





After entering the 21 st century, the world has also entered the information age. With the advent of the Internet era, as one of the emerging communication media blog, but also become one of the most widely used network communication platform. As the most widely used social media, blog has the advantages of simple operation and beautiful interface compared with other social media, and is widely used in the majority of users. Compared with traditional media such as E-Mail, forums, websites and so on, blog is more suitable for the needs of modern users because of its lack of personal personality, lack of freedom and delay. The traditional blog system can no longer meet the needs of users, and most of the development of blog systems is focused on enterprises or other institutions of society, but less attention is paid to the needs of ordinary users. Therefore, it is necessary to create a well-functioning blog system suitable for personal communication and communication.

The blog system is a shared blog, focusing on personal learning experience, life and other aspects of the record. The background is based on the Flask framework in the Python, and also involves reptiles. The database uses light SQLite, At the same time, the implementation of front-end pages involves HTML,JavaScript and so on. System roles are divided into tourists, users, administrators, tourists can only view operations, users can publish and manage blogs and comments, like other people's blogs, users can also edit personal information in the personal center operations, Administrators can add and delete all blogs and comments. Blog editing and viewing use rich text, involving MarkDown languages.

Keywords: blog system; personal blog; Python,Django,SQLite

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

1绪论 1

1.1选题背景及选题意义 1

1.2 博客发布系统概述 1

1.3 毕业设计研究方案 2

2系统开发和环境介绍 4

2.1开发基本环境配置 4

2.1.1安装Apache 4

2.1.2安装和配置Apache 4

2.1.3安装、配置Python 4

2.1.4 安装Django 5

2.2 开发语言概述 5

2.2.1 Django简介 5

2.2.2 Bootstrap简介 6

2.2.3 JQuery简介 6

2.2.4 TinyMCE简介 7

2.2.5 SQLite简介 7

3系统分析 8

3.1开发背景 8

3.2系统功能需求分析 8

3.3需要实现的功能及功能模块 8

3.3.1 用户注册 8

3.3.2用户登录 9

3.3.3修改用户密码 9

3.3.4查看用户 9

3.3.5查看博文 9

3.3.6发博文 9

3.3.7查看个人信息 9

3.3.8 删除博文 10

3.3.9 评论 10

3.3.10 注销 10

3.4系统流程分析 10

3.4.1系统的功能图 10

3.4.2系统的用例图 13

3.4.3系统的流程图 13

4系统设计与实现 15

4.1数据库设计 15

4.1.1 角色分析 15

4.1.2 数据库建表(models中创建的表) 16

4.3系统前台设计 16

4.4部分功能代码 20

4.4.1 用户博客注册 20

4.4.2显示博文详细内容 20

4.4.3分页的实现 21

5总结与展望 23