
QT开发资料 qt4.4.3下载CSc 59866 Senior Capstone Course

QT开发资料 qt4.4.3下载


CSc 59866

Senior Capstone Course

Qt installation for Windows (Visual Studio 6.0 users only)

Download the following two files:



Double click the qt-win-commercial-4.4.3-vc60.exe file to begin the Qt installation process.

When the installation wizard prompts you for the Licensee name, enter "Prof. George Wolberg" (without the double quotes).

When the installation wizard prompts you for the license key, enter BGKX9-RM5-TBM-GCX-Y79DX-FR8V7-C6A4

Double click the qt-vsaddin-collection-2.1.4.exe file to begin the Qt Visual Studio 6.0 integration process. Please note that you must use Visual C++ 6.0 in order for the integration to work so that Qt icons can appear in the toolbar of the integrated development environment. The toolbar appears only after you perform this one-time operation: open MS VC++ 6.0 and click on Tools -> Customize -> Add-ins and Macro Files and check the "Qt 4 Integration" box. Then, select Toolbars and check the Toolbar 1 and Toolbar 2 entries.

Once Qt is installed, run "assistant" to access the documentation, tutorials, and examples.

For more information on compiler and developer notes, go to: http://qtsoftware.com/developer/supported-platforms

Qt installation for Windows (Visual Studio 2005 users only)

Download the following two files:



Double click the qt-win-commercial-4.4.3-vs2005.exe file to begin the Qt installation process.

When the installation wizard prompts you for the Licensee name, enter "Prof. George Wolberg" (without the double quotes).

When the installation wizard prompts you for the license key, enter BGKX9-RM5-TBM-GCX-Y79DX-FR8V7-C6A4

Double click the qt-vsintegration-1.4.3.exe file to begin the Qt Visual Studio 2005 integration process. Please note that you must use Visual C++ 2005 in order for the integration to work so that the Qt can appear in the menubar of the integrated development environment. The Qt menu should appear automatically. For expert users, you can go to Tool -> Add-in Manager and you will see the list of add-ins that are available.

Once Qt is installed, run "assistant" to access the documentation, tutorials, and examples.

For more information on compiler and developer notes, go to: http://qtsoftware.com/developer/supported-platforms

Qt installation for Windows (Visual Studio 2008 users only)

Download the following file:


Double click the qt-win-commercial-4.4.3-vs2008.exe file to begin the Qt installation process.

When the installation wizard prompts you for the Licensee name, enter "Prof. George Wolberg" (without the double quotes).

When the installation wizard prompts you for the license key, enter BGKX9-RM5-TBM-GCX-Y79DX-FR8V7-C6A4

Once Qt is installed, run "assistant" to access the documentation, tutorials, and examples.

For more information on compiler and developer notes, go to: http://qtsoftware.com/developer/supported-platforms

Qt installation for Linux

Download the following file into /tmp:


Follow the steps given here. Note that all references to 4.1.3 in the installation instructions should be replaced to 4.4.3 since 4.4.3 is the version of Qt that we are using.