
the Java keywords: final ,static &public

10. the Java keywords: final &static&public

10.1 the keyword "final"

​ only for classes, methods and variables:

  • for classes: the classes cannot be inherited.
  • for methods: the methods cannot be overwrite.
  • for variable: the variable can be assigned only once. And after then the variable will be treated as a constant , be stocked at the static area(constant area)

    Note: if a pointer is modified by “final”, it’s address cannot be changed. but the attributes of object it point can be assigned.

10.2 the keyword “static”

  • only for methods and variables, cannot be used on classes.
  • The static methods or variables will be shared by all of the class’s objects.
  • The static methods or variables are only related to the class, not the object. then all the object don’t need to apply heap’s memory for these attributes.
  • when to use static? all the objects are share a same attributes or method.
    • for common function extraction from class. eg:
    public static boolean isNull(sting [] args){// judge a string Null or not
            return ture;
        return false;    
  • the static method and variable are stocked in the “Method Area”, not in heap. And if the class is public , other class’s objects can access it,too. So it can be used directly by "class.method&variable or interface.method " , do not need to new an object in heap, saving the memory.

Note: Static method can only access the static contexts, cannot access the non-static contexts. The non-static contexts must be instantiated to a object, then it can be accessed by static method

Keyword package: 指定类的路径。同一个包表示路径相同。

​ 作用:1、区分同名的类

​ 2、 通过包名(路径)找到对应的类

10.3 Privilege modifier:



修饰类成员:能访问?1 :0 public protected default private
同一个类中: 1 1 1 1
同一个包中: 1 1 1
不同包,子类中: 1 1
不同包,非子类中: 1