



创建连接	也就是和工具创建连接
public static XComponentContext createContext() throws Exception,
   BootstrapException {
  String oooExeFolder = "C:/Program Files/OpenOffice.org 3/program/";
  return BootstrapSocketConnector.bootstrap(oooExeFolder);


 public static XComponentLoader createLoader(XComponentContext context)
   throws Exception {
  XMultiComponentFactory mcf = context.getServiceManager();
  Object desktop = mcf.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", context);
  return (XComponentLoader) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, desktop);


 public static Object loadDocument(XComponentLoader loader,
   String inputFilePath) throws Exception {

  PropertyValue[] propertyValues = new PropertyValue[1];
  propertyValues[0] = new PropertyValue();
  propertyValues[0].Name = "Hidden";
  propertyValues[0].Value = new Boolean(true);

  File inputFile = new File(inputFilePath);
  String inputUrl = "file:///"+ inputFile.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
  System.out.println("inputUrl地址" + inputUrl);
  return loader.loadComponentFromURL(inputUrl, "_blank", 0, propertyValues);


//设置转换成的目标文件的属性  具体属性可以参考官网api

public static void convertDocument(Object doc, String outputFilePath,
   String convertType) throws Exception {

  // Preparing properties for converting the document
  PropertyValue[] propertyValues = new PropertyValue[2];
  // Setting the flag for overwriting
  propertyValues[0] = new PropertyValue();
  propertyValues[0].Name = "Overwrite";
  propertyValues[0].Value = new Boolean(true);
  // Setting the filter name
  propertyValues[1] = new PropertyValue();
  propertyValues[1].Name = "FilterName";
  propertyValues[1].Value = convertType;


  //Composing the URL by replacing all backslashs
  File outputFile = new File(outputFilePath);
  String outputUrl = "file:///"+ outputFile.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
  // Getting an object that will offer a simple way to store
  // a document to a URL.
  XStorable storable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, doc);
  // Storing and converting the document
  // storable.storeAsURL(outputUrl, propertyValues);
  storable.storeToURL(outputUrl, propertyValues);




public static void closeDocument(Object doc) throws Exception {
     //Closing the converted document. Use XCloseable.clsoe if the
     //interface is supported, otherwise use XComponent.dispose
     XCloseable closeable = (XCloseable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCloseable.class, doc);
  if (closeable != null) {
  } else {
     XComponent component = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, doc);
String convertType = "writer_pdf_Export";  //设置转换成的文件是PDF,也可以转换成html具体可以参考api说明
XComponentContext context = JOD4DocToHTML.createContext();
XComponentLoader compLoader = JOD4DocToHTML.createLoader(context);
					Object doc = JOD4DocToHTML.loadDocument(compLoader,"源文件");


 注意bootstrapconnector这个会出现错误。 解决的办法就是重新编译这个jar包。因为jar包的下载的时候版本可能不一样。
