
Group By 分组并获取每组内最新的数据记录

初始 sql
select *
from temp_config_value
id in (
    select max(id) `id`from temp_config_value 
    where del_flag = 0
    group by temp_id, config_id

-- select max(id) `id`from temp_config_value where del_flag = 0 group by temp_id, config_id
-- 获取需求分组后最大的id(且以del_flag = 0保证数据的有效性)
-- 分组后最大的id,是分组后最新数据id的变体;根据数据库id自增规则(配置好条件后,几乎等同)
-- 故,可获取所需结果集的id,后续即为基本操作。
select *
from temp_config_value
id in (
    select max(id) `id`from temp_config_value 
    where del_flag = 0 and identification = 0
    group by temp_id, config_id
ORDER BY create_time DESC

-- identification = 0 是否是最终结果集:0-是 1-否
Group By 分组并获取每组内最新的数据记录
项目中具体的 sql:
<!-- 根据业务模板、业务模板功能配置分组查询业务模板功能配置(当前组最新的)结果集List -->
    <select id="queryTempConfigValueByGroup" resultMap="TempConfigValueVOResultMap">
        tcv.id, tcv.temp_id, tcy.name AS tempName, tcv.config_id, tcg.name AS configName ,tcv.date_source_type, tcv.date_source_id, tcv.calculate_type, tcv.calculate_id,
        tcv.value, tcv.identification, tcv.sort, tcv.status, tcv.create_time, tcv.update_time, tcv.del_flag
        FROM temp_config_value tcv
        LEFT JOIN temp_currency tcy ON tcy.id = tcv.temp_id
        LEFT JOIN temp_config tcg ON tcg.id = tcv.config_id
            tcv.id IN ( SELECT max(id) `id` FROM temp_config_value WHERE del_flag = 0 AND identification = 0 GROUP BY temp_id, config_id )
            AND tcv.del_flag = 0 AND tcv.status = 0
            <if test="tempConfigValueDTO.tempId != null and tempConfigValueDTO.tempId != '' ">
                AND tcv.temp_id = #{tempConfigValueDTO.tempId}
        ORDER BY tcv.create_time DESC


Group By 分组并获取每组内最新的数据记录