
Windows Embedded Compact 2013 for .NET Developer

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 for .NET Developer

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 (formerly known as Windows CE) enables .NET developer to create embedded-device application for broad range of industries such as Industrial-Automation, Manufacturing, Medical, Oil & gas, Retail, Security, Transportation, Utility and more. 

Join Windows Embedded Compact Expert Doug Boling as he presents the new story for Application Developers in Windows Embedded Compact 2013. 

Doug will discuss the new Visual Studio 2012 Application Builder toolset that hosts Windows Embedded Compact 2013 SDKs and contrast it with Application Development within Platform Builder. Come see how Windows Embedded Compact 2013 provides the new VS 2012 toolset to both Application and Platform Developers alike! 

This Webinar will take place on May 28th, 2013 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Pacific Standard time zone.

Beijing time:  May 29th, 2013 from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Visit the following URL to register. 
