


  • Background
  • Methods
    • Study Pupulation
    • Study Design
    • DeepSymNet Description
    • Statistical Analysis
  • Results
  • 其他


期刊文献《Machine Learning–Enabled Automated Determination of Acute Ischemic Core From Computed Tomography Angiography [1] 》阅读笔记,它主要讲了如何通过CTA推测梗死体积,以及效果如何。


Specifcally, patients enrolled in these latest studies were identifed using emergent magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography perfusion (CTP). However, the majority of community hospitals and primary stroke centers do not have these capabilities 24/7 nor the expertise to interpret these studies emergently. Also, prior studies have shown that head movement in CTP acquisitions limits its interpretability in up to 25% of patients.3,4 Moreover, the capacity of inpatient Neurologists and Emergency Medicine physicians to evaluate all stroke patients up to 24 hours from LKWT with the same level of urgency as 0- to 6-hour presentations is limited.





Therefore, should all stroke patients up to 24 hours from LKWT be routed directly to comprehensive stroke centers? Doing so would result in a large number of non-EST or thrombolysis candidates bypassing centers fully qualifed to care for them and overstretch the capacity of comprehensive stroke center hospitals and staff. As such, there is a pressing need to screen patients that may be candidates for treatment using imaging data and expertise that are available reliably at primary stroke centers.



Study Pupulation

All patients presenting to our Emergency Department for an acute stroke evaluation undergo the same neuroimaging protocol, which consists of a noncontrast head CT (NCHCT) followed by CTP and CTA. As such, an identical imaging protocol was performed in both patients who were ultimately diagnosed with LVO AIS, non-LVO AIS, as well as those ultimately diagnosed as not having AIS or TIA.



Study Design

Two primary end points were chosen to reflect the questions that the AIS neuroimaging evaluation must address. The frst end point was accuracy in detection of LVO. The second primary end point was accuracy in detection of ischemic core.




DeepSymNet Description

DeepSymNet, which leverages brain symmetry information to learn an outcome variable.


an initial preprocessing pipeline automatically removes the skull, registers the CTA to a common template, and normalizes the voxel intensity.


Then, the DeepSymNet architecture learns the convolutional flters common to the 2 brain hemispheres using 3-dimensional Inception modules.

The DeepSymNet was trained and tested using a 10-fold cross-validation on 2 binary variables: presence/absence of large vessel occlusion and a dichotomized ischemic core size with a threshold of 30 or 50 mL as described in Figure I in the online-only Data Supplement. The DeepSymNet probabilities for the 2 binary variables were then used for the statistical analysis. The contribution of each voxel toward reaching the output classifer probability was evaluated using ϵ-Layerwise Relevance Propagation (online-only Data Supplement).



Statistical Analysis

Univariate comparisons between continuous variables were performed using Student t test or Wilcoxon rank-sum testing for nonnormal data, and univariate comparisons of categorical variables were performed using Fisher exact test.

连续变量间的单变量比较采用Student t检验或Wilcoxon秩和检验,分类变量的单变量比较采用Fisher精确检验。

From the DeepSymNet probabilities described above for the 3 comparisons (LVO detection, ischemic core ≤30 mL and ischemic core ≤50 mL), receiver-operator curve analysis was performed, and DeepSymNet determinations were evaluated using area under the curve (AUC) measurements with 95% CIs.


Correlation between DeepSymnet probabilities and CTP-RAPID ischemic core volume predictions (as a continuous variable) was performed using Pearson correlation.


Analyses were performed using the Scikit-Learn/Statsmodels Python libraries and confrmed with StataMP 14 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX), Prism 7 (GraphPad, La Jolla, CA) statistical software.

使用Scikit Learn/Statsmodels Python库进行分析,并与StataMP 14(StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX)和Prism 7(GraphPad,La Jolla,CA)统计软件一致。



[1] Sheth S A, Lopez-Rivera V, Barman A, et al. Machine Learning–Enabled Automated Determination of Acute Ischemic Core From Computed Tomography Angiography[J]. Stroke, 2019, 50(11): 3093-3100.

[2] Barman A, Inam M E, Lee S, et al. Determining ischemic stroke from CT-angiography imaging using symmetry-sensitive convolutional networks[C]//2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019). IEEE, 2019: 1873-1877.
