
oracle12c drop 表空间,关于ORACLE12C SYSAUX表空间爆满的情况

I think I was using it without knowing...I have learned it the hard

way because I noticed that in all my production databases the

sysaux tablespace was growing fast. I used the script awrreport and

I saw that the space was used by the schema AUDSYS, and more

exactly by a LOB column in a table used by the audit, called

something like CLI_SWP$#ee92..(long number here)

This is strange because according to the doc Unified auditing is

not enabled:

select * from v$option where parameter like '%Audit%'

returns false for 'Unified Auditing'.

So I guess that I am in mixed mode

select count(*) from unified_audit_trail;

the query takes so long that I never get a response. Strange

because according to the doc, this view is not used in mixed mode

so it should be empty. DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL is very small as is the old

AUD$ table

select * from audit_unified_enabled_policies;

it shows that the policy ORA_SECURECONFIG is enabled

If I really try hard to read the view unified_audit_trail, on a

development system where it is much smaller, I can see that most of

the record in unified_audit_trail are related to login/logoff

If I disable the ORA_SECURECONFIG then those records are not coming

anymore: noaudit

policy ora_secureconfig;

If I change the audit_trail parameter from 'DB' to 'none' (it needs

a restart of the DB) then all those records stop also to appear in

the view audit_unified_policies

So I am going to do that on all my prod databases.

But then I am left with 20G of audit data to clean. There is a

purge procedure, but the underlying tables are so big that nothing

seem to work (even a simple select takes ages, it seems the

underlying tables are full of partitions CLOB columns and it is

incredibly slow)

My final though is that the documentation is not correct: even if

the option is not installed, once the audit_trail parameter is set

to 'DB' oracle starts to store a lot of data in the AUDSY schema

(be ready to put the purge job in place, as documented). What is

particular to my set-up is that our applications are doing

continuous login/logoff which is not very common and not a good

design. But for sure I don't need nor want all this audit

information that nobody will ever read anyway !!

Rgds, Pierre