
php mysql 引用符号,如何使用PHP在MySQL中存储“€”符号?

php mysql 引用符号,如何使用PHP在MySQL中存储“€”符号?

I've set the PHP character set to utf-8:

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

I've set the currency column in MySQL to varchar(1) with collation utf8_unicode_ci.

However, the following code in PHP:

$currency = '€';

$sql = "UPDATE myTable SET currency = '$currency' WHERE user = '$user'";


Produces the following character in MySQL:


How can I get the € symbol to store properly in MySQL?


Make sure your script file, the file that contains the line

$currency = '€';

is encoded UTF-8. You should have an option to that effect in your editor's or IDE's "Save as" dialog.

Then make sure your connection is UTF-8 encoded as well - it is ISO-8859-1 by default.

After connecting to the database, for mySQL before 5.0.7:

mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");

For mySQL 5.0.7 and newer:
