma variate function. Although T0 can also be determined directly from one of the ftted parameters, we empirically found that the 0.1% criterion yielded a more accurate measure of T 0. 31



(2)VOF的宽度,定义为ftted gamma变量函数半最大值处的全宽。


Simulation of Shorter Scans


Relation Between Optimal Scan Duration and VOF Parameters

For the 59 scans that were volumetrically stable, the median optimal scan time was 32.7 seconds (90th percentile 52.6 seconds; 100th percentile 68.9 seconds) and the median relative height of the ftted VOF at the optimal scan times was 0.39 (90th percentile 0.02; 100th percentile 0.00).

对于59次容积稳定的扫描,最佳扫描时间中位数为32.7秒(第90百分位52.6秒;第100百分位68.9秒),最佳扫描时间时ftted VOF的中位数相对高度为0.39(第90百分位0.02;100百分位0.00;如下表)。




严重低灌注组织(Tmax>6 s)的体积估算用绿色圆圈表示。





The optimal scan time was T0 plus 1.6 times the width of the VOF (P<0.001; R2 =0.49). The 95% prediction interval of this function ranged from -25.6 to 25.6 seconds.





[1] Kasasbeh A S, Christensen S, Straka M, et al. Optimal computed tomographic perfusion scan duration for assessment of acute stroke lesion volumes[J]. Stroke, 2016, 47(12): 2966-2971.
