
华中科技大学口腔医学研究生_为什么我离开医学界去科技界 为什么我离开医学界去科技界 (Why I left my medical career for the tech world)


by Jagoda Dworniczak

通过Jagoda Dworniczak

为什么我离开医学界去科技界 (Why I left my medical career for the tech world)

When I got my first job in IT a few years ago, my tech knowledge was limited to knowing that a server was a big computer.


It was almost two years ago when, just by coincidence, I heard about a job offer that was supposed to be about “writing technical articles in plain English”.


Without too much faith and with even fewer technical skills, I decided to apply. So, while I was still a pharmacy student, I was given a chance to become a Technical Writer for a dynamically developing web app called Voucherify.

我没有太多的信心,甚至缺乏技术技能,因此决定申请。 因此,当我还是一名药学专业的学生时,就有机会成为名为Voucherify的动态开发Web应用程序的技术作家。

This article presents my first steps into the IT World as a Technical Writer, steps which led me into advanced digital marketing and the beginnings of coding.


我在这是要干嘛? (What am I doing here?)

That was my best summary of my first few months at Voucherify. Early weeks were quite a shock. I had to get used to more than five tabs being open in my browser, and learn the way my new team (consisting of developers) worked. In pharmacy, no one had heard about Slack, Trello, or Stand-ups. It was also “hard” to get used to the truly outstanding, loft-style office with Razor Crazy Cart, bouldering wall, ping pong, and free food.

这是我在Voucherify最初几个月的最佳总结。 最初的几周令人震惊。 我必须习惯于在浏览器中打开五个以上的选项卡,并学习新团队(由开发人员组成)的工作方式。 在药房中,没有人听说过Slack,Trello或Stand-ups。 适应剃须刀疯狂购物车,抱石墙,乒乓球和免费食物等真正出色的阁楼式办公室也很困难。

Finally, I switched from a very female-centric profession to the tech industry which is dominated by men. My company currently employs three women including me. In contrast, the pharmacy I worked for employed one man.

最后,我从以女性为中心的职业转变为以男性为主的科技产业。 我公司目前雇用包括我在内的三名女性。 相反,我在一家药店工作的人只有一个。

I’ve seen the warnings, the stories revealing discrimination against women in the tech world. But so far, I’m so grateful to say that I’ve experienced nothing like that. And I know I’m lucky. I’ve had lots of fun being a part of both female and male-dominated teams. However, because of the bonds of sisterhood, I won’t tell you which style of work I like more.

我看过这些警告,这些故事揭示了科技界对女性的歧视。 但是到目前为止,我很高兴地说我没有经历过那样的事情。 而且我知道我很幸运。 作为男性和女性球队的一员,我获得了很多乐趣。 但是,由于姐妹关系的关系,我不会告诉您我更喜欢哪种工作风格。

My first months of this experiment in the tech world required me to learn an enormous amount of digital marketing and e-commerce stuff. But I (slowly) started to feel more comfortable as a part of the team.

在科技界进行这项实验的头几个月,我需要学习大量的数字营销和电子商务知识。 但是作为团队的一部分,我(慢慢地)开始感到更加自在。

My job was mainly focused on writing technical tutorials and building SEO positions with blog content for our app. It was also a time when Voucherify was developing very quickly, and I could witness how the app started to gather more and more customers.

我的工作主要集中在编写技术教程和利用我们的应用程序的博客内容建立SEO职位。 那时Voucherify的发展非常Swift,我可以目睹该应用程序如何开始吸引越来越多的客户。

Finally, we came to the first 100 paying customers. Around that time, I had to face a choice between continuing with Voucherify or embracing Pharmacy full time. This was the first time I’d have to make a career decision.

最终,我们来到了前100个付费客户。 在那段时间,我不得不选择继续使用Voucherify还是全职接受Pharmacy。 这是我第一次必须做出职业决定。

Because of my pharmacy internship (obligatory after pharmacy studies to get the right to practice), I could either quit and give up IT or try to reconcile the internship with Voucherify — which, at that time, meant working more than 230 hours per month.


I decided to stay with Voucherify, and it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done.


是什么使IT值得呢? (What makes IT worth it?)

The first thing I learned about working in IT is that there are no ready solutions you can use when you meet an obstacle.


In medicine, you have a general knowledge base which draws on studies and research from all over the world. Thanks to that, you know where to look to find new data or backup for your science work.

在医学领域,您拥有一个通用的知识库,该知识库借鉴了来自世界各地的研究。 因此,您知道在哪里可以找到新数据或备份以进行科学工作。

IT is different. When a developer meets an obstacle, they need to figure it out for themselves or search the Internet for the answer. Likewise, online marketing is based on regular tests and keeping up with the dynamically changing global technologies.

它是不同的。 当开发人员遇到障碍时,他们需要自己解决问题或在Internet上寻找答案。 同样,在线营销基于常规测试,并与动态变化的全球技术保持同步。

Our app supports companies all over the world, which means our marketing strategy needs to align with many diversified markets. That makes this work challenging and exciting at the same time. After all — we don’t grow when things are easy.

我们的应用程序支持世界各地的公司,这意味着我们的营销策略需要与许多多元化的市场保持一致。 这使得这项工作既充满挑战又令人兴奋。 毕竟-当事情变得简单时,我们就不会成长。

The other exciting thing is the team and the project. The Voucherify team has let me participate in creating a product which brings measurable value to our customers. It’s a great feeling building something real. And this is what I like about IT and what, in fact, persuaded me to start to learn to code.

