

global CPVobj = #()
global UV2obj = #()
global CPVobj1 = #()
global UV2obj1 = #()
global PTobj = #()
global IDobj = #()
global PTobj1 = #()
global IDobj1 = #()
fn checkpoly =     --**定义检查是否为poly物体的函数,对skin物体还是有bug**
    sel = getCurrentSelection()
    for a= to sel.count do
    if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then  
            pasteS = copy sel[a].modifiers[#skin]               
                  skinOps.SaveEnvelope sel[a].modifiers[#Skin]  
            ConvertToPoly sel[a]                                
                  skinOps.LoadEnvelope sel[a].modifiers[#Skin] 
    for a= to sel.count do
        if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then print sel[a].name
    for a= to sel.count do
        if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then print sel[a].name
    for a= to sel.count do
        if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then ConvertToPoly sel[a]
fn getCPVobj =   --定义函数,收集有顶点色的物体
    sel = getCurrentSelection()
    for a= to sel.count do
        if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
                --if getnumCPVverts sel[a] != 0 then append CPVobj sel[a].name    
                --if getnumCPVverts sel[a] != 0 then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name   

            --**$.GetMapChannelActive 0 == true 判断通道信息里的0通道是否为真,真表示存在顶点色**
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]  
                print CPVobj
    for a= to sel.count do
        if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
                print CPVobj
    for a= to sel.count do
        if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
                print CPVobj

    for a= to sel.count do
        if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name
                if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive  == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
                print CPVobj


fn getUV2obj =     --定义函数,收集有2U的物体
        sel = getCurrentSelection()
        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
                if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
                if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
                print UV2obj
        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
                if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
                if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
                print UV2obj
        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
                    if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
                    if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
                    print UV2obj
        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
                    if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
                    if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a]  == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
                    print UV2obj
fn getPTobj =   --定义函数,收集物体坐标为归零的物体
        sel = getCurrentSelection()
        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].pivot != [,,] then append PTobj sel[a].name
            if sel[a].pivot != [,,] then append PTobj1 sel[a]
            print PTobj
fn getIDobj =   --定义函数,收集ID不为一的物体
    sel = getCurrentSelection()

        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
            Faceid = getFaceMatID sel[a]      
            --**mesh物体直接用 getFaceMatID $ 1;poly物体用polyop.getFaceMatID $ 1**
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj sel[a].name
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj1 sel[a]
            print IDobj

        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
            Faceid = polyop.getFaceMatID sel[a] 
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj sel[a].name
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj1 sel[a]
            print IDobj
        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
            Faceid = polyop.getFaceMatID sel[a] 
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj sel[a].name
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj1 sel[a]
            print IDobj
        for a= to sel.count do
            if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
            Faceid = getFaceMatID sel[a] 
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj sel[a].name
            if Faceid !=  then append IDobj1 sel[a]
            print IDobj
fn checkSel =     --定义一个函数,检查是否选择了物体
    sel = getCurrentSelection()
    sel1 = #()
    if sel.count ==  then messagebox "请先选择要操作的物体!"
        for i in sel do
        if classof i == editable_poly do join sel1 i
        return sel1

    print CPVobj
        print UV2obj
    print CPVobj1
        print UV2obj1
    print PTobj
    print IDobj
    print PTobj1
    print IDobj1