
JAVA对Excel的操作 jExcel篇

1) 去这里下一个jexcel(有native调用,感觉不是很爽!) 


JExcel v1.2 

  - JExcel library 

  - JExcel Demo (with source code) 

  - Programmer's Guide 

  - Bundled with JNIWrapper and ComfyJ 

  - Samples 

Download * 2.03 MB 

2) http://www.teamdev.com/jexcel/index.jsf 

evaluation license key. 


Assembly code 

Dear bootupnow,

Thanks for your interest in JExcel library.

Attached you will find the evaluation key to unlock a full-featured version of JExcel for a period of 30 days starting from today [Wed Jul 16 10:09:10 CDT 2008].

Please rename the attached file "license._zip" into "license.zip".

For installation instructions, please see the "readme.txt" file inside the JExcel download package.

Your successful evaluation is important to us. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the product.

For technical questions, please e-mail to [email protected] or visit our support forum.

For general questions, please e-mail to [email protected] or visit our support forum.

We hope you will enjoy using JExcel!


TeamDev Ltd.


+1 425 223-3079 (US)

+380 57 766-0163 (UA)

Monday to Friday, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. (GMT+2).


2K   Download   

3) 按照Readme.txt的说明配置。 

Assembly code 

The  JExcel package  downloadable  from  JNIWrappper  Download  page  contains


- JNIWrapper Native Library (jniwrap.dll)

- JNIWrapper Library (jniwrap.jar)

- ComfyJ Library (comfyj.jar)

- WinPack Library (winpack.jar)

备注:上面四个文件,如果是application就要放在C:\WINDOWS\system32下,如果是web service project,就要放在服务器的bin目录下

- Programmer's Guides for JNIWrapper, ComfyJ and JExcel products

- JExcel usage examples source code

- JExcel Demo application and its source code

- JExcel License file (License.txt)

- This Readme file

   Installing Library JAR Files


JExcel uses JNIWrapper, ComfyJ and WinPack  products,  so  all  these  JAR  files 

should be in the application class path. 

Native JNIWrapper library (jniwrap.dll) is required  for  JExcel  and  it  should 

be placed in the working directory of a Java application.

All license files should be placed along with native JNIWrapper library or in the

application's JAR file, in its META-INF folder.

4) 按照jexcel的JExcel Programmer's Guide就可以开始操作excel了 

Java code 

import java.io.File;

import java.io.IOException;

import com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel.Application;

import com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel.ExcelException;

import com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel.FileFormat;

import com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel.Workbook;

public class Test {

    public static void doSomething(){

        try {

            Application application = new Application();


            Workbook workbook = application.createWorkbook("title");

            workbook.setPassword("123"); // 需要密码是123才能打开excel文件。

            workbook.saveAs(new File("C:/test.xls"),FileFormat.WORKBOOKNORMAL, true);


        } catch (ExcelException e) {


        } catch (IOException e) {




    public static void main(String[] args) {        

