

MakeLink.asm, a demonstration of COM


This program does very little, as a good tutorial program should. When run, it creates a shortcut to itself, in the same directory. It can be amusing to run from file explorer and watch the shortcut appear. Then you can try the shortcut and watch it's creation time change.


The shell link tutorial code is in .../COM/examples/shortcut. It begins with some "hack code" to get the full file name path of the executable, and also makes a string with the same path that changes the file to "Shortcut To ShellLink.lnk" These strings are passed to the shell link interface, and it is saved (or persisted in COM-speak).

快捷方式的示例代码位于.../COM/examples/shortcut。它由一些为了获得可执行文件​的文件​名的完整路径的“hack code”开始,而且用相同的路径创建了一个字符​串。它把文件​改变为"Shortcut To ShellLink.lnk"。这几个字符串被传递给shell link接口,而且它被保存了(用COM的语言,被持久化了)。

The CoCreateLink procedure used to actually perform the COM methods and perform this link creation has been kept as general as possible, and may have reuse possibilities in other applications.


This program is similar to earlier published tutorial, but has been edited for some additional clarity. The interfaces are defined in a separate include file to reduce clutter. It may be built in MASM32 by using the .../COM/bin/BLDDLL.BAT file supplied.


Additional note: Iczelion has quite a useful file in his tutorials named resource.h. It is quite useful when using rc.exe to compile resource files. I use it so much I have moved it to my /masm32/include/ folder. You need to either move your copy there, or change the path in the rsrc.rc file to build it properly.




"Inside COM, Microsoft's Component Object Model" Dale Rogerson Copyright 1997,

Paperback - 376 pages CD-ROM edition

Microsoft Press; ISBN: 1572313498

(THE book for understanding how COM works on a fundamental level. Uses C++ code to illustrate basic concepts as it builds simple fully functional COM object)

"Automation Programmer's Reference : Using ActiveX Technology to Create

Programmable Applications" (no author listed)

Copyright 1997,

Paperback - 450 pages

Microsoft Press; ISBN: 1572315849

(This book has been available online on MSDN in the past, but it is cheap enough for those of you who prefer real books you can hold in your hand. Defines the practical interfaces and functions that the automation libraries provide you, but is more of a reference book then a "user's guide")

Microsoft Developers Network


"Professional Visual C++ 5 ActiveX/Com Control Programming" Sing Li and Panos Economopoulos

Copyright April 1997,

Paperback - 500 pages (no CD Rom, files available online)

Wrox Press Inc; ISBN: 1861000375

(Excellent description of activeX control and control site interfaces. A recent review of this book on Amazon.com stated "These guys are the type that want to rewrite the world's entire software base in assembler." Need I say more?)

"sean's inconsequential homepage" http://ript.net/~spec/

Various hardcore articles on low-level COM and ATL techniques. Coded in C++

"Using COM in Assembly Language" Bill Tyler


Assembly Language Journal, Apr-June 99




; MakeLink.asm ActiveX simple client to demonstrate basic concepts
;               written & (c) copyright April 5, 2000 by Ernest Murphy
;               contact the author at [email protected]
;               may be reused for any educational or
;               non-commercial application without further license
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

