


When working with the relational model, we have 2 groups of operations we can use.

使用关系模型时 ,我们可以使用2组操作。

The first is called relational algebra, and it’s a procedural language.

第一种称为关系代数 ,它是一种过程语言 。

This is what SQL is based upon, and as such it is very important to learn - as SQL is the de-facto standard for working with relational databases.


The second is called relational calculus and instead of being procedural, it’s a declarative language. It’s a fundamental difference in how we interact with databases, because you don’t tell the database software what to do, you just tell it what you want, and let it sort out the details of how to do it.

第二种称为关系演算 ,而不是程序性的,它是一种声明性语言 。 这是我们与数据库交互的方式的根本区别,因为您没有告诉数据库软件该怎么做 ,而只是告诉您想要什么 ,然后让它整理出如何做的细节。

This is a common distinction among programming languages. In modern frontend, we say interaction with the DOM in React is declarative. Using vanilla JavaScript to modify the DOM is procedural.

这是编程语言之间的常见区别。 在现代的前端中,我们说与React中的DOM交互是声明性的。 使用原始JavaScript修改DOM是过程性的。

Languages like Datalog, QBE and QUEL have relational calculus as its base. I’m not going to talk about this because I think it’s a much more niche way of doing things compared to the more practical approach followed by SQL, but you can look at it if you want.

诸如Datalog , QBE和QUEL之类的语言都以关系演算为基础。 我不打算讨论这个问题,因为与SQL所采用的更实际的方法相比,这是一种更利基的处理方式,但是您可以根据需要进行查看。

Given this introduction, let’s go on with relational algebra.

有了这个介绍,让我们继续关系代数 。

We have 2 types of operations:


  • primary operations


  • join operations


关系代数中的主要运算 (Primary operations in relational algebra)

Primary operations are:


  • union to get data from two tables, generating a sum of the tuples, as long as the two tables have the same columns and attribute types (domain).


  • difference to get data contained in the first table but not in the second table, generating a difference of the tuples, as long as the two tables have the same columns and attribute types (domain).


  • cartesian product to get data from two tables into and generate one single table that combines the data of them, based on an attribute value.


  • select to only extract some of the tuples (rows) contained in a table based on certain criteria.


  • project to generate a new table containing only one or more attributes (columns) of an existing table


  • rename used to rename an attribute, used to prevent conflicts when multiple tables have the same name for different data


关系代数中的联接运算 (Join operations in relational algebra)

Joins are probably the most powerful operations you can perform with relational algebra. They build on top of primary operations, and they allow you to correlate data contained in different relations (tables).

连接可能是关系代数可以执行的最强大的运算。 它们建立在主要操作之上,并且使您可以关联包含在不同关系(表)中的数据。

Note: I’ll soon talk about joins in practice in a DBMS, this is mostly theory.


We have 2 main join versions: natural join and theta join. All the other versions are extracted from those 2.

我们有2个主要的join版本: 自然联接和theta联接 。 所有其他版本均摘自那些2。

自然加入 (Natural Join)

Natural join correlates two relations (tables), and creates a new table based on the same values of an attribute.


We need two relations with the same attribute name (column), first. Then if values in the attributes in relation A are unmatched in the attributes in relation B, the row is not part of the result, it’s ignored.

首先,我们需要两个具有相同属性名称(列)的关系。 然后,如果关系A中的属性值与关系B中的属性不匹配,则该行不是结果的一部分,将忽略该行。



Relation A


Employee ID Name
1 Mark
2 Tony
3 Rick
员工ID 名称
1个 标记
2 托尼
3 里克

Relation B


Manager Name Employee ID
Todd 1
Albert 2
经理姓名 员工ID
托德 1个
阿尔伯特 2

We can perform a natural join to get the boss name for each employee:


Employee ID Name Manager Name
1 Mark Todd
2 Tony Albert
员工ID 名称 经理姓名
1个 标记 托德
2 托尼 阿尔伯特

Since the relations have the Employee ID attribute name in common, it is only present once in the result, not 2 times.

由于这些关系具有共同的Employee ID属性名称,因此在结果中仅出现一次,而不是2次。

The employee #3 present in relation A, Rick, is not included in this table, because there’s no corresponding entry in relation B.


θ联接 (Theta-join)

A theta-join allows to perform a join based on any criteria to compare two columns in two different relations, not just equality like the natural join does.


It performs a cartesian product of two tables, and filters the results based on the selection we want to make.


等值联接 (Equi-join)

The equi-join is a theta join, where the selection is based on equality between attribute values in the two different tables.


The difference with the natural join is that we can choose which attributes names (columns) we want to compare.


We’ll talk much more about joins later when SQL is introduced, so we can use them in practice.


翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/relational-algebra/
