
python unicode转int_Python3将Unicode String转换为int表示

python unicode转int_Python3将Unicode String转换为int表示

As we all know, a computer works with numbers. I'm typing this text right now, the server makes a number out of it and when you want to read it, you'll get text from the server.

How can I do this on my own?

I want to encrypt something with my own algorithm and my algorithm works fine with integers, but now I want to encrypt a String and I don't know how to convert a Unicode string to an integer number and vice versa.

I'm using Python 3. Is there anybody who knows an elegant solution for my problem?


You are looking for the ord() function, I think:

>>> ord('a')


>>> ord('\u00c2')


To convert a whole set of characters use a list comprehension:

>>> [ord(c) for c in 'Hello World!']

[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33]

It's inverse is the chr() function:

>>> chr(97)


>>> chr(193)