include /masm32/include/windows.inc
include /masm32/include/user32.inc
include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc
include /masm32/include/ole32.inc
include /masm32/com/include/oaidl.inc
include /masm32/com/include/shlobj.inc
includelib /masm32/lib/user32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/kernel32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/ole32.lib
CoCreateLink      PROTO :DWORD, :DWORD
MakeMessage MACRO Text:REQ
    ; macro to display a message box
    ; the text to display is kept local to
    ; this routine for ease of use
    LOCAL lbl
    LOCAL sztext
    jmp lbl
    db Text,0
    invoke MessageBox,NULL,sztext,ADDR szAppName,MB_OK
  ; IPersistFile Interface 
  IPersistFile            STRUCT DWORD
       IPersistFile_QueryInterface       comethod3       ?
       IPersistFile_AddRef               comethod1       ?
       IPersistFile_Release              comethod1       ?
       IPersistFile_GetClassID           comethod2       ?
       IPersistFile_IsDirty              comethod1       ?
       IPersistFile_Load                 comethod3       ?
       IPersistFile_Save                 comethod3       ?
       IPersistFile_SaveCompleted        comethod2       ?
       IPersistFile_GetCurFile           comethod2       ?
 IPersistFile            ENDS
szAppName         BYTE     "Shell Link Maker", 0
szLinkName        BYTE     "Shortcut to MakeLink.lnk", 0
szBKSlash   BYTE   "/", 0
hInstance         HINSTANCE   ?
Pos               DWORD       ?
szBuffer1   BYTE   MAX_PATH DUP(?)
szBuffer2   BYTE   MAX_PATH DUP(?)
;  this bracketed code is just a 'quick hack'
;  to replace the filename from the filepathname
;  with the 'Shortcut to' title
    invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
    mov hInstance, eax
    invoke GetModuleFileName, NULL, ADDR szBuffer1, MAX_PATH
    invoke lstrcpy, ADDR szBuffer2, ADDR szBuffer1
    ; Find the last backslash '/' and change it to zero
    mov edx, OFFSET szBuffer2
    mov ecx, edx
        mov al, BYTE PTR [edx]
        .IF al == 92 ; "/"
            mov ecx, edx
        inc edx
    .UNTIL  al == 0
    mov BYTE PTR [ecx+1], 0   
    invoke lstrcpy, ADDR szBuffer2, ADDR szLinkName
; here is where we call the proc with the COM methods
    invoke CoInitialize, NULL
    MakeMessage "Let's try our Createlink."
    invoke CoCreateLink, ADDR szBuffer1, ADDR szBuffer2
    MakeMessage "That's all folks !!!"
    invoke CoUninitialize
invoke ExitProcess, NULL
CoCreateLink PROC pszPathObj:DWORD, pszPathLink:DWORD
 ; CreateLink - uses the shell's IShellLink and IPersistFile interfaces 
 ;   to create and store a shortcut to the specified object. 
 ; Returns the hresult of calling the member functions of the interfaces. 
 ; pszPathObj - address of a buffer containing the path of the object. 
 ; pszPathLink - address of a buffer containing the path where the 
 ;   shell link is to be stored. 
 ; addapted from MSDN article "Shell Links"
 ;  deleted useless "description" method
 ;  added set icon location method
    LOCAL   pwsz    :DWORD         
    LOCAL   psl     :DWORD         
    LOCAL   ppf     :DWORD       
    LOCAL   hResult :DWORD       
    LOCAL   hHeap   :DWORD       
CLSID_ShellLink     GUID       sCLSID_ShellLink
IID_IShellLink      GUID       sIID_IShellLink
IID_IPersistFile    GUID       {00000010bH, 00000H, 00000H, / 
                               {0C0H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 046H}}
    ; first, get some heap for a wide buffer
    invoke GetProcessHeap
    mov hHeap, eax
    invoke HeapAlloc, hHeap, NULL, MAX_PATH * 2
    mov pwsz, eax
    ; Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface. 
    invoke CoCreateInstance, ADDR CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, 
                             ADDR IID_IShellLink, ADDR psl
    mov hResult, eax
    test eax, eax
        ; Query IShellLink for the IPersistFile 
        ; interface for saving the shortcut
        coinvoke psl, IShellLink, QueryInterface, ADDR IID_IPersistFile, ADDR ppf
        mov hResult, eax
        test eax, eax
        .IF SUCCEEDED 
            ; Set the path to the shortcut target 
            coinvoke psl, IShellLink, SetPath, pszPathObj
            mov hResult, eax
            ; add the  description, use first icon found
            coinvoke psl, IShellLink, SetIconLocation, pszPathObj, 0 
            mov hResult, eax
            ; change string to Unicode. 
            ; (COM typically expects Unicode strings)
            invoke MultiByteToWideChar, CP_ACP, 0, pszPathLink, 
                                        -1, pwsz, MAX_PATH
            ; Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save
  coinvoke ppf, IPersistFile, Save, pwsz, TRUE
            mov eax, hResult
            ; release the IPersistFile ppf pointer
            coinvoke ppf, IPersistFile, Release
            mov hResult, eax
        ; release the IShellLink psl pointer
        coinvoke psl, IShellLink, Release
        mov hResult, eax
    ; free our heap space
    invoke HeapFree, hHeap, NULL, pwsz
    mov eax, hResult    ; since we reuse this variable over and over,
                        ;  it contains the last operations result
CoCreateLink ENDP
end start 

// resource.h may be found in Iczelion's tut #10-1
// it is well worth moving to your /masm32/include/ folder
#include "/masm32/include/resource.h"
#define IDC_ICON1              1001
#define IDC_ICON2              1002