另一个令人兴奋的事情是团队和项目。 Voucherify团队让我参与了创建产品的过程,该产品为我们的客户带来了可衡量的价值。 建立真实的东西真是太好了。 这就是我对IT的喜好,实际上是说服我开始学习编码的。

深入挖掘开发人员的世界 (Digging deeper into the world of developers)

A year working with developers allowed me to familiarize myself with the way they work. What’s great about programming is that it forces you to constantly develop and sharpen up your skills.

与开发人员合作的一年使我熟悉了他们的工作方式。 编程的优点是,它迫使您不断发展和提高技能。

From my point of view, this is the reason you can be here for years and still not get bored. It also means your hard work can grant you access to the IT world without the obligatory long years of studies, as is the case in the medical field.

从我的角度来看,这就是您可以待在这里多年而又不会感到无聊的原因。 这也意味着您的辛勤工作可以使您进入IT世界,而无需像医学领域那样进行长时间的必修课。

Trying to wrap my first impressions about coding into words, I would say that it requires a level of thinking that pains and frustrates. I and my coding skills are still at this point, with the same feelings. But the moment those few lines of still poor code start to do what they should, it is priceless.

试图将我对编码的第一印象包装成单词,我想这需要痛苦和沮丧的思考。 我和我的编码技能仍然停留在这一点上,并且有着相同的感受。 但是,那几行仍然很差的代码开始做应做的事情时,它是无价的。

So, summing up for everyone who’s about to begin: take your time, be around people ready to support you, have a lot of patience and the determination to think a lot, and primarily, don’t worry that nothing works.


研究与跳入深水 (Studies vs. Jump into the deep water)

I started working in an area completely unrelated to the profession I had spent years studying, because it could teach me new things and push me out of my comfort zone. You never know what will be needed in the future, and even the simplest ability could turn out to be useful over time.

我开始在与我多年学习的职业完全无关的领域工作,因为它可以教会我新事物,并使我脱离舒适的环境。 您永远不会知道将来需要什么,并且即使最简单的功能也会随着时间的推移变得有用。

For example, a couple of years ago, thanks to my part-time holiday job, I learned to put cucumbers in jars at a very quick pace (it was a piece work). After a month of this work, I could produce one thousand jars daily. And now, my mum and grandmas have a trained assistant (me) when we re-supply our family pantry with cucumber preserves.

例如,几年前,由于我的兼职假期工作,我学会了以非常快的速度将Cucumber放入罐子中(这是一件零活的工作)。 经过一个月的工作,我每天可以生产一千个罐子。 现在,当我们为家庭食品储藏室重新供应Cucumber蜜饯时,我的妈妈和祖母有了训练有素的助手(我)。

Of course, working in digital marketing (or any other field of IT) would be much more comfortable if I had related proven abilities.


However, it would’ve also been a little bit harder for me without any experience in Pharmacy. Soft skills can be very hard to learn while studying coding or design. But I had learned those skills through my work in the medical field. So when I started to support our customers through live chat, I could do it without fear of talking to strangers.

但是,如果没有任何药剂学方面的经验,对我来说也将变得有些困难。 在学习编码或设计时,很难学习软技能。 但是我在医学领域的工作中学到了这些技能。 因此,当我开始通过实时聊天为客户提供支持时,就可以做到,而不必担心与陌生人交谈。

As a pharmacist, I had to face patients standing in front of me for real, expecting professional advice without allowing me the time to think or search the Internet. However, thanks to a year in IT, I was able to Google some problematic answers very fast. ?

作为一名药剂师,我不得不面对站在我面前的患者,以获得真实,期望的专业建议,而又没有时间思考或搜索互联网。 但是,由于有一年的IT工作经验,我能够非常快速地向Google提出一些有问题的答案。 ?

Looking at it from the other side, time spent with computer technologies can only bring you benefits in the future, in any job. Similar to medical companies, all businesses need an IT department, and possessing some tech knowledge gives you an advantage.

从另一方面来看,花在计算机技术上的时间只会在未来的任何工作中为您带来收益。 与医疗公司类似,所有企业都需要一个IT部门,并且拥有一些技术知识可以为您带来优势。

I can’t say how much studying digital marketing or computer science would affect my current work, but I think that in the case of IT projects, it’s always good to give it a go and jump in, even without a diploma.


摘要 (Summary)

From the perspective of my pharmacy colleagues, I took a step back. I refused to work in a field in which I could be a well-paid professional in order to become a newbie with a long way to go to get to the same point.

从药房同事的角度来看,我退了一步。 我拒绝在一个我可以成为高薪专业人士的领域工作,以便成为一名新手,而且要走很长一段路要走到同一点。

For me, leaving my comfort zone was too tempting to refuse. Moreover, because I also met a great team, this “step back” directed many of my steps forward in the future.

对我来说,离开我的舒适区太诱人了。 此外,因为我也遇到了一个很棒的团队,所以这次“退步”指导了我今后的许多前进。

Medicine still gives me lots of satisfaction when I occasionally work as a lecturer, and it also allows me to take care of my family in a way I couldn’t without that knowledge. What IT and Voucherify give me though, is a feeling that spending almost 70% of the day working is finally okay.

当我偶尔担任讲师时,医学仍然给我带来很多满足感,它还使我能够以一种没有知识的方式来照顾家人。 IT和Voucherify给我的感觉是,将近70%的一天的工作时间终于可以了。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-i-left-my-medical-career-for-the-tech-world-2df2f3a9780f/
