
mac运行vue,Mac OS:安装vue cli可以正常工作

mac运行vue,Mac OS:安装vue cli可以正常工作

I installed vue-cli running the following command:

npm install -g @vue/cli

/Users/me/npm/bin/vue -> /Users/me/npm/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/bin/vue.js


└── @vue/[email protected]

When I run vue init, get an the error: "command not found":

vue init webpack vue-app

-bash: vue: command not found

vue-cli does not seem to be in my PATH. When I check the PATH, it includes the directory /Users/me/npm/lib. Here is the result of echo $PATH


What am I missing?


You could try adding this to your $PATH:


Your $PATH currently goes one level deeper than this, in which case wouldn’t see the content of bin.