
dd 根据不同block size 测试eMMC 读写速度Block sizes of 512b 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M 2M 4M 8M 16M 32M 64MCalculate number of segments required to copyCreate test fileBlock sizes of 512b 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M 2M 4M 8M 16M 32M 64M

因项目需求,写了一个读写eMMC 的脚本来测试eMMC 读写速度




Block sizes of 512b 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M 2M 4M 8M 16M 32M 64M

for BLOCK_SIZE in 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 33554432 67108864


Calculate number of segments required to copy


if [ $COUNT -le 0 ];


echo"Block size of $BLOCK_SIZE estimated to require C O U N T b l o c k s , a b o r t i n g f u r t h e r t e s t s . " b r e a k f i e c h o 3 > / p r o c / s y s / v m / d r o p c a c h e s d d i f = / d e v / z e r o o f = / v a r / t e s t . d b f b s = COUNT blocks, aborting further tests." break fi echo 3>/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/test.dbf bs= COUNTblocks,abortingfurthertests."breakfiecho3>/proc/sys/vm/dropc​achesddif=/dev/zeroof=/var/test.dbfbs=BLOCK_SIZE count=$COUNT;sync

rm /var/test.dbf




262144+0 records in

262144+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 7.305 secs (18373405 bytes/sec)

131072+0 records in

131072+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 4.859 secs (27622500 bytes/sec)

65536+0 records in

65536+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 3.894 secs (34467829 bytes/sec)

32768+0 records in

32768+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 3.434 secs (39084952 bytes/sec)

16384+0 records in

16384+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.845 secs (47176705 bytes/sec)

8192+0 records in

8192+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.851 secs (47077421 bytes/sec)

4096+0 records in

4096+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.830 secs (47426759 bytes/sec)

2048+0 records in

2048+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 3.035 secs (44223304 bytes/sec)

1024+0 records in

1024+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 3.277 secs (40957500 bytes/sec)

512+0 records in

512+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 3.023 secs (44398851 bytes/sec)

256+0 records in

256+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.680 secs (50081241 bytes/sec)

128+0 records in

128+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.869 secs (46782059 bytes/sec)

64+0 records in

64+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.981 secs (45024397 bytes/sec)

32+0 records in

32+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 3.095 secs (43365986 bytes/sec)

16+0 records in

16+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.985 secs (44964062 bytes/sec)

8+0 records in

8+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.915 secs (46043817 bytes/sec)

4+0 records in

4+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.914 secs (46059618 bytes/sec)

2+0 records in

2+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 2.957 secs (45389830 bytes/sec)


读eMMC 脚本:



Create test file

echo ‘Generating test file…’


COUNT= ( ( (( ((TEST_FILE_SIZE / B L O C K S I Z E ) ) d d i f = / d e v / u r a n d o m o f = / v a r / t e s t . d b f b s = BLOCK_SIZE)) dd if=/dev/urandom of=/var/test.dbf bs= BLOCKS​IZE))ddif=/dev/urandomof=/var/test.dbfbs=BLOCK_SIZE count=$COUNT;sync

Block sizes of 512b 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M 2M 4M 8M 16M 32M 64M

for BLOCK_SIZE in 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 33554432 67108864


echo 3>/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

dd if=/var/test.dbf of=/dev/null bs=$BLOCK_SIZE;sync



Generating test file…

2048+0 records in

2048+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 6.330 secs (21203432 bytes/sec)

262144+0 records in

262144+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 1.271 secs (105600100 bytes/sec)

131072+0 records in

131072+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.776 secs (172960989 bytes/sec)

65536+0 records in

65536+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.482 secs (278460016 bytes/sec)

32768+0 records in

32768+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.312 secs (430185025 bytes/sec)

16384+0 records in

16384+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.236 secs (568719186 bytes/sec)

8192+0 records in

8192+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.200 secs (671088640 bytes/sec)

4096+0 records in

4096+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.185 secs (725501232 bytes/sec)

2048+0 records in

2048+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.178 secs (754032179 bytes/sec)

1024+0 records in

1024+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.154 secs (871543688 bytes/sec)

512+0 records in

512+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.295 secs (454975349 bytes/sec)

256+0 records in

256+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.351 secs (382386689 bytes/sec)

128+0 records in

128+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.267 secs (502688119 bytes/sec)

64+0 records in

64+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.232 secs (578524689 bytes/sec)

32+0 records in

32+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.293 secs (458080982 bytes/sec)

16+0 records in

16+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.255 secs (526344031 bytes/sec)

8+0 records in

8+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.288 secs (466033777 bytes/sec)

4+0 records in

4+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.250 secs (536870912 bytes/sec)

2+0 records in

2+0 records out

134217728 bytes transferred in 0.328 secs (409200390 bytes/sec)

根据上面结果看,不同的block size 读写速度不一样,每个硬件有一个最优的读写速度的size